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Forums - Politics Discussion - Russia and Ukraine flashpoint


Chinese and Indians must be ashamed of their countries' abstention in UN resolution.

The governments certainly must. 

My bet with The_Liquid_Laser: I think the Switch won't surpass the PS2 as the best selling system of all time. If it does, I'll play a game of a list that The_Liquid_Laser will provide, I will have to play it for 50 hours or complete it, whatever comes first. 

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Chinese and Indians must be ashamed of their countries' abstention in UN resolution.

This is actually better than expected from China.

India on the other hand buys military hardware from Russia, so they have a fine line to thread.






Dulfite said:

Sounds like they are expecting a full on assault tonight from all sides on Kyiv. I don't get Putin's attempt at taking out leadership. For one thing, it isn't honorable, and secondly the Ukrainians are already demonstrating more nationalism than the Russians expected and that will only be more aflame if their leader and his wife/kids become martyrs or prisoners sent to Syberia.

Putin doesn't care about any little thing like honor. He still thinks he can crush them with raw brute strength. It's also easy for him to be so cavalier when he's hiding behind the Soviet nuclear umbrella and Xi Jinping.

The usa and allies are at fault here. Biden especially rushed in with talks of sanctions, talking of this and that, calling russia names. Then borris did the same. Instead of calming the situation, they hurried and made it happen.

E veryone tried to act all defiant, instead of any respect or concern .They should have taken putin seriously and ukraine president should have tried to make a compromise atleast to prevent war. Now they failed, all for what? Stubborness and defiance.

Ukraine should have kept as a strong ally to russia, if not neutral but leaning closer to russia. Getting themselves closer to usa and nato was never going to go well for them.

Ryuu96 said:

Well, that's something. Another Russian ally is sitting this one out. It's too bad President Lukashenko of Belarus willingly collaborated with Putin, though. The Chernobyl assault was staged from Belarus.

It's awful (but not unexpected) that Russian soldiers are robbing Ukrainian civilians. If nothing else, hopefully this means that Russia doesn't have a good supply line to its troops in the Ukraine. That will help unravel some of this mess. Hungry soldiers are potentially disloyal soldiers. 

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KratosLives said:

The usa and allies are at fault here. Biden especially rushed in with talks of sanctions, talking of this and that, calling russia names. Then borris did the same. Instead of calming the situation, they hurried and made it happen.

E veryone tried to act all defiant, instead of any respect or concern .They should have taken putin seriously and ukraine president should have tried to make a compromise atleast to prevent war. Now they failed, all for what? Stubborness and defiance.

Ukraine should have kept as a strong ally to russia, if not neutral but leaning closer to russia. Getting themselves closer to usa and nato was never going to go well for them.

Where are you getting this info from because it's complete crap. Russia is 100% at fault. Stop listening to very real Russian propaganda. Nobody should ever trust Putin because he literally lies all the fucking time. 

Ukraine was never going to join NATO. STOP IT! You're coming off very naive. 

SanAndreasX said:
Dulfite said:

Sounds like they are expecting a full on assault tonight from all sides on Kyiv. I don't get Putin's attempt at taking out leadership. For one thing, it isn't honorable, and secondly the Ukrainians are already demonstrating more nationalism than the Russians expected and that will only be more aflame if their leader and his wife/kids become martyrs or prisoners sent to Syberia.

Putin doesn't care about any little thing like honor. He still thinks he can crush them with raw brute strength. It's also easy for him to be so cavalier when he's hiding behind the Soviet nuclear umbrella and Xi Jinping.

Sorry I wasn't clear. I know he doesn't care about honor, I used to work with a Polish lady for four years who never stopped talking about how horrible he is and what he has done. What I meant was, if he does something dishonorable, he should be aware that inspires more resistance. If he was just targeting military sites and not citizens, cities, Ukrainian elected officials and their families, there would probably be at least some less resistance going on. But he is stupidly doing everything he can to inspire resistance amongst the Ukrainians.

This whole thing started with me feeling Ukraine would lose about as quickly as Iraq lost to USA-led forces (not the militants, but the official government force), but now I'm becoming more convinced that not only will the Russians lose, but Putin himself will be deposed by his own people.

Last edited by Dulfite - on 25 February 2022

To those responding to posts that sound like Russia propaganda, just know you may be responding to an actual propogandist. Not that VGChartz gets enough clicks to justify them spending their time here (but you never know). It's well known that Russians have a legion of internet trolls that spread nonsense all over the planet, so arguing with these people isn't really going to get you anywhere. The brainwashed are brainwashed unless something truly profound happens in their heart and mind. We usually sees these guys come out in full force around elections, but I'd imagine Russia has issued all hands on deck for this situation. I can't even IMAGINE what 4chan or 8chan looks like right now, and I absolutely will not go there.

KratosLives said:

The usa and allies are at fault here. Biden especially rushed in with talks of sanctions, talking of this and that, calling russia names. Then borris did the same. Instead of calming the situation, they hurried and made it happen.

E veryone tried to act all defiant, instead of any respect or concern .They should have taken putin seriously and ukraine president should have tried to make a compromise atleast to prevent war. Now they failed, all for what? Stubborness and defiance.

Ukraine should have kept as a strong ally to russia, if not neutral but leaning closer to russia. Getting themselves closer to usa and nato was never going to go well for them.

So Ukraine is supposed to roll over for Putin and the rest of us are supposed to be quiet and walk on eggshells so we don't insult him while he plunders Ukraine. Where does that stop? How much of a buffer zone does Putin need before he feels "safe"? The Baltics? Moldova? Poland? Romania? Finland? Sweden? Alaska? No. Putin is not the president, or the czar, of the Earth. He's fancied himself to be the next Peter the Great ever since he came to power in 1999. In 2005, he called the fall of the Soviet Union a "genuine tragedy." And his ambitions likely extend beyond reining in Ukraine, namely, bringing all of the former Warsaw Pact nations back under Moscow's rule. 

Ukraine has just as much right to defend itself as Russia does. They have the same right to join alliances like NATO to help bolster their safety and security from any and all enemies, including Russia, same as Russia making an alliance with China because Putin wants to hide behind China's huge population and have their money to cushion his regime against economic sanctions. 

Dulfite said:
SanAndreasX said:

Putin doesn't care about any little thing like honor. He still thinks he can crush them with raw brute strength. It's also easy for him to be so cavalier when he's hiding behind the Soviet nuclear umbrella and Xi Jinping.

Sorry I wasn't clear. I know he doesn't care about honor, I used to work with a Polish lady for four years who never stopped talking about how horrible he is and what he has done. What I meant was, if he does something dishonorable, he should be aware that inspires more resistance. If he was just targeting military sites and not citizens, cities, Ukrainian elected officials and their families, there would probably be at least some less resistance going on. But he is stupidly doing everything he can to inspire resistance amongst the Ukrainians.

This whole thing started with me feeling Ukraine would lose about as quickly as Iraq lost to USA (not the militants, but the official government force), but now I'm becoming more convinced that not only will the Russians lose, but Putin himself will be deposed by his own people.

That would be a great thing if Putin's reign was brought to an ignominious end. I, too, feared that Ukraine would be overwhelmed, but they're proving to be quite tenacious. Hopefully it's enough to turn the tides, and the Russian people, against Putin. I also hope President Zelensky makes it out of this war alive. In any event, a man like Vladimir Putin does not need to be in charge of a country, a military, or the world's largest arsenal of nuclear weapons.

As for the Russian propaganda, I've seen plenty of it on social media myself.