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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Time to settle it (for this month...): Chrono Trigger vs FF VI

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Which of these two best games is better than the other?

Chrono Trigger 21 65.63%
FF VI 11 34.38%

I pick CT, but i have to say that ffvi is the best ff.
CT is just mindblowing for the time, from graphics, side quests, story and music, etc.

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I trigger you: Chrono Cross > Chrono Trigger

I have tried FFVI a few times but never managed more than a few hours, I just find the random encounters annoying and the combat pointless. I guess I was spoiled by FFX where combat was made addictive because Spheres and Sphere Grid

Last edited by m0ney - on 27 January 2018

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Deus Ex (2000) - a game that pushes the boundaries of what the video game medium is capable of to a degree unmatched to this very day.

So you're comparing one of the greatest RPGs ever made to a heaping pile of overhyped shit? I feel offended.

If you demand respect or gratitude for your volunteer work, you're doing volunteering wrong.

Chrono Trigger by far

Echoing a post here already, Chrono Trigger. FFVI is overrated.






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The idea of a slave crown that you can put on someone to mind control them is just too cool and hot.


Final Chrono Fantasy Trigger 6 is the best one :)

If it isn't turnbased it isn't worth playing   (mostly)

And shepherds we shall be,

For Thee, my Lord, for Thee. Power hath descended forth from Thy hand, That our feet may swiftly carry out Thy command. So we shall flow a river forth to Thee And teeming with souls shall it ever be. In Nomine Patris, et Filii, et Spiritūs Sancti. -----The Boondock Saints

Hiku said:

I'd be curious to hear if anyone would prefer FFVI's combat system and why. I'd imagine it would mainly come down to preference of random encounters and enemy design, because I think the combat system of CT is almost objectively better.
Time traveling is a theme I love in movies and games as well. Probably why Majora's Mask is my favorite Zelda game. And I enjoyed those aspects of Ephemeral Fantasia and Final Fantasy XIII-3 as well.

By the way, Chrono Trigger on Playstation is the worst version from a technical standpoint since it's the only version that has loading times.
I played it on SNES and Playstation 1, but I haven't played the DS version, which seems to be the best version, and has an extra end game dungeon and a new ending. But playing on a big screen is often important to me as well.

I find The combat in FFVI to be way better than Chrono Trigger. To me it basically comes down to customization, since using Espers and Relics allow for some crazy combinations like having a character attack 8 times in a turn. Granted, it also allows you to break the game, but unless you know what you’re doing, that probably wont happen in your first playthrough.

I also like how the battle in Narshe and the dungeons that force you to use multiple parties, because it integrates the story woth the gameplay in a pretty clever way. The plot is about companionship and unity and the gameplay forces you to realize that the party is stronger when they are together. This is why, despite being an easy fight, Kefka is so epic, because almost all party members fight him together.

Chrono Trigger also has a great combat with dual and triple techs, as well as having the enemies appear in the world as opposed to a separate battle screen (which must’ve been a nightmare to program at the time). But I honestly ferl like it falls flat of its potential in terms of using the enemies position to hit multiple targets at once. Maybe I’m asking for too much, since Chrono Trigger is already a fantastic game, but for me FFVI takes the crown of best JRPG I’ve ever played by a slight margin.

I make game analyses on youtube:

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Easy! Chrono trigger.

Honestly, i didnt even notice the soundtrack in FF6, so it's not that interesting for me.

Kyuu said:

How on earth is Chrono Trigger combat better?! Innovation apart, there isn't much going on aside from a handful of techs per character, which are displayed in a single column that consists of only three selections at a time. Sliding the cursor across the selections is slow as well. SNES hardware limitations probably meant you can't have this level of visuals, animations, and seamlessness without sacrificing a few gameplay elements.

FF6's combat (and to an even greater extent FF5), offer far more variety. The relatively conservative FF6 is simply more complete and rich a game compared to CT, which while innovated, left a lot to be desired.

FF5 arguably beats both in combat system. Each selection you choose in-battle opens up a 3x4 or 2x4 grid (8 or 12 selections displayed at once) and without any input lag at that. The cursor takes your commands and just flies across the selections. That's a big plus for an ATB game... everything is immediate!

One more gripe I have with CT is that I never really figured out how its targeting system works at some encounters. Like, when I used the directional pad to target an enemy (be it through the interface or just trying to move the cursor over them manually) if often went for the unintended enemy instead. Fucking hated that.

I think that judging by your post you play both games with Active setting. Though, I personally prefer Wait strategy and I find CT battle system much more using this strategy setting. It also eliminates the problem with slow scrolling through the list of skills in chrono trigger.