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Another Code Recollection had a demo drop earlier this morning !

It's basically the first chapter of the game.

It's so bizarre to see Nintendo diving back into its adventure games library and remaking them but honestly, it was a pretty solid one hour beginning, even if the puzzles were on the easy side.

Switch Friend Code : 3905-6122-2909 

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I pulled it off this year: Exactly 2.000 hours played across 33 different games.

Makes me once again realize how long games have become. 100+ hours on a single game isn't uncommon anymore and RPGs being among my favorite genres contributes greatly to the average hours per game figure.. In turn, platformers become a mere blip on the radar as does Mario Kart.

Legend11 correctly predicted that GTA IV will outsell Super Smash Bros. Brawl. I was wrong.

All they need to do with Smash is port it to Switch 2, bump the resolution to a dynamic 4k with Ray Tracing and call it a day.
Just expand on the current game roster, it potentially could end up being one of those titles that can end up as a service.

I just want Metroid Prime 4, Donkey Kong Country and a StarFox at this point, I don't care if they are Switch or Switch 2, it just needs to happen.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

Pemalite said:

All they need to do with Smash is port it to Switch 2, bump the resolution to a dynamic 4k with Ray Tracing and call it a day.
Just expand on the current game roster, it potentially could end up being one of those titles that can end up as a service.


This is what I want!

Basically a Mario Kart 8 Deluxe upgrade.

Pemalite said:

All they need to do with Smash is port it to Switch 2, bump the resolution to a dynamic 4k with Ray Tracing and call it a day.
Just expand on the current game roster, it potentially could end up being one of those titles that can end up as a service.

I just want Metroid Prime 4, Donkey Kong Country and a StarFox at this point, I don't care if they are Switch or Switch 2, it just needs to happen.

Same with me!! But I would like a brand new Smash, so long as it doesn't jeopardize Sakurai's health like Ultimate did.

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Yeah as amazing as the Switch has been (my #2 console of all time) I do kinda crave a new (quality) Starfox and DK, plus the wait for Prime 4 has been ridiculous.
I am also keen for the next Mario Kart; 8 is a terrific game, and the Booster Course Pass did a lot to keep it fresh, but I've been playing the core game since 2014, the next entry is way overdue.

Still, I shouldn't complain; the Switch has given me two of the best Zeldas, one of the best 3D Marios, one of the best 2D Marios, one of the best Metroid games, my pick for the best Kirby game, plus a bunch of other cool additions like Xenobade 2/3, Splatoon 2/3, Astral Chain, Bayonetta 3, and the best third party support for a Nintendo system since the SNES.

Even if it fades out without any more big new games, it's been a great system.

Pemalite said:

All they need to do with Smash is port it to Switch 2, bump the resolution to a dynamic 4k with Ray Tracing and call it a day.
Just expand on the current game roster, it potentially could end up being one of those titles that can end up as a service.

I just want Metroid Prime 4, Donkey Kong Country and a StarFox at this point, I don't care if they are Switch or Switch 2, it just needs to happen.

I’m not entirely sure what kind of benefit Ray Tracing could have to a 2.5D fighter lol. Bump in resolution and graphic fidelity for sure though!

I’m keeping my fingers crossed for a DKC announcement to coincide with the franchises 30th anniversary and the new DKC expansion at Super Nintendo World. 

You called down the thunder, now reap the whirlwind

G2ThaUNiT said:
Pemalite said:

All they need to do with Smash is port it to Switch 2, bump the resolution to a dynamic 4k with Ray Tracing and call it a day.
Just expand on the current game roster, it potentially could end up being one of those titles that can end up as a service.

I just want Metroid Prime 4, Donkey Kong Country and a StarFox at this point, I don't care if they are Switch or Switch 2, it just needs to happen.

I’m not entirely sure what kind of benefit Ray Tracing could have to a 2.5D fighter lol. Bump in resolution and graphic fidelity for sure though!

I’m keeping my fingers crossed for a DKC announcement to coincide with the franchises 30th anniversary and the new DKC expansion at Super Nintendo World. 

It can do a lot.

Especially with subsurface scattering on characters to really make them pop on-screen.

Smash actually relies rather heavily on baked Global Illumination and point lights, moving it to a fully ray traced pipeline would do wonders... Especially when you take a look at the massive amount of effects that can occur at once which offer no real bounce lighting on stage assets.

4k resolution *has* to happen to ensure the image is clean and crisp.

--::{PC Gaming Master Race}::--

21 hours into Final Fantasy V Pixel Remaster.

Nearing the end game , so cant wait to finish it because its my least favorite of the SNES mainline FF games lol

FFVI Pixel Remaster is gonna be great, gonna be crazy when I'll be playing it alongside the mobile remake of FFVI on Steam lol

Pemalite said:

All they need to do with Smash is port it to Switch 2, bump the resolution to a dynamic 4k with Ray Tracing and call it a day.
Just expand on the current game roster, it potentially could end up being one of those titles that can end up as a service.

I think the most important thing for me would be giving it rollback netcode, so that online play functions better.
But yeah, if they're able to remaster it and include all the previous characters, I think that would be the most realistic way forward for Smash right now without ending up with something that feels like a huge step back.