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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Opinion: Sony needs a response to Gamepass and NOW.


Is Xbox gaining momentum and shifting it from PS?

Yes, they are def gaining momentum 12 19.35%
Yes, they are gaining mom... 17 27.42%
Nah, Sony is still getting all the headlines 19 30.65%
No, not at all 14 22.58%

- "record tweets about Xbox" tweet numbers isn't a metric at all

you sure about that statement? dont wanna confer with your buddy src first?

 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

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kirby007 said:

- "record tweets about Xbox" tweet numbers isn't a metric at all

you sure about that statement? dont wanna confer with your buddy src first?

Well the best selling games this year so far are CoD and Fifa, and I see absolutely nothing about them on social media (besides the demand for resignation of Activision Boss).

Sometimes we're only evolving around our own cercle. Like the latest Series S commercial is featuring some guy from TikTok and known for playing Fortnite a lot. And I have absolument no clue on what is TikTok or Fortnite.

Or here we believe that console sales matter, but in reality console market is an ant compared to PC gaming market and mobile market.

And Game Pass's purpose isn't really about Xbox console vs PS, MS has a bigger issue with Steam being the king on its own OS and need to conquer these PC gamers again.

i dont see why you treat revenue as the end all be all, because spoiler it aint

 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

Join the Prediction League

Instead of seeking to convince others, we can be open to changing our own minds, and seek out information that contradicts our own steadfast point of view. Maybe it’ll turn out that those who disagree with you actually have a solid grasp of the facts. There’s a slight possibility that, after all, you’re the one who’s wrong.

SKMBlake said:
EricHiggin said:

I think you meant XBOX instead of XB, or maybe XBOX ONE instead of XB1?

Have a look at the thread title as well as the pole title. Anything to say about that?

No no, I meant omitting only 1 letter from "Sony" to make it shorter.

From XBOX ONE to XB/XB1 --> from 7 to 2/3 = make sense

From SONY to SNY --> from 4 to 3 = doesn't make much sense

And about the title and the topic, nothing particular to say, it's full of wrong assertions at first:

- "record high sales for Xbox" not really, we don't have any clue about the actual sales, only revenues (and sometimes only growth percentage compared to last year's Xbox One sales, which don't say much)

- "record tweets about Xbox" tweet numbers isn't a metric at all

- "what a phenomenal punch was the release of Forza and Halo Infinite" Halo hasn't been launched yet on GP,  or he's talking about the free online multiplayer, which has nothing to do with Game Pass

- "The content of PS Now is abyssymal" he didn't clearly had a look of the games, you can't have +800 games with all being bad.

- "Sony continues its trickle of game releases with FF ps1 era games" that's EXACTLY what GP added a few months ago as well

- "Gamepass has from what I’ve last heard over 20 million subs. And gaining rapidly." The growth has heavily slowed down actually, growing only 2 million in 6 months.

- "Forza is a niche racing game" yeah, sure. And Fifa is a niche football game.

- "Rachet being played by only 2 million people while Forza is played by 6 million" Ratchet is a PS5 exclusive game, Forza is available on Xbox Series X, S, One X, One S, PC and xCloud

- "Why even own a 500$ console when you can xCloud them ?" cause currently Cloud gaming isn't for everyone

- "get the game for free on gamepass" The famous "I'm getting this free stuff that only costs 13$ a month" paradox

Actually Xbox numbers are the highest they have ever been in any generation so yes they are record high. People keep saying but it isn’t selling like ps5. That’s true, but it’s selling way better than x1 and x360 so far while ps5 falls behind ps4 numbers. 

You can’t compare FIFA on PS4-Switch-X everything - PC - Ps everything to forza which is on pc and Xbox only. Forza is at 10 million after a week. 

also Spider-Man is on PS4 and ps5 and yet has sold only a little over 6.5 million so far. Which it will fly by 10 maybe 15 million but gamepass has made forza reach a huge audience through its service. 

Also, gamepass is releasing first party content day 1 some premium 3rd party content too. The medium, psychonauts, MLB the show , HALO, Forza . All on gamepass. Ps now is releasing games from 2019 and MAYBE MAYBE a 2020 game and aren’t even doing ps5 games. While gamepass has series x games. 


SKMBlake said:
EricHiggin said:

I think you meant XBOX instead of XB, or maybe XBOX ONE instead of XB1?

Have a look at the thread title as well as the pole title. Anything to say about that?

No no, I meant omitting only 1 letter from "Sony" to make it shorter.

From XBOX ONE to XB/XB1 --> from 7 to 2/3 = make sense

From SONY to SNY --> from 4 to 3 = doesn't make much sense

And about the title and the topic, nothing particular to say, it's full of wrong assertions at first:

1 letter isn't near enough to shorten but 2 is way too much and should? If 4 to 3 doesn't make much sense, then 4 to 2, like XBOX to XB wouldn't make sense either because 4 letter words shouldn't be shortened. Maybe I'm misunderstanding? Where is the cut off point exactly?

The title has Gamepass written in full, not GP, yet in the pole, PlayStation is shortened to PS.

I immediately found that odd when I first saw the thread, and then you questioned only me about shortening words and not the thread itself.

I found that odd as well.

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twintail said:

Sony doesn't need a gamepass right now because they're in such an incredibly healthy position (like MS and Nintendo) that it would be premature for them to make such drastic changes to how their operate. This doesn't mean that they shouldn't be working on having a gamepass equivalent ready, but nothing suggests that they aren't doing stuff behind closed doors.

In a way Sony's midrange plan is a Game Pass equivalent being worked on behind closed doors. Expanding and aggressively investing into SIE right now will pay dividends if they need to change their business model later in the decade. Some are expecting Sony to pivot immediately without increasing their internal pipelines, which quite frankly, lacks a ton of foresight.

I think Sony will slowly grow PSNow this generation, expanding into countries and regions its not available in, while having a comprehensive Playstation BC library which includes handheld games and PSVR titles, have PS5 titles hit the service quicker than PS4 titles, and maybe a few perks like a 10% discount on first party titles, or having demos of every first party title. 

Last edited by PotentHerbs - on 21 November 2021