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Forums - Movies & TV - The Last of Us: The Series Thread

Jaicee said:

Episode 3 wasn't just good by the metrics of TV adaptations of video game, it was one of the best hours of television I've ever seen, period. I'd been anticipating getting to this point and...ya know sometimes I get a little skeptical when critics make such big promises as here (I can remember some monumental letdowns before), but Long Long Time really does make the case for narrative deviation from the source material in a big way that firmly gives the TV version its own distinct identity for what I feel like is the first time.

Without spoiling too much, you remember that note disclosing Bill and Frank's previous partnership alongside the latter's fate? Whelp, confirmed, this is 2023 now, not 2013 anymore, so Bill and Frank can have a real romance arc now, not just a passing acknowledgment after the fact. Indeed, said arc is the heart and soul of this episode, composing the bulk of it...and it's just beautiful! It does indeed end with a heart-wrenching conclusion still, but it's a different, and way more powerful, one than that in the game. The chemistry between these two is palpable from the outset and we get to watch Bill's contempt for humanity slowly melt away into a special mix of joy that we never see from him in the game combined with a new kind of fear unfamiliar previously unfamiliar to him. I won't spoil the new way that it all ends, but I will say that you don't have to be a gay man to weep bitterly over it.

This is must-view TV, simply put, and it's a real breakthrough for the show that, to me, gives it genuine merit separate and apart from the video game's existence. It's now ways in which the show diverges from the game's content that are standing out to me as the most special of all. I haven't stopped loving the game, but I'm now extremely glad that this show exists, and I don't just mean as a fan of the game. The TV series is now succeeding on its own merits, not just those of the game that inspired it. I can't wait to see more!

I agree witht all of the above; this was a truly amazing episode. This show at its best rivals most shows on my top 10 list at their best, and that's saying something. I'm really loving how they're very true to the source material, but deviate where it holds the most punch, and that they're giving some side-characters a lot of love and respect. I also like the flashbacks to the beginning, to see how it all started with the infection. I'm absolutely gobsmacked at how well they've adapted this to its new format and medium - this show could end up cleaning house come award season.

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Last nights episode was amazing because it offers the humanity that is often lacking in post apocalyptic series. I can't wait until next weeks episode.

Just watched it and i dont think i ever saw a tv episode as good as this, probably the best episode in a tv show i ever saw, not even games if thrones at his peak, true detective best moments , Chernobyl , etc.

Superb performances 😭


I'm surprised to see this episode seems quite devisive online. Now I do think the claims that it's the greatest hour of TV ever are a bit overboard. It was very good, but not at the same level as the wire, sopranos, mad men, breaking bad, better call saul etc.


It was a great stand alone, but it's largely inconsequential for the series. Joel and Ellie don't end up interacting with Frank/Bill. Most of the episode doesn't really move the story forward, and only exists to give more context to characters that are no longer part of the show. 

In a weird way:

- it's amazing by itself.

- arguably bad as part of a series.

- probably really good for people who played the game, and wanted more background on how Joel and Bill knew each other.

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the-pi-guy said:


It was a great stand alone, but it's largely inconsequential for the series. Joel and Ellie don't end up interacting with Frank/Bill. Most of the episode doesn't really move the story forward, and only exists to give more context to characters that are no longer part of the show. 

In a weird way:

- it's amazing by itself.

- arguably bad as part of a series.

- probably really good for people who played the game, and wanted more background on how Joel and Bill knew each other.

I think the main point of it is the juxtaposition of Bill and Joel as protectors - men with hearts gone cold who find new purpose through others. As such, it's also a great profile extension on Joel as a character. I understand why some might see it as pointless to dive into digressions from the game's main plot and characters, but I personally love the extra love and care put into this.

pikashoe said:

I'm surprised to see this episode seems quite devisive online.

Clearly you're not gay.

I instinctively knew exactly where to look for the dissenting opinions, as the Metacritic user review sections is reliable in its...oh let's just politely call it political imbalance. Let's take a look at some of the heavily up-voted comments on the very first page of Long Long Time's MC user reviews and see if we can find any patterns in what the detractors are objecting to:

Example 1, from TruArtS9: "This full of LGBT episode doesn't add anything new to the world of the series, they could have spent 80 mins showing animals striving to survive during the apocalypse and that might be of more interest. Why LGBT? Why not show some straight couple? This all makes no sense, but to please the certain auditory. Jeez, how the modern TV has fallen down."

Example 2, from zagrey: "...The problem is not even pushing agenda itself. Its a total imbalance of screentime..."

Example 3, from Bawa: "disgusting rainbow washing. ..."

Example 4, from Tim Sikes: "Stop with the propaganda and woke culture idiotism! Everything was made to promote gay agenda. This episode was literally a filler and a waste of time! 0 out of 10"

Example 5, from yuriysemenov6: "LGBT propoganda, why i should watching this, In the game it was just a small hint, but here they devoted an entire episode to this. It was really unpleasant for me to watch this, not all people support this, why are you imposing this madness!"

Example 6, from slabikusq75: "The whole episode is just a filler. You can skip it and you lose nothing. And it is a pure and intentional LGBT propaganda in all it's beauty. This episode ruins a storytelling pace and steals the time from main characters.I'm disappointed in this TV adaptation as much as I love an original game."

Example 7, from kathanorn: "So far worst episode that brings nothing to the story but only purpose for that is to please certain agenda. Okay the scenery is beautiful and music is top notch, yet Neil butchered his very own story."

Example 8, from bobcarlos: "It's not about the game. This is about ideology. Watching that was one of the most embarrassing things in my life."

I could go on much longer with these examples, but I think you get the picture of what people's real objection here is to. Some things never change. I wonder if this controversy would still exist if Bill was heterosexual. *scratches chin* Hmmm...!

Only saw the trailer so far, but I don't like the changes in the story:

Episode 4:

Again the show is better when it deviates from the source material rather than aping it. I preferred the way that lines from the game were delivered in the game but enjoyed some of the liberties the show took more. The diarrhea joke was a good scene, as was killing the kid. Not sure I buy this woman as the leader of the city but maybe next episode will convince me. It certainly looks like it's gonna be exciting.