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Forums - Politics Discussion - I'm putting this in politics, I need a person to teach me how to be more Left american

SegaHeart said:
Chrkeller said:

People worry too much about what others think.

That's so me :(

I'm opposite, most people think I'm am an a-hole...   due to the lack of caring about what others think.  I do me.  


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Dont marry yourself to the left or the right, they are both fucked up. Be better. Break the cycle. Rise above. Be a centralist.

Define yourself based on your own observations/research, or don't even bother at all.
You don't need to be more politically left or right. That's your call, and no one else's.

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"Let go your earthly tether, enter the void, empty and become wind." - Guru Laghima

Ka-pi96 said:
SegaHeart said:

I used to beleive in abolishing guns but the politics threads changed me it';s for the safety of lets say a woman where a kiddnapper thinks shes easy prey , she fills the anyone trying to harm her with lead.

I'd contest this. It's much more likely she fills an innocent man with lead. Anybody trying to abduct somebody isn't going to give them a chance to pull out a gun and shoot it (unless they're a total dumbass).

I think it's much more likely she shoots somebody that she (incorrectly) thought was a threat, rather than somebody that actually attacks her.

This, pretty much.

It’s okay to just say, “I don’t know, I’m not sure. My feelings and personal experiences favor the Democratic Party. Both parties have some things right and somethings wrong. What I care about is ___________, and that is what the democrats care about too. “

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Clearly the guy is trying to be a troll. But I digress.

Stress less over the right vs left, progressive vs conservative issues. Sit in the center, weigh up both arguments and choose which one offers the biggest benefit for everyone in the nation... That way you don't try and shut down your opponents for being... Well. Opponents.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

Cobretti2 said:

You bring up some solid points there.

Ah yes I forgot about the bigots towards different sexual orientations. It always amazes me how people care so much about what others do that is harmless to their existence. I mean shit if anything they should be happy that their is less competition against them in trying to find a partner, but I guess fear of homophobia is stronger in their minds.

I guess race/ethnicity I forgot a long time ago. That is probably to a degree why I said what I said without realising it. Even though I am white, when I moved to Australia there was a bit of racism towards us. That is why we just learned to not rely on anyone and stand on our own two feet as government assistance back then wasn't great, even finding work was a challenge for my parents in their field of study. Either do nothing and fail and be miserable or work hard and better your life that was the mentality that I grew into so for me politics has become of a whatever as long as they not extreme radicals 9/10 times it doesn't matter to much who is in power. And to be fair Australia as far as I know hasn't ever voted in a Trump or a Hitler equivalent so they are relatively harmless and more looking to line their own pockets. So perhaps our political ties are not so entrenched in our lives as for most of us it hasn't made a significant impact one way or the other plus for most of us we are pretty chilled here. 

Actually there is one group of people I hate, and that is the damn bloody media lol. It is like they decided that clickbait headlines to create chaos about COVID, politics, sport etc is a MUST because they know most people will not read behind the headline so all it does it create drama and people arguing about the headline and what they think the news story is about.

That's very interesting about Australians being racist towards you. It's always fascinating learning about different countries political and cultural differences. It's good to hear you didn't let those bigots get to you. I personally don't care what anyone thinks about my "lifestyle" but when the discrimination is systemic it's a lot harder to just live my life.

Yeah lmao I 100000% agree with you on the media part. Especially nowadays with so much misinformation going around in traditional media. It's crazy.

Last edited by tsogud - on 13 May 2022


I'll just say that there is no inherent value in being in the middle. It doesn't make you more right, or even keeled, or virtuous. While it may be a legitimate position, it is just as often as flawed as more extreme positions and often ends up failing a lot of people.

I'll also advise against defining your politics by what you stand against. I think a lot of people fall into the alt-right pipeline by defining themself as against certain positions on the left. I myself fell into that trap for a bit when I was getting into politics. However, if you define yourself by what you stand against, you often end up standing with people who are far more objectionable than the position you originally opposed, and if you don't get out, it is easy to find yourself losing your values. Letting your values lead I think tends to be a good starting point to finding where you stand.

Don't align with any side. Align with the views you find reasonable, for good reasons. Educate yourself about things, ask yourself what's right and what's wrong, be open-minded, be ready to accept you might have been wrong and need to change your opinion. If someone says something unbelievably stupid, stop to think if you might have misunderstood them instead of them being so stupid. Seek the truth and aspire to be moral instead of picking sides. Sometimes, or maybe even often, this might align you with a particular side, and sometimes, or maybe even often, it might align you with the opposing side. Maybe you fall in the middle. Ultimately it doesn't matter though.

tsogud said:
Cobretti2 said:

You bring up some solid points there.

Ah yes I forgot about the bigots towards different sexual orientations. It always amazes me how people care so much about what others do that is harmless to their existence. I mean shit if anything they should be happy that their is less competition against them in trying to find a partner, but I guess fear of homophobia is stronger in their minds.

I guess race/ethnicity I forgot a long time ago. That is probably to a degree why I said what I said without realising it. Even though I am white, when I moved to Australia there was a bit of racism towards us. That is why we just learned to not rely on anyone and stand on our own two feet as government assistance back then wasn't great, even finding work was a challenge for my parents in their field of study. Either do nothing and fail and be miserable or work hard and better your life that was the mentality that I grew into so for me politics has become of a whatever as long as they not extreme radicals 9/10 times it doesn't matter to much who is in power. And to be fair Australia as far as I know hasn't ever voted in a Trump or a Hitler equivalent so they are relatively harmless and more looking to line their own pockets. So perhaps our political ties are not so entrenched in our lives as for most of us it hasn't made a significant impact one way or the other plus for most of us we are pretty chilled here. 

Actually there is one group of people I hate, and that is the damn bloody media lol. It is like they decided that clickbait headlines to create chaos about COVID, politics, sport etc is a MUST because they know most people will not read behind the headline so all it does it create drama and people arguing about the headline and what they think the news story is about.

That's very interesting about Australians being racist towards you. It's always fascinating learning about different countries political and cultural differences. It's good to hear you didn't let those bigots get to you. I personally don't care what anyone thinks about my "lifestyle" but when the discrimination is systemic it's a lot harder to just live my life.

Yeah lmao I 100000% agree with you on the media part. Especially nowadays with so much misinformation going around in traditional media. It's crazy.

That was in the 90s, so things are a little different these days for me and in general as the younger generations are taught to be more accepting (but a few bad eggs still exit cause of their parent teaching them that way). it's funny when I went to the US in 2007 they all thought I was Australian. In Australia people think I'm part Euro  part Aussie because my ascent ain't the full blown Aussie one  lol. People have also told me when I talk to my parents my accent changes to be full on Euro and they can barely understand me lol.

Also back in the 90s you would also see job ads that said stuff like this "All can apply except Indian people" as an example lol. Mind you the Indian population in the 90s was almost non existent where I lived.

Agree that systemic discrimination needs to be knocked out and I guess to a degree each country is at a different length along that journey. Hopefully as a species we keep evolving beyond what we are today and as a planet come up with basic human right values that all countries adopt. It would be nice where in a world for example people don't get stoned because "it is traditional law" for people outside the perceived norm.