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Forums - Politics Discussion - (POSSIBLE SPOILERS INSIDE) The agenda and political discussion of Naughty Dog


Have politics damaged the quality of ND games

No 39 41.94%
Yes 54 58.06%
the-pi-guy said:

Literally every piece of media exaggerates something.  

Explosions, characters able to jump 20 feet in the air, characters surviving impossible falls, impossible feats of physics in tons and tons of action movies.  

I would bet everyone's favorite action movie has something that is literally impossible to do.  So why is the sticking point here a buff woman?  Something that is actually physically possible, even if it's really really unlikely? 

We are playing a fictional piece of media of a fictional future where there are massive fungus zombies that are practically out of Dead Space that eat people and the sticking point here is a woman who is a little too buff?  

The sticking point for me is that this buff part of her does not look female and there are existing buffer females than Abby that are more female looking,more realistically.

But not that i care a lot about this,it would just be nice that they did a tiny bit more research in how to better represent this character,i know this is about a fictonal future but one that does have more closely realistically fragile human beings compared to other franchises.

Last edited by Immersiveunreality - on 26 June 2020

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the-pi-guy said:

Literally every piece of media exaggerates something.  

Explosions, characters able to jump 20 feet in the air, characters surviving impossible falls, impossible feats of physics in tons and tons of action movies.  

I would bet everyone's favorite action movie has something that is literally impossible to do.  So why is the sticking point here a buff woman?  Something that is actually physically possible, even if it's really really unlikely? 

We are playing a fictional piece of media of a fictional future where there are massive fungus zombies that are practically out of Dead Space that eat people and the sticking point here is a woman who is a little too buff?  

Of course, of course. My argument is simply that it isn't a realistically attainable physique without some extra aid, given her height. That's literally it. A lot of people have misconceptions about how muscle is built, especially on tall frames, whether you're male or female. Of course, there are exaggerations in games and movies, and most brawny Hollywood actors are juicing left and right to attain their physiques. Whether or not the game itself is trying to be realistic is kind of beside the point if someone argues that building a whole lot of mass on a female upper body without chemical aid is realistic.

I have no problem with it what so ever, I don't find it weird, unsettling or traumatizing, I just tried to dispel some myths about the human body and its capabilities. No big deal, to me anyway.

@Immersiveunreality: I wouldn't say that her chest looks manly necessarily, when the female torso loses fat the chest tends to take on a flatter and more muscular look naturally. A female pectoral muscle will look like male ones underneath the skin, they just lack the same average volume and are usually covered in more bodyfat on average. Look at most gymnasts, for instance, they usually have low bodyfat and have pretty square physiques overall, but I hardly think they look manly. Abby reminds me of gymnasts, only she's way too tall for that. Or perhaps more like a competitive swimmer.

the-pi-guy said:
Immersiveunreality said:

The sticking point for me is that this buff part of her does not look female and there are existing buffer females than Abby that are more female looking,more realisticaly.

But not that i care a lot about this,it would just be nice that they did a tiny bit more research in how to better represent this character.

It was the character they wanted her to represent.  

She's not always so buff.

I know,i did watch most of the story but as a character it is not a relatable for myself because i'm too annoyed with how unrealistic she is,and that can be a tiny problem for a character that is playable.

But bodystructure is the least of the problems i have with the story and chars,and please i hope none takes offense to my opinion.

John2290 said:
the-pi-guy said:

The funny bit is there literally was one in the game.  There was a mess hall and a gym in the main city that Abby lived in.

There's a gym in the stadium and also at least one "around the corner" in the post apocalyptic city and maybe two if I'm not mistaken. 

A missing gym would be the least of problems.

Hunting Season is done...

Mummelmann said:
the-pi-guy said:

Literally every piece of media exaggerates something.  

Explosions, characters able to jump 20 feet in the air, characters surviving impossible falls, impossible feats of physics in tons and tons of action movies.  

I would bet everyone's favorite action movie has something that is literally impossible to do.  So why is the sticking point here a buff woman?  Something that is actually physically possible, even if it's really really unlikely? 

We are playing a fictional piece of media of a fictional future where there are massive fungus zombies that are practically out of Dead Space that eat people and the sticking point here is a woman who is a little too buff?  

Of course, of course. My argument is simply that it isn't a realistically attainable physique without some extra aid, given her height. That's literally it. A lot of people have misconceptions about how muscle is built, especially on tall frames, whether you're male or female. Of course, there are exaggerations in games and movies, and most brawny Hollywood actors are juicing left and right to attain their physiques. Whether or not the game itself is trying to be realistic is kind of beside the point if someone argues that building a whole lot of mass on a female upper body without chemical aid is realistic.

I have no problem with it what so ever, I don't find it weird, unsettling or traumatizing, I just tried to dispel some myths about the human body and its capabilities. No big deal, to me anyway.

@Immersiveunreality: I wouldn't say that her chest looks manly necessarily, when the female torso loses fat the chest tends to take on a flatter and more muscular look naturally. A female pectoral muscle will look like male ones underneath the skin, they just lack the same average volume and are usually covered in more bodyfat on average. Look at most gymnasts, for instance, they usually have low bodyfat and have pretty square physiques overall, but I hardly think they look manly. Abby reminds me of gymnasts, only she's way too tall for that. Or perhaps more like a competitive swimmer.

Yes i know but girls that do bodybuilding and have a manly upperbody like Abby are like 1 out of 100 maybe even rarer,mostly they still have female shaped breast on top of the musles and surely when the body has the fatpercentage abby has.

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I'm not reading this thread at this time (I want to get done with the game first), but just to tag the thread and also to give a comment about politics in games, I think what's going on with games in general is the same that's going on with all pop culture, particularly Hollywood: the annoying need to lecture the audience.

Watch the third season of Designated Survivor on Netflix to get what I'm talking about. It's an example of a "lecture show" and it feels to me that the whole pop industry is going this way either more or less extreme.

It's not about being left-wing or right-wing, it's about those writers and directors thinking that everyone is an imbecile that needs to learn from their work what's right and wrong all the time. It feels like communistic propaganda: it's artificial, it's boring, it's even repressive somehow.

God bless You.

My Total Sales prediction for PS4 by the end of 2021: 110m+

When PS4 will hit 100m consoles sold: Before Christmas 2019

There were three ravens sat on a tree / They were as blacke as they might be / The one of them said to his mate, Where shall we our breakfast take?

0D0 said:
I'm not reading this thread at this time (I want to get done with the game first), but just to tag the thread and also to give a comment about politics in games, I think what's going on with games in general is the same that's going on with all pop culture, particularly Hollywood: the annoying need to lecture the audience.

Watch the third season of Designated Survivor on Netflix to get what I'm talking about. It's an example of a "lecture show" and it feels to me that the whole pop industry is going this way either more or less extreme.

It's not about being left-wing or right-wing, it's about those writers and directors thinking that everyone is an imbecile that needs to learn from their work what's right and wrong all the time. It feels like communistic propaganda: it's artificial, it's boring, it's even repressive somehow.

I hate that shit as well, but I never felt that with this game. Never felt lectured to in any way. Here you kill people of all genders, race and sexuality. Its like an all inclusive bloodbath.

0D0 said:
I'm not reading this thread at this time (I want to get done with the game first), but just to tag the thread and also to give a comment about politics in games, I think what's going on with games in general is the same that's going on with all pop culture, particularly Hollywood: the annoying need to lecture the audience.

Watch the third season of Designated Survivor on Netflix to get what I'm talking about. It's an example of a "lecture show" and it feels to me that the whole pop industry is going this way either more or less extreme.

It's not about being left-wing or right-wing, it's about those writers and directors thinking that everyone is an imbecile that needs to learn from their work what's right and wrong all the time. It feels like communistic propaganda: it's artificial, it's boring, it's even repressive somehow.

Yep, one of the reasons I stopped watching designated surviver. Its so straight up to my face that yeah, its like one of those king jon un propaganda videos. And its always one sided.

I just finished the game and I'm pretty lost as to why the game is political. Is it because there is a lesbian couple, an ethnically diverse cast, and a muscular woman? I don't see how that's political. I'm not baiting anyone, I'm genuinely curious if that's what it boils down to.

Lifetime Sales Predictions 

Switch: 161 million (was 73 million, then 96 million, then 113 million, then 125 million, then 144 million, then 151 million, then 156 million)

PS5: 115 million (was 105 million) Xbox Series S/X: 40 million (was 60 million, then 67 million, then 57 million. then 48 million)

PS4: 120 mil (was 100 then 130 million, then 122 million) Xbox One: 51 mil (was 50 then 55 mil)

3DS: 75.5 mil (was 73, then 77 million)

"Let go your earthly tether, enter the void, empty and become wind." - Guru Laghima

Wman1996 said:
I just finished the game and I'm pretty lost as to why the game is political. Is it because there is a lesbian couple, an ethnically diverse cast, and a muscular woman? I don't see how that's political. I'm not baiting anyone, I'm genuinely curious if that's what it boils down to.

yeah, that's basically it. and to 'some people', that's an affront to their comfortable existence and find it offensive. However, people know that it's not okay to say 'the existence of lesbian/diverse/butch characters is offensive', so they wiggle around to find other excuses to hate things that have these characters. 

Oftentimes, the people don't even realize they're doing it. 

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