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KratosLives said:

The usa and allies are at fault here. Biden especially rushed in with talks of sanctions, talking of this and that, calling russia names. Then borris did the same. Instead of calming the situation, they hurried and made it happen.

E veryone tried to act all defiant, instead of any respect or concern .They should have taken putin seriously and ukraine president should have tried to make a compromise atleast to prevent war. Now they failed, all for what? Stubborness and defiance.

Ukraine should have kept as a strong ally to russia, if not neutral but leaning closer to russia. Getting themselves closer to usa and nato was never going to go well for them.

So Ukraine is supposed to roll over for Putin and the rest of us are supposed to be quiet and walk on eggshells so we don't insult him while he plunders Ukraine. Where does that stop? How much of a buffer zone does Putin need before he feels "safe"? The Baltics? Moldova? Poland? Romania? Finland? Sweden? Alaska? No. Putin is not the president, or the czar, of the Earth. He's fancied himself to be the next Peter the Great ever since he came to power in 1999. In 2005, he called the fall of the Soviet Union a "genuine tragedy." And his ambitions likely extend beyond reining in Ukraine, namely, bringing all of the former Warsaw Pact nations back under Moscow's rule. 

Ukraine has just as much right to defend itself as Russia does. They have the same right to join alliances like NATO to help bolster their safety and security from any and all enemies, including Russia, same as Russia making an alliance with China because Putin wants to hide behind China's huge population and have their money to cushion his regime against economic sanctions.