Tears of the Kingdom wins Best Technology at the Game Developers Choice Awards:
That a game on the Switch won best tech over many PS5/Xbox Series games really goes to show how insanely impressive TOTK's systemic physics system is
Tears of the Kingdom wins Best Technology at the Game Developers Choice Awards:
Stopped playing Baldur's Gate 3. Kind of got tired of it for some reason?
Playing Hogwarts Legacy and Born of Bread at the moment, plus the semi constant state of Warhammer 3 Total War.
I'm in *awe* of how good Legacy and Born of Bread are!
curl-6 said: Tears of the Kingdom wins Best Technology at the Game Developers Choice Awards: That a game on the Switch won best tech over many PS5/Xbox Series games really goes to show how insanely impressive TOTK's systemic physics system is |
Well earned award!! It just goes to show you how much better a game can turn out after more time and effort is put into it. ^^
Also, apparently Princess Peach Showtime is looking at big first week sales. At least that's what I heard from Around The Clock.
I've been playing Princess Peach Showtime. I received the game on Thursday and saw the credits roll on the same day. But it looks like there's enough content to require at least around 15 hours to collect everything. A game on the short side, but it manages to stay interesting throughout, so it doesn't feel like a rip-off.
My impressions so far are that this one will rank in the bottom half of Good-Feel games, but this isn't so bad when their low point was Yoshi's Crafted World. My ranking of their games will probably look like this once I am all done with PPS:
1. Wario Land: The Shake Dimension
2. Kirby's Epic Yarn
3. Yoshi's Woolly World
4. Princess Peach Showtime
5. Yoshi's Crafted World
Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.
Was kinda surprised when I first heard it was Good Feel that made the Princess Peach Showtime game. Though it does share the same director as the one who did direct the cult Goemon game on N64.
The structure shows !
So aside of Princess Peach, I'mma continue my playthrough of Star Ocean Second Story. It's quite the nice and peaceful time in the waiting of new infos for the switch successor 👌
Switch Friend Code : 3905-6122-2909
I want to get back into some nintendo games. Do you guys recommend game boy, game boy color, or game boy advance?
BasilZero said: As for Borderlands GOTY Enhanced (PC), I finished the main campaign about a little over a week ago and finished up one of the DLCs (Zombie Island of Dr Ned) last weekend. Gonna do as much and hopefully finish by end of month. |
I should really get back into Borderlands I remember playing 2 a while ago and enjoying it. I own 1&2 so maybe play them one after the other.
The world belongs to you-Pan America
hellobion2 said: I want to get back into some nintendo games. Do you guys recommend game boy, game boy color, or game boy advance? |
I recommend Switch games lol.
But what did you mean ? Was it about going back to old Nintendo games or the more recent ones.
Anyway, there's plenty for you to enjoy on the NSO.
Mario Land 2, Mario Tennis, Mario vs DK, Wario Land 3, Zelda Awakening, Golden Sun, etc ... Plenty to sink your teeth into the Gameboy/Advance lineup
Switch Friend Code : 3905-6122-2909
Unicorn Overlord on the Switch OLED is a sight to behold! On top of being just a fantastic Strategy RPG. I'm glad to see Vanillaware supporting the Switch. I picked up 13 Sentinels after getting hooked on Unicorn and I hope Vanillaware ports their other classic titles like Odin Sphere and Dragon's Crown to Switch down the road. I get the hype behind the studio now. Their art style is unlike anything I've seen before.
You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind
Getting back into Pokemon:Scarlett and damn is it still is in a very sorry state. Can Nintnedo do anything about Gamefreaks poor QC or is pokemon gonna continue down this road?
The world belongs to you-Pan America
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