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G2ThaUNiT said:

The new Doom title teased by Tom Henderson.

Guns in the medieval period? So this is a prequel?

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Oneeee-Chan!!! said:

I am so angry about Tango's closure that I would say MS is doubly hypocritical if NINJA Theory,
which has been even less successful than Hi-Fi Rush, can avoid closure.
Fucking racists.

To come to the conclusion that MS has to be racist just because they close a studio you don't agree with which is located in the country you don't want to see a studio closure is pretty weird to say it nicely.  

MS's CEO is born in India. A lot of their products are made in Asia included a lot of guesswork for their software. 

Ninja Theory is about more than just the sales of their games if you look at their technical achievement in graphics and sound (which still doesn't mean they will survive, though). They can be very helpful in promoting the capabilities of your systems. 

But all you see is "ohh no a studio in Japan they have to be racist then". 

And talking about racism in general, Japan isn't known as prime example where there's no racism...

Oneeee-Chan!!! said:

I am so angry about Tango's closure that I would say MS is doubly hypocritical if NINJA Theory,
which has been even less successful than Hi-Fi Rush, can avoid closure.
Fucking racists.

Americans are inherently racist against Japan, I wouldn’t be surprised if MS didn’t even pay them once. MS are disgusting western monopoly on human indecency. 

Ride The Chariot | ‘25 Completed

This was a troll post right :')... right?

Inactive. Bye!

shikamaru317 said:
Oneeee-Chan!!! said:

I am so angry about Tango's closure that I would say MS is doubly hypocritical if NINJA Theory,
which has been even less successful than Hi-Fi Rush, can avoid closure.
Fucking racists.

I agree with you that the closure of Tango is infuriating, but I doubt it has anything to do with race, they kept Activision Shanghai, they'd surely close it also if they were merely racist against Asians. I'm skeptical that it even has anything to do with money, as both HiFi and Ghostwire should have turned a profit as lower budget games that sold reasonably well (HiFi steam sales are estimated between 500k-1m by 4 different 3rd party Steam trackers, plus Xbox and Playstation sales, while Ghostwire is estimated at 1-2m on Steam by 2 different 3rd party trackers, plus Xbox and PS sales, and both also did well on Subscription services, hitting 3m and 7m players respectively at last official update over a half a year ago).

There has to be some behind the scenes reason for closing Tango specifically that we're just not seeing. Maybe alot of their developers left when Mikami did and they were struggling to hire talented replacements? Maybe Tango just didn't want to make whatever game Xbox wanted them to make next (Xbox pushing for Evil Within 3 perhaps, while the studio was pushing for HiFi and Ghostwire sequels since Evil Within was Mikami's baby)? I really don't know, but I do doubt race factored into it, or at least I hope it didnt.

If you believe Xbox's excuse it is literally "Tango is the only studio located in Japan and we were too spread thin and had to streamline operations" which sounds like bullshit but I don't discount it as being impossible to be true, all their current studios are in America or Europe. Aside from regional specific offices like Xbox Japan, Mojang Japan, Activision Shanghai, etc. It flies in the face of them saying they want to expand in Japan but when the cuts come down, I think there is an shitty logistical business argument to be made that the single Japanese studio should be the one to go. I hate it, I'm not saying I agree with it, but I think from a soulless executive standpoint it's not an impossibility.

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crissindahouse said:
Oneeee-Chan!!! said:

I am so angry about Tango's closure that I would say MS is doubly hypocritical if NINJA Theory,
which has been even less successful than Hi-Fi Rush, can avoid closure.
Fucking racists.

To come to the conclusion that MS has to be racist just because they close a studio you don't agree with which is located in the country you don't want to see a studio closure is pretty weird to say it nicely.  

MS's CEO is born in India. A lot of their products are made in Asia included a lot of guesswork for their software. 

Ninja Theory is about more than just the sales of their games if you look at their technical achievement in graphics and sound (which still doesn't mean they will survive, though). They can be very helpful in promoting the capabilities of your systems. 

But all you see is "ohh no a studio in Japan they have to be racist then". 

And talking about racism in general, Japan isn't known as prime example where there's no racism...

Shhh. They don't like it when you point out Japan's own racism and having even worse immigration laws than America.

PixelPirate said:

This was a troll post right :')... right?

Versus? Yes

Oneee? No, they have an extreme obsession with Japan which often results in these weird conspiracy theories.

crissindahouse said:

And talking about racism in general, Japan isn't known as prime example where there's no racism...

While I generally agree with your post (that this decision is probably not racist but just stupid), I want to point out that you can be racist about racist countries or racist persons. So racism against Japan cannot really be defelcted by pointing out Japanns racism.

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

my greatest games: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024

10 years greatest game event!

bets: [peak year] [+], [1], [2], [3], [4]

TheLegendaryBigBoss said:
G2ThaUNiT said:

The new Doom title teased by Tom Henderson.

Guns in the medieval period? So this is a prequel?

Yeah that’s what it seems to be. And with it being a medieval period setting, I’m hoping it takes heavy inspiration from Quake 1 with some gothic and lovecraft themes. 

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

Mnementh said:
crissindahouse said:

And talking about racism in general, Japan isn't known as prime example where there's no racism...

While I generally agree with your post (that this decision is probably not racist but just stupid), I want to point out that you can be racist about racist countries or racist persons. So racism against Japan cannot really be defelcted by pointing out Japanns racism.

Indeed, atleast Japan had black Samurai, where were the black Confederates?

For anyone who like me tries to balance his/her excitement for games updates and news with not being willing to give Xbox a pass on the recent studio closures at the showcase in two weeks, I recommend this video.

I hadn't watched anything from Kyle Bosman before (obviously seen his name, somehow just never watched), yesterday I saw this and his tip number 2 made me laugh for 30 seconds straight, going through the entire range of "haha, fun silly remark" over "but wait a second, there might actually be something to it" to "how wild is it not that there is something to it even though it is so ridicoulus", all the while he kind of gave the subtitles to my actual thoughts in these 30 seconds as they unfolded in my head. Priceless.