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Forums - Gaming Discussion - The Discussion Thread | The 12th Annual Greatest Games Event

coolbeans said:
S.Peelman said:

Extra hint for #42 and first hint for #41. 

#41: This game introduced many new technical features, including multiple floors and the ability to look and shoot up or down.

#41 - Quake (?)

No, but the genre is right. Bonus hint; 41 and 42 are of the same franchise.

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Mnementh said:

#41: The newest entry in this long-running franchise adds a lot of mobility. This includes more verticality, which also is reflected in the name.

Monster Hunter Rise?

S.Peelman said:

Extra hint for #42 and first hint for #41. 

#43: Perhaps a hard game to guess and make hints for, but a certain console maker used to make a series of sports games of which the first word (though there's also a game with this first word that's not a sports game) was always the same. This game has something to do with yellow balls. Virtua Tennis - Guessed by Zippy6

#42: Your callsign seems to assume you're still a rookie, even though you've already been a pilot in a serious adventure in the previous game.

Hint 2: I think that's why there's a level where you have to listen to you instructor, follow [his] lead and do as [he] says.

#41: This game introduced many new technical features, including multiple floors and the ability to look and shoot up or down.

#41 Doom?

#42 Doom Eternal?

Supermario28 said:
Mnementh said:

#41: The newest entry in this long-running franchise adds a lot of mobility. This includes more verticality, which also is reflected in the name.

Monster Hunter Rise?


3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

my greatest games: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023

10 years greatest game event!

bets: [peak year] [+], [1], [2], [3], [4]

42: Some of my favorite quotes come from the generic fighter class in this game. "I want more!"
The generic fighter class also has a passive called "Shaking Excitement". Basically the harder the challenge is, the stronger one gets.

#44 Gylt
guessed by no one
platform Stadia
release year 2019
developer/publisher Tequila Works
genre stealth/horror
links trailer, Moby games
past years 2020: #49

Gylt has you play the school girl Sally, who looks for her missing cousin Emily. As she flees for bullies she decides to take the cable car home, but things start to become strange. The town is changed, no one is here and everything looks abandoned. Things become worse, as it turns out the town is filled with nightmarish monsters that Sally needs to sneak past. But she also finds evidence that Emily is here too, so she goes on.

Developer Tequila Works does good work with creating a creepy athmosphere and providing decent stealth gameplay (with one big problem, I will point out later). You have also some puzzles on the way, some collectibles and a few boss fights. Most of the time you play at the school and it's various extra buildings like art hall. But some part also plays in the mine and the arcade. The arcade level is in my opinion great level design and the whole encounter is done very well.

But the game isn't without flaws. There are two major flaws, that preclude the game from reaching a better level. The main gameplay is stealth, and it works quite well, the monsters are scary enough that you *want* to avoid them and you get quite some tools at your hand to distract or to stun monsters, which helps you to get to the place you want to go. That is fine - if not pretty early you also get a tool to destroy the monsters. Which is nearly every time the better solution. It does take some resources (batteries), but you get enough of them, so that you can destroy enough monsters to reduce quite some challenges. To be fair - to destroy a monster you have to do it right, but it is easy enough that you get it done. I wished though, they would have limited this option, either by letting it eat more resources or by destroying the monsters only temporarily. That way the game would still be challenging and you would need to use all tools at your disposal, which would be great as you have some options here.

The second problem is the ending. Well, not the ending itself, but the sequences before that. First of the devs at Tequila Works use the time proofed way to annoy gamers by taking away all the tools the player ammassed at the end of the game. That is cheap. But that doesn't matter that much actually, as they decided that your last challenge has completely different gameplay compared to the rest of the game. All the game you sneaked around, but in that sequence you run away from the big bad end monster. And to make things fun they change the cameraa perspective. They zoom out that your character is small and the monster fills the screen. And to make things more fun, the camera is in front of you, so that you barely see where you are running. And each time you mess up the sequence starts new. Really, the devs need to be slapped for this, what were they thinking?

The ending sequence could have been fixed. At this point you found and saved Emily, so they could have implemented stealth with two characters. Maybe switching between the two and a few puzzles where you need both characters at different ends of the room doing stuff at the same time. Something like this. And the big boss could have been searching for the two, instead of openly chasing them. I know this would've worked - because they already did that in the arcade. At the point you find what you came for in the arcade a boss takes notice and start searching you, so you have to sneak your way back avoiding that boss. But the boss sensed your proximity, but not the exact position, so it was always searching in the area you were in. That was challenging and exciting. Doing something similar with two characters would've provided a great final sequence.

Despite this shortcomings it is a very enjoyable game. The game has few jump scares, but it excels in providing a utterly creepy atmosphere which is cranking up slowly over the course of the game. There is not too much story, but collectible texts you find and some stuff that is said is providing some background for the setting and some explanation for what is going on - if you find them. The game also depicts bullying in the school context on different levels. I also was very fond of little hints of Emily's existence in the game. For instance in one instance I fled from a monster into a niche around a corner - and found a sleeping bag, a light and some snacks. It said instantly that the little girl you search for fled drom the same monster.

I should mention the Stadia exclusivity. Gylt was one of the first or even the first (I'm not sure) exclusive game for Stadia. That made many look at the game as a representative for Stadia. But that is a bad stance, a small indie game cannot carry a whole gaming platform. For that task Google needs to release first party games. But if you accept that Gylt is just a little Indie game, it turns out to be quite a good result. Therefore I hope the exclusivity contract ends sometime soon and the game finds more audience on other platforms. Because it deserves to be played more.

Last edited by Mnementh - on 18 November 2021

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

my greatest games: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023

10 years greatest game event!

bets: [peak year] [+], [1], [2], [3], [4]

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Sadly no one got my #44 Gylt, but maybe the next games get guessed:

#43: This game all about collecting, crafting and building actually is a spin-off in one of the oldest RPG franchises. Guessed by Zippy6.

#42: The character you choose is declared the saviour of the world and thrown into jail right at the beginning of the game. Explore the world in 3rd-person view while battling the turn-based with you armies in an overview from above. This title is the first in the series, that simply get's a 2 attached to the series name, but it isn't the second game. The first game was actually made by the famous strategy master studio New World Computing and is preceding Heroes of Might and Magic, but the name rights were bought by a russian studio later, which since then releases games in the series, including this one.

#41: The newest entry in this long-running franchise adds a lot of mobility. This includes more verticality, which also is reflected in the name. Guessed by Supermario28.

#40: Eat PCB (printed curcuit board). You play an orange blob in this old puzzle game.

#39: The <first part of the name of the game> Project is an independent global scientific organization, formerly a secret branch of the United Nations, dedicated to studying threats to humankind. It was founded in 1945, but was preceded by a number of other organizations, such as the Committee for the Study and Prevention of Species-Level Threats (Soviet Union, 1918-1927) and the <first part of the name of the game> Working Group (United States, 1935-1945).

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

my greatest games: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023

10 years greatest game event!

bets: [peak year] [+], [1], [2], [3], [4]

#44: Fire Emblem: Awakening

A masterpiece in it's strategy gameplay. It's story and characters are extremely well written and it has really good art direction.

The gameplay can be very challenging but fair and thankfully you can disable permadeath.

It looks actually prettier than Fire Emblem: Three Houses in my opinion.

After playing Three Houses on the Switch I really wanted more Fire Emblem and the 3DS has plenty. So obviously I wanted to get Awakening, but it was 90€ on Amazon so I got it digitally.

Fire Emblem: Awakening is my fourth favorite turn-based strategy game.

Also the artwork is great.

Last edited by Kakadu18 - on 20 November 2021


Command & Conquer (PC)

YoY: -10

The game that back in the mid-90s made me a fan of the RTS genre. It still holds a very special place in my heart, and even if some aspects of the gameplay don't necessarily hold up to scrutiny in 2021, there's something refreshingly simple and pure about Command & Conquer that very few modern RTS games can match. Also, the soundtrack is exceptional.

Mnementh said:
UnderwaterFunktown said:

Adding an extra hint and some new games

43) This game likes reversing things. Names, structures... It also has an overly convoluted spell system

42) You've tried being stealthy, now try cutting things up

41) Get to the top

40) Unusual to this series, the MC of this game can wield not one but three weapon types.

#40: Fire Emblem: Three Houses?

Nope, but it is a long running japanese series.

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Last hints for #44 before I post it.

#44 - Hint: This game is a quest to a place named like a geometric dragon.
Supplementary Hint: The two pyramids are a bit smaller than they used to be, and aren't really pyramids anymore.
Supplementary Hint 2: This action game introduced several side characters but all but one were absent from the next install-ments in the series.
Supplementary Hint 3???: Random Song: Here comes the sun. Random Band: Queen
Supplementary Hint 4: This is the "first" game in the series.

Supplementary Hint 5

#42 - Hint: The origin story of a hero who wards off darkness.
Supplementary Hint: You get quite the nasty but necessary hazing into a new organization.
Supplementary Hint 2: A threat spawns and as you progress through the game locations are destroyed.

#41 - Hint: This series has a lot of history, and the games contain quite a lot of it too.
Supplementary Hint: I win because I'm more cultured than you peasant.

#40 - Hint: It's out third trip and we're going down under!