Supermario28 said: Ok let's try this! My list is finally complete. If you pardon my english, we can start: #50: I'm a Man, I'm the third. In one particular country I'm stone, in the others I'm giant. Either way, I look the same. #49: It's a movie adaptation that is not GoldenEye 007 #48: Usually overshadowed by his uncle, the main character of this game finally gets in the title for once. #47: But #48's uncle always finds a way to come back #46: The main characters have to find food to bring back to their planet. |
48. Donkey Kong Country 2
47. Donkey Kong Country Returns
curl-6 bet me that PS5 + X|S sales would reach 56m before year end 2023 and he was right.
My Bet With curl-6
My Threads:
Master Thread, Game of the Year/Decade
Switch Will Be #1 All Time
Zelda Will Outsell Mario (Achieved)
How Much Will MH Rise sell?
My Bet With Metallox