Not bad for Bravely Default 2, probably above 100k with digital. Switch keeps outdoing last year's numbers easily, and actually decent numbers for the PS5.
Also, SM3DW+BF keeps holding really really well.
Not bad for Bravely Default 2, probably above 100k with digital. Switch keeps outdoing last year's numbers easily, and actually decent numbers for the PS5.
Also, SM3DW+BF keeps holding really really well.
RolStoppable said: Another two easy weeks ahead, so the YTD lead remains on track to be big enough to keep 2021 in the lead through Animal Crossing launch week. |
If Switch keeps only managing 75K weeks until MonHun Rise, 2021 total will barely stay ahead in AC launch week. MonHun needs to give a major boost, too keep 2021 ahead of 2020. The week after AC launch, Switch managed nearly 300K, MonHun need to propel Switch to similar numbers, otherwise the lead will be done.
RolStoppable said:
There's always week 15 and 16 to make up ground. |
Yeah, looks like at that point stock was completely depleted last year and the COVID production issues hit.
Mnementh said:
If Switch keeps only managing 75K weeks until MonHun Rise, 2021 total will barely stay ahead in AC launch week. MonHun needs to give a major boost, too keep 2021 ahead of 2020. The week after AC launch, Switch managed nearly 300K, MonHun need to propel Switch to similar numbers, otherwise the lead will be done. |
To me it looks like the two years are going to track so close that I can't tell which one will be ahead. The current 2021 lead will get erased when we get to AC launch week. On the other hand MHR is a big enough game hardware sales for its first week will be reasonably close to AC's second week, and MHR's second week will be close to AC's third week and so on. And then the rest of 2020 was up and down from week to week. I think it's going to be a close race, and we'll need to go quite a few weeks before we see which one is clearly doing better.
curl-6 bet me that PS5 + X|S sales would reach 56m before year end 2023 and he was right.
My Bet With curl-6
My Threads:
Master Thread, Game of the Year/Decade
Switch Will Be #1 All Time
Zelda Will Outsell Mario (Achieved)
How Much Will MH Rise sell?
My Bet With Metallox
MS really needs to ship way more systems to Japan, I guess 1k per week would be ok, but 1.5k every 2 months won't cut it.
InkIt said: MS really needs to ship way more systems to Japan, I guess 1k per week would be ok, but 1.5k every 2 months won't cut it. |
but this way they can say "Over 600% increase week over week" when a shipment arrives
Great opening for Story of Seasons; third parties that invested in the Switch are seeing real benefits, as also shown by Momotaro and which will be abundantly clear when Monster Hunter Rise hits.
Top 30:
deerox said: |
NS - 26
PS4 - 4
Still nothing from PS5.
yeah the main reason that they are comparing wii U to ps5 is becasue... japan was by far the wii U's most healthy market, to the point that it took the ps4 untill basically the announcement of the switch for it to catch up, as you can see...