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Forums - Gaming Discussion - Poll: Is the Nintendo SWITCH already doomed?


Is the Nintendo SWITCH already doomed?

Yes....its too slow and w... 49 27.68%
No...its merging mobile and console. 111 62.71%
I don't Care what the Ja... 17 9.60%

doom by haters, yeah. But reality, it will be at least fine

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squibbfire said:
I've heard tons of people state that the Wii switch will be a smaller version of last gen(ps3,360) in a handheld.
If this was the next version of the DS yes sounds like a good deal..but...its supposed to be another console...along with the ds?......

Is not called Wii Switch lol

Is supossed to be like 3 times more powerfull than WiiU and there is no sign of an upcoming DS, they probably are just waiting to see if they can survive with Switch alone before making a decision about it,

squibbfire said:
I've heard tons of people state that the Wii switch will be a smaller version of last gen(ps3,360) in a handheld.

You are very misinformed sir.

Edit your numbers or close the thread for giving false information.


Edit: Thankyou! 

Pocky Lover Boy! 

Jranation said:
Edit your numbers or close the thread for giving false information.

That's a bit of an over reaction, sure $350 is extremely unlikely in my opinion, but if that's what he think's it'll cost then fair enough.

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Barkley said:
Jranation said:
Edit your numbers or close the thread for giving false information.

That's a bit of an over reaction, sure $350 is extremely unlikely in my opinion, but if that's what he think's it'll cost then fair enough.

He is making it like the numbers have already been confirmed. 

Pocky Lover Boy! 

ok i updated with the "estimated price" on top of a console with a new game.

299.99 for the system
49.99 for a game(if thats how much new games are)
est ($350)

squibbfire said:
Intrinsic said:
I doubt that...

First we dont even know if its going ti be $350. Dont know where you got that info from. And secondly its not a home console imor a mobile console. Personally I think it's more a mobile console than a home console but that's just me, the Nintendo fans (whatever is left of the 15M that bought a wiiU home console) and the people that buy things like a 3ds will lap it up.

I expect it to do no less than 50M in its lifetime. And that's by no means a failure.

I think it will sell more for its mobile prowess than its home console features. And if they can come in at $250, then they will be off to a great start.

So you are saying this is gonna replaced the DS?

No. the 3ds couldnt replace the DS and that was a direct successor to it. That mobile market during the ds time just doesmt exist anymore. Nintendo also doesnt have a home console presence anymore, evident in the low sales of the wiiU.

This is literllay the best possible option left to Nintendo, combine both your console and make the most of one platform instead of trying to support two. There will be some user overlap (ppl that typically would have bought a wiiU and a 3ds now only needing to buy one device) but all in all their overall sales should be significantly better than the wiiU but less than the 3ds. 

Fact of the matter is that the mobile market isn't as empty as it used to be when the D's dominated things. now we have phones and tablets. but Nintendo will still do very well. 

I hope someone bumps this post when the Nintendo switch comes out!
even if it comes out at 250

squibbfire said:
I hope someone bumps this post when the Nintendo switch comes out!
even if it comes out at 250

It'd be more interesting to bump if you made a sales prediction.