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Forums - Politics Discussion - Human right violations in persecution of Julian Assange?

Nils Melzer, an expert on torture working for the United nations human rights office, has visited Assange in prison and calls out problems.

“I am particularly alarmed at the recent announcement by the US Department of Justice of 17 new charges against Mr. Assange under the Espionage Act, which currently carry up to 175 years in prison. This may well result in a life sentence without parole, or possibly even the death penalty, if further charges were to be added in the future,” said Melzer, who was also following up on earlier concerns for Assange’s health.


“In the course of the past nine years, Mr. Assange has been exposed to persistent, progressively severe abuse ranging from systematic judicial persecution and arbitrary confinement in the Ecuadorian embassy, to his oppressive isolation, harassment and surveillance inside the embassy, and from deliberate collective ridicule, insults and humiliation, to open instigation of violence and even repeated calls for his assassination.”


“The evidence is overwhelming and clear,” the expert said. “Mr. Assange has been deliberately exposed, for a period of several years, to progressively severe forms of cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, the cumulative effects of which can only be described as psychological torture.

What do you think?

Last edited by Mnementh - on 01 July 2019

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

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This world is strange. I don't particularly like Assange. I think he's overrated as far as being a hero and I know on a political and personal level I do not like him, but I certainly find him being locked up insane and completely unethical. I feel like a lot of things must be behind the scenes for this to make sense. I really don't get what he is being held responsible for because nothing he has done has led to the assassination of any politician, revolutionary act, or far as I am aware. Maybe there's a long game that I am not aware of and governments fear he is potentially going to start WW3? I really don't understand this one...

I am always baffled how "human rights" usually sides of with jailed criminals.

duduspace11 "Well, since we are estimating costs, Pokemon Red/Blue did cost Nintendo about $50m to make back in 1996"

Mr Puggsly: "Hehe, I said good profit. You said big profit. Frankly, not losing money is what I meant by good. Don't get hung up on semantics"

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Bandorr said:
If I recall correctly he fled Sweden after being accused of raping someone and hid for years.
He/wikileaks then worked closely with Russia/Trump to steal the election for Trump.
Trump asked for e-mails.
A russian hacker stole those e-mails,
He gave those e-mails to Wikileaks.
Who then got in touch with Trump JR.

So either he is going to be treated like a king here, or put down like a dog because he knows Trumps secrets.

So no sympathy for the devil.

i thought that it was facebook ads that made trump win the election?

He played a role in hacking of government computers. That is illegal and thus he should go to jail.


Vengeance 32 gb

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Bandorr said:
(1) If I recall correctly he fled Sweden after being accused of raping someone and hid for years.
(2) He/wikileaks then worked closely with Russia/Trump to steal the election for Trump.
Trump asked for e-mails.
A russian hacker stole those e-mails,
He gave those e-mails to Wikileaks.
Who then got in touch with Trump JR.

So either he is going to be treated like a king here, or put down like a dog because he knows Trumps secrets.

So no sympathy for the devil.

(1) But still the US wants to extradite him. So why?

(2) Wikileaks denied having their sources from Russia. There is no proof to the contrary. Even if Russia hacked Clintons email, it doesn't mean they are the source for Wikileaks. But that's all besides the point. The point here is: the emails were real and the public should know about their content, as it was of interest for the public. Next we need Trumps email.

Chrkeller said:
He played a role in hacking of government computers. That is illegal and thus he should go to jail.

He didn't hack any governmental computers and it is not even his government, as he isn't american.

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

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He is being brought up on hacking charges. He committed a crime.


Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC

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Chrkeller said:

He is being brought up on hacking charges. He committed a crime.

From your linked article:

Is one failed attempt to crack a password really enough to embroil Assange in a felony hacking case? "For the CFAA, unfortunately yes," says Jeffrey Vagle, a former University of Pennsylvania law professor and current affiliate scholar at the Stanford Center for Internet and Society. He points to a long history of using the overly expansive wording of the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act to hit hackers accused of even trivial acts with serious charges. "The fact that his involvement is de minimus isn't enough to stop an indictment, because the CFAA is just so broad."

So this is based on an clear overreach of the wording of the law.

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

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"Is one failed attempt to crack a password really enough to embroil Assange in a felony hacking case?"

Yes, hacking government computers is a felony. It really is that simple.

Additionally, a failed attempt doesn't make something legal.  If I attempt to rob a bank...  because I failed I shouldn't be charged??? Yeah, no.

Assange knowingly committed a felony and got caught.  I really don't get the problem here.  Regardless if the punishment fits the crime, the law is there.  He knew about it and decided to ignore the consequences.  

Last edited by Chrkeller - on 01 July 2019


Vengeance 32 gb

RTX 4090 Ventus 3x E OC

Switch OLED

Bandorr said:
Mnementh said:

(1) But still the US wants to extradite him. So why?

(2) Wikileaks denied having their sources from Russia. There is no proof to the contrary. Even if Russia hacked Clintons email, it doesn't mean they are the source for Wikileaks. But that's all besides the point. The point here is: the emails were real and the public should know about their content, as it was of interest for the public. Next we need Trumps email.

He didn't hack any governmental computers and it is not even his government, as he isn't american.

Trump asks for the e-mails from Russia.  Wikileaks corroborates with Trump junior over said e-mails.

Yet you doubt the Russia to wikileaks connection?

And you are fine with getting the e-mails no matter the legality of it, or the affect it had on the election?

So are you basically just another "but her e-mails"?

I am not sure how much the contents of the emails really had on the election. But think about one thing: if the emails were released following a court order instead of leaked, would that be different? If yes why? I mean, the content has the same relevance. People focus way to much on the how the emails were released instead of the content themself. I don't think they were incredibly bad for Clinton, but they were another little thing among many other things that showed how bad a candidate Clinton really was.

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

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