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Forums - Politics Discussion - I'm putting this in politics, I need a person to teach me how to be more Left american

SegaHeart said:

Whenever I post something or anything about politics correct me, and educate me let me slowly side to the left more, also Trump sucks what a jerk.

You should not want to be right or left, and you shouldn't need anyone to guide you. You should look into what is going on and make your own choices. I see no purpose for this thread.

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SegaHeart said:
JWeinCom said:

You should not want to be right or left, and you shouldn't need anyone to guide you. You should look into what is going on and make your own choices. I see no purpose for this thread.

That was unexpected but thank you, I still wanna do what's right but thank you.

million hugs.

"What's right" is very subjective. I agree with JWeinCom. Always be informed of the facts and be in tune with your personal experiences and the experiences of others. As long as you're operating within the realm of reason, keeping a level head , and being respectful, you should be good.


As others have said it's less about right or left and more about good and bad information. Where you're getting your information is essential:

The Associated Press is generally the most factual, unbiased, original reporting out there, but can be a bit dry. If you need some flavor you can consult the chart and pay attention to where they fall on the spectrums of bias and accuracy.

If you're looking for commentary and theory, I enjoy content from David Pakman, Last Week Tonight, Some More News, Brian Tyler Cohen, Shaun, Innuendo Studios, Three Arrows, Robert Reich, The Damage Report, etc. These are not replacements for original news sources however and should not be the only contents of your media diet.

What you believe is less important than WHY you believe something. If you have good reasons for that belief and evidence and facts to back up that belief (and, as someone pointed out, always ensure that the source of the evidence is solid, reliable and factually based) then you can feel quite confident in holding that belief. Also, don’t ever let people bully or coerce you into changing your mind about anything; if their arguments are sound, they shouldn’t need to resort to aggression in the first place.

At the end of the day politics is a waste of time. No matter who is in power you cannot rely on them to make your life better because the sails always change directions.

A better life needs to come from within and you as an individual need to make the right choices that meet your expectation and goals you want in life.



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Cobretti2 said:

At the end of the day politics is a waste of time. No matter who is in power you cannot rely on them to make your life better because the sails always change directions.

A better life needs to come from within and you as an individual need to make the right choices that meet your expectation and goals you want in life.

Now, I wouldn't say that's entirely true. Politics isn't just about who's in power or not. Some people's, dare I say a lot of people's, lives can be seen by others as inherently political. For example, being queer or even poor. A queer person like me just wanting to live my life, express my gender, and love who I love can be seen by bigots as inherently political and "shoving it in their face," so much so that laws were made to keep me from living my life. Just existing could be seen as a political act by those who oppose. Even poor people just trying to get by and better themselves is seen by some as political due to the use of government assistance in some cases, among other things. Same can be said of race/ethnicity, disability, etc. The ability to pursue one's happiness and politics can be very much linked for a lot of individuals.


TallSilhouette said:

As others have said it's less about right or left and more about good and bad information. Where you're getting your information is essential:

The Associated Press is generally the most factual, unbiased, original reporting out there, but can be a bit dry. If you need some flavor you can consult the chart and pay attention to where they fall on the spectrums of bias and accuracy.

If you're looking for commentary and theory, I enjoy content from David Pakman, Last Week Tonight, Some More News, Brian Tyler Cohen, Shaun, Innuendo Studios, Three Arrows, Robert Reich, The Damage Report, etc. These are not replacements for original news sources however and should not be the only contents of your media diet.

AP is great, and Innuendo and Three Arrows are a good vtuber. 

The problem with the US is the left is not left at all. It is a more progressive and liberal social( some marked with left in this chart, in West Europe, Latin America, and Asia will be centric or right). Maccarthism kills big chunks of the left in the US.

But, agreed good information it´s more important than sides. Nobody is unbiased, but good journalism is bring light to a topic. 

The ideal centric it´s a fachade. Everyone has agendas and needs good information more than picking sides.

Last edited by Agente42 - on 13 May 2022

Both parties are awful. The right is antiquated and can't figure out the basics. The left has just lost their marbles and seemingly wants to ignore data/facts when convenient.  At least this is true in the US.  The left is worried about sub populations that make up less than 5% of the population, meanwhile the entire middle class is hurting with 9% inflation, mothers can't buy formula, etc.  

Nobody is looking out for you, except yourself.  I wouldn't buy into either party.  Best bet is to keep a balance so neither side has full control.


Vengeance 32 gb

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tsogud said:
Cobretti2 said:

At the end of the day politics is a waste of time. No matter who is in power you cannot rely on them to make your life better because the sails always change directions.

A better life needs to come from within and you as an individual need to make the right choices that meet your expectation and goals you want in life.

Now, I wouldn't say that's entirely true. Politics isn't just about who's in power or not. Some people's, dare I say a lot of people's, lives can be seen by others as inherently political. For example, being queer or even poor. A queer person like me just wanting to live my life, express my gender, and love who I love can be seen by bigots as inherently political and "shoving it in their face," so much so that laws were made to keep me from living my life. Just existing could be seen as a political act by those who oppose. Even poor people just trying to get by and better themselves is seen by some as political due to the use of government assistance in some cases, among other things. Same can be said of race/ethnicity, disability, etc. The ability to pursue one's happiness and politics can be very much linked for a lot of individuals.

You bring up some solid points there.

Ah yes I forgot about the bigots towards different sexual orientations. It always amazes me how people care so much about what others do that is harmless to their existence. I mean shit if anything they should be happy that their is less competition against them in trying to find a partner, but I guess fear of homophobia is stronger in their minds.

I guess race/ethnicity I forgot a long time ago. That is probably to a degree why I said what I said without realising it. Even though I am white, when I moved to Australia there was a bit of racism towards us. That is why we just learned to not rely on anyone and stand on our own two feet as government assistance back then wasn't great, even finding work was a challenge for my parents in their field of study. Either do nothing and fail and be miserable or work hard and better your life that was the mentality that I grew into so for me politics has become of a whatever as long as they not extreme radicals 9/10 times it doesn't matter to much who is in power. And to be fair Australia as far as I know hasn't ever voted in a Trump or a Hitler equivalent so they are relatively harmless and more looking to line their own pockets. So perhaps our political ties are not so entrenched in our lives as for most of us it hasn't made a significant impact one way or the other plus for most of us we are pretty chilled here. 

Actually there is one group of people I hate, and that is the damn bloody media lol. It is like they decided that clickbait headlines to create chaos about COVID, politics, sport etc is a MUST because they know most people will not read behind the headline so all it does it create drama and people arguing about the headline and what they think the news story is about.




People worry too much about what others think.


Vengeance 32 gb

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