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Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King

Change YOY: -6

To this day this is the only Dragon Quest game I've ever played. None of the previous games had been released in Europe up to that point, and the later titles until Dragon Quest XI, which I just haven't gotten around to yet, came out on systems I didn't have.

Regardless, I immediately fell in love with Journey of the Cursed King the moment I started playing it. I loved the visual style and overall look of the world, the music was excellent from the start, and then as I continued playing the characters and story also grew on me. I really need to find some time to go back and replay the game, since it's now been at least 12 years since I finished it the first and so far only time. Here's one of my favourite pieces of music from the game's soundtrack, composed by Koichi Sugiyama.