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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Opinion: Sony needs a response to Gamepass and NOW.


Is Xbox gaining momentum and shifting it from PS?

Yes, they are def gaining momentum 12 19.35%
Yes, they are gaining mom... 17 27.42%
Nah, Sony is still getting all the headlines 19 30.65%
No, not at all 14 22.58%


What Sony does need is a new Suikoden game tho.

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Nah, not at all. PS5 still far ahead of Xbox, also they are selling great, no need for "a response to Gamepass"...

What Sony needs to do is make more units. They are heavily supply constrained.

Once the supply meets demand and we see Playstation being behind, then yes, they need an answer. Until then, they don't.


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twintail said:
leo-j said:

The tide is turning. I am seeing record high sales for Xbox , record high engagement for Xbox, and record high tweets about Xbox. The gamepass strategy is working, and what a phenomenal one two punch was the release of Forza and Halo Infinite . All day one on gamepass. 

I think you're being a little hyperbolic here: Sony has record high sales/ engagement too, and I think most would agree that they're doing it at higher levels than what MS is currently achieving. Data for hardware sales, from Amphere, suggests that PS5's are selling at double the rate of the XSX family. 

People want PS5's. And they're also clearly buying games even when Sony has yet to actually release it's big IP's. 

Gamepass is a massive success for MS, and I'm sure Sony would eventually like a piece of that pie. But it's also more difficult for Sony, since they don't own the server architecture that MS does, and they'd also need to get PS5 hardware into these servers to get PS5 games running on PS Now (but I guess there is always the PC versions of some of their games). pre-PS5, Sony were making more aggressive moves for PS Now, but the pandemic and semi-conductor shortages we've been experiencing for well over a year now has clearly impacted their PS Now goals. 

But while gamepass is offering a lot of value (calling 'he Medium or a poor GTA SA remaster 'high budget' is disingenuous), Sony is offering high-profile exclusives (timed or not). 

Anyhow, is momentum shifting? Probably not, and I think it's a little premature to say it is. We'd definitely need to see how the next year goes to get a clearly picture on how Sony's and MS's strategies are working out in relation to one another. 

I disagree . Ps5 is falling behind ps4 in numbers. While Xbox is selling record numbers. It’s actually pacing way better than the Xbox 360. 



The ps5 has nearly outsold the Xbox series by 2 to 1 and this is where Xbox series S's can be easily brought, unlike the xbox series X or either of the PS5's.
Why would they want to copy something that is doing worse

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I don't think you are going to see many on here that look at the situation and think Sony needs to do anything different, because we, as humans, are so fixated on the near term future. I've said it before, MS is playing the long game and they've been doing it since Xbone. They knew they'd get walloped that gen and no doubt this one too in hardware, but they know where the real money is at; subscriptions.

And not just for the single subscription in of itself. When you subscribe to one thing, and you like the product, you are more likely to subscribe to other services they have. In MS's case, if you like Gamepass, then maybe that will make you more inclined to subscribe to Office 365 instead of using Google apps, or use Teams instead of Slack, or use Windows instead of MacOS, the list goes on. We may not think these are related, but MS knows what it's doing. Their biggest profit off the gaming industry is getting the other business of gamers by earning their god graces via Gamepass. It's all a brilliant manipulation of our minds!

I predict MS is gearing towards it's ultimate attack on Sony and other competitors in other industries. What that attack is? An all in one subscription. For a set annual fee, you get unlimited access to Gamepass Ultimate, Office 365, paid Team/SharePoint features, their own version of Google One to backup photos, paid azure/VScode/Visual Studio/SQL applications for your development needs, and more. Maybe they even throw in discounts on all products for subscribers. Imagine getting all this in one annual subscription. It would make the annual Amazon subscription look like a joke.

This, I believe, is MS's endgame, and ultimately how they will justify investing so much in the gaming sector. They don't want to just sell us their gaming, they want to sell us their everything. Sony can't possibly compete with everything Microsoft will offer in this, and that is when the PS brand will start to collapse down to a far less successful (though still successful) product line.

Disagreed, Gamepass rocks and its a good thing having legit competition now. I think they should be looking at it but I don't think they would need a similar service until the Playstation 6 at the earliest.

Why am I having flashbacks to 2009 right now?

The way I see it, XB has simply gained back some of the momentum they lost during XB1. Where as PS5 has added a little over PS4.

XB Series has much much more work to do yet, while PS5 simply has to refrain from screwing up to badly for the next 4 to 8 years.

PS likely has a GP game plan in the works if they ever truly require it, but I don't see them needing it this gen. Maybe PS6. Maybe.

Dulfite said:

I predict MS is gearing towards it's ultimate attack on Sony and other competitors in other industries. What that attack is? An all in one subscription. For a set annual fee, you get unlimited access to Gamepass Ultimate, Office 365, paid Team/SharePoint features, their own version of Google One to backup photos, paid azure/VScode/Visual Studio/SQL applications for your development needs, and more. Maybe they even throw in discounts on all products for subscribers. Imagine getting all this in one annual subscription. It would make the annual Amazon subscription look like a joke.

Why would Microsoft combine Game Pass with Office 365, when the latter is already part of a subscription (the highest tier going for $25/month), and the target audience widely differ? What do you think people use Office 365 for lol? In this hypothetical, if Microsoft were to make another tier for Office 365 with Game Pass included, how much do you think it would cost? 

Sony having an all encompassing subscription service with games, movies, television, anime, makes a lot more sense & has a lot more overlap. In fact, this is the direction we are seeing Amazon & Netflix pivoting towards.