JRPGfan said:
EricHiggin said:
vivster said:
JRPGfan said:
Holy F***! US had ~162,000 cases yesterday, seeing numbers climb in 47 states?
thats alot of new infections pr day.
That's not corona, they're actually just sick of all that election fraud going on.
Street protests + street celebrations are a recipe for covid disaster.
On a side note, saw in a clip that Elon Musk apparently tweeted he got 4 covid tests in a row, 2 showing positive and 2 showing negative?
Likely means, that he has it,.... but 2 out of the 4 tests, failed to pick it up.
Also your right about Street Protests + celebrations. All mass gatherings, are not exactly great for keeping spread down.
Soon theres black friday, thanks giveing, christmas too. Its gonna keep growing most likely.
Also you thought the day before was bad at 162,000? Now it turns out that yesterday was another high again in the US (~184k).
The fact that Trump just doesnt seem to care at all, and is opposed to any new restrictions or lockdowns of any kind.. Its gonna keep going up. They estimate that around 400,000 will have died to Covid19 in the US by early March.
Well with 4 tests you'd think, especially if you're Musk, maybe 1 could be bad, but 2 bad tests out of 4? It's only a small amount of tests, but it doesn't seem very effective in this case, considering what the test is for. That for Musk is likely just another thing he needs to fix. lol.
This is part of the problem for Trump and conservatives. They understood, even if they didn't fully agree, the want from people in general, especially Dems, for mail in voting. Well if you won't risk socially distancing in line to vote, you definitely wouldn't risk packing the streets to celebrate, holding hands, hugging, cheering, screaming, etc. Yet that's exactly what's been happening.
It looks extremely hypocritical, and considering conservatives aren't as worried about the illness in general, it's hard to care as much as they are apparently supposed to, when the other side keeps showing they don't seem to either based on their actions. The past Floyd protests and riots just add to the frustration, even though it's people exercising their right's.
You have to choose which is more important though and stick to it, yet many have been showing covid to be less important than their words are implying.
Most recently, the Chicago Mayor was out in the streets celebrating with the crowds, but has now announced further lockdown restrictions for Thanksgiving. Her explanation as to why this makes any sense, doesn't make any sense, based on her actions. When you change your priorities on the spot like this, people stop caring, and in today's world, you quickly end up with a "boy who cried wolf" scenario.
You can't have your cake and eat it too and think others will just go along with what you demand. I'm not saying Trump is handling the situation perfectly and there's nothing legit to complain about, but I can totally understand why he may not be taking it as serious as some say he should. Either Trump's been setting a bad example when it comes to covid rules, while you set the right example, or you both set bad examples in which nobody will take either serious, which is another recipe for covid disaster unfortunately.