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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Poll: Is the Nintendo SWITCH already doomed?


Is the Nintendo SWITCH already doomed?

Yes....its too slow and w... 49 27.68%
No...its merging mobile and console. 111 62.71%
I don't Care what the Ja... 17 9.60%

If you've been watching Spawn Wave...he doesn't know the price of the Switch. Numerous retailers have it leaked at $250 USD...

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Pavolink said:
So, from this thread I get:

- Somehow, this kind of baseless threads are allowed.
- Price has been announced or it is higher than the rumored one.
- The Switch is a Wii.
- The console is underpowered.

And the cake is a lie, of course.

squibbfire said:

I'm thinking it and you are thinking it.

Is an underpowered $350(300 plus a game if not bundled) console going to pull off another Wii success? 

Or is just another Nintendo Nail in the Nintendo Console Coffin?

No I'm not. Stop putting words in my mouth.

Also, you don't count the price of the game in there - ever. It's not done for any other console (with the exception of bundles), and shouldn't be done here either. Alternatively, if you do it for one console, you have to do it for every other console as well.

Anyway, it could either succeed, fail, or end up somewhere between. I have no idea which it's going to be, but each of those seems like a reasonable possibility to me. And no, it's almost certainly not going to reach Wii-like sales. But it's definitely not doomed, or at least your reasoning is far from being strong enough to support that claim even remotely.

Ljink96 said:
If you've been watching Spawn Wave...he doesn't know the price of the Switch. Numerous retailers have it leaked at $250 USD...

I think there's also been several rumors stating it's going to have a $299 model as well, and a lot of people have taken the $299 model as the only one worth getting (even here).

squibbfire said:
I've heard tons of people state that the Wii switch will be a smaller version of last gen(ps3,360) in a handheld.
If this was the next version of the DS yes sounds like a good deal..but...its supposed to be another console...along with the ds?......

Sounds like you should spend more time reading up on this thing before making threads about it.

vivster said:
squibbfire said:

do you think it will sell more then wiiU?

Within the first 21 months.

I'll raise you to the first 18 months

Around the Network
Pavolink said:
So, from this thread I get:

- Somehow, this kind of baseless threads are allowed.
- Price has been announced or it is higher than the rumored one.
- The Switch is a Wii.
- The console is underpowered.

It's not hate. You have a console on the market that is not doing well for the industry. It's not gaining momentum and its eating up dollars and gamers.

I was born into Nintendo. I am a Nintendo fan. I want Nintendo to succeed. I want them to put a dent into sony,xbox sales.

So what is the switch supposed to it a replacement for the DS. If it is...say that.

But..they left so much uncertainty out can only wonder are they just throwing this console out there without a plan? should developers take a chance on it...until they know they are gonna stick with it for more then 4 years...or should they dev for PS4 and Xbone and DS?

Most gamers don't wanna get burned on a console they bought 3 or 4 years ago....

squibbfire said:
I will tell you....i'm expecting a MAJOR price drop in Wii U refurbs at gamestop during march or after....hahaha.

Considering they are already selling them for more than Nintendo is, the price should go down.  But what constitutes a "major" price drop and why?  Aren't the Wii U and the Switch are different enough?  Sure, Splatoon and Zelda will be shared but these are different consoles to me.  


squibbfire said:
I think we should guess on how much longer or Less the Wii switch will last then Wii U...
That sound fair?

Wii U was less then 4 years......

Wii U passed 4 years already.


Feel free to check out my stream on twitch 

I think I know where you got that 350$ price point from.

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

I think there's also been several rumors stating it's going to have a $299 model as well, and a lot of people have taken the $299 model as the only one worth getting (even here).


but will it come with a game....

thats a 50 or 60 doller buy in change...

360 bucks is super high for a mobile buy in even if you get a dock...