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Forums - Politics Discussion - Face it. It is over. Trump won.

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Trump or Hillary?

Trump FTW! 305 51.69%
Hillary all the way! 285 48.31%
Fei-Hung said:
Squall_Leonhart said:
Born again Christian... Lol!! This whole election makes me so glad the UK is one of the least religious developed countries!

Religion has no part in politics!

You do know that the country essentially is overlooked by the Church, Parliament and Monarchy. 


There are 3 houses that sit and overlook decisions and have different levels of pull, influence and power: the Lords, the Commons and the Bishop's.


The Bishops not only have influence over the Anglican community but also the wider faiths through their strategically set up Presence and Engagement centres and forums set up with key faith leaders from other traditions and faiths. 


Additionally, the Prince of Whales has the title and responsibilities of Defender of the Faiths.


Faith has a much bigger influence in Britain than you think. 

Faith has influence on ordinary people, yes. Like it should.

But you imply that faith has influence over the politics in the UK or decision making organisations in society, which is not the case.

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CosmicSex said:
tokilamockingbrd said:

well, I already put more perspective in that comment when I responded to someone else. 

But yes, most white people don't believe that racism is not as bad as it is cracked out to because they do not see it. I for one have not witnessed someone being racist in a long long long time. However I am in the Army (as an officer) and I might not hear what some 18 year old from Texas may be saying out of sight from officers. If someone comes forward says they have faced racial discrimination we have strict procecures to follow, I have not had this happen in 7 years. 

I have had an instance where a few black females were trying to claim institutional racism. 2 black females approached me and my platoon Seargent about 6 years ago (when I was still a butter bar) and asked why none of the black females E5s were getting promoted (which was just the 2 of them). My platoon Sergeant pulled their files showed them why... one had been pregnant for almost 5 years straight (this was back when units were constantly rotating to war) and had not taken a PT test, gone to the range, and had not met a few other specific requirements for promotion, and the other was recently promoted to E5 and was not even eligible yet. In their minds this was all about racism. In fact it was not, in the one case she had made decisions that put her a position where she had not met the requirements to be promoted and the other was not even eligible. 

If you have not experienced it then that is good enough.  And if you encountered people who thought they were being treated unfairly, you were able to show them why they had mistaken.  It is good to know that racism is punished in the armed services.  However in the real world, when you encounter it, its not like that at all. (I had made a laundry list of all the things that I expereinced but relized it was overly dramatic and no one cares anyway.) Just know that racism is real, it hurts and it gets to the point where you forgive yourself for ever allowing yourself to think you deserved it for one minute.  Then you get mad, you want changes and then they tell you nothing is wrong. It can make you feel like an immigrant in your own country... and in the end, you stop caring because you start to feel sorry for folks who are so screwed up that they can't even see other suffering.  You forgive them because you know that you are them, with just a different expereince and perspective. But you stand up for yourself and you call it when you see it.  Institutional racism would be like the study that showed how on average a black person has to be about 8x more qualified than their white counterpart applying for the same position.  Then Trump talks about unemplyment in the black community but never offers answers.  He only blames an idea, called Obama and Hillary.  He never identifies core issues.  Reallty no one does because everyone want to act like racism and generational poverty doesn't exist or aren't related.   Boring.

Could show us the list about the racism you've experienced? You could PM if you're not in the mood to post it here.

Baryonyx said:

Trump and Hillary only proves how retarded dumb Americans have become..
For a country within 380mill people, this is what you guys ended up with.. I can't think of one good US president that didn't screw you guys over, the ones who were good got shot... Yes, we have our problems as well, but it's all connected to UK and USA... Fuck your imperialismen and stupidity.. I don't care of any of your stupid excuses, you all become brainless slaves to your own goverment.. Please for fuck sake wake the fuck up and smell the bullshit and do something about it you weak pussies, they been poisoning your food for ages and now we see the full effect... Wake up, there should no longer be a excuse to deny the fact that something shady is going on and it's better to be prepared then sorry.. Also read up on history, those who do not learn from history is doomed to repeat it.. How many wars do you guys need to support just so you guys can keep eating that chemical filthy plastic you call food, don't fall for that political correctness bullshit.

Btw: Hillary and Trump are both democrats idiots, they both want the same thing...

This is what happens to brainless idiots who doesn't even look up and research the people you want as president..

I know it's rigged but for fuck sake don't fucking vote and make it obvious...

Take your country back or die, it's not a treat but a warning.. Your country is so deeply broke no one wanna trade on the dollar anymore, your out of business and the house of cards is falling... If putin managed to pay down the debt and kick the Rothchild out, as well as Iceland arrested their rotchild-bank for fraud and kick them out, you should as well.. Trust me your better off in the long term.. Education isn't lame assholes, but no, we should bow down to fake heroes such as celebrities instead of actually paying attention to what is going on in your goverment.. Fuck i know more about US then a average American.... 


The banks will steal everything you own and you all will sit there and blame everyone else like sheeples you are.


If you are not a sheep, then prove it by taking your country back, your presidents have warned you several times, politicians have warned you, Military personel's have warned you, the entire world have warned you..


I remember before 9/11 when basically every country warned you about the attack, what did you do? NOTHING. 

I'm afraid nobody will listen to your warnings because it's all so vague. I honestly don't understand what are you talking about. You talk as if something is very obvious, but then you don't say what that obvious is. Could you please elaborate and be more specific and concrete?

Machiavellian said:
PwerlvlAmy said:

so third time obama :O

Its very interesting on the Obama third term.  So my wife was talking to a few Rebublican friends and they totally believe that Obama is positioning himself to server a 3rd term or more.  They say that Obama is trying to undermine Hillary and paid Trump to be the complete fool so that he can institute a executive directive to server another term.  Now I have heard some consipiracy theories before but this one is right out there.  Of couse if it happens I probably will have to go to them and eat crow but oh well.

Out of all conspiracy theories this one makes the most sense and is the most plausible really.


Hillary gets elected and before shes sworn in in jan, he has her indicted. They'll have no one to take her place since VP cant be president since kaine never would actually take the seat of VP officially,trump cant since he didnt win


or second scenario for the conspiracy theory


Terrorist attacks like NJ and NY keep happening, but nation wide, Obama has no choice but to decalre ''state of emergency/martial law'' and postpone the election in order to ''preserve peace'' as that is ''more important'' than an election. Keeping him in power for a third term

NND: 0047-7271-7918 | XBL: Nights illusion | PSN: GameNChick

LadyJasmine said:
Mnementh said:

Well, reality check: money IS made out of thin air.

Basically the banks create money if you get a credit and the money is destroyed if you pay the credit back. The whole systems starts off by the central bank giving banks credits.

So using fiat money to finance infrastructure instead of financing grwoing debts seems not completely irrational to me.

It is irrational.


If government have been so corrupt and ineffective in managing money that was borrowed with interest.


How well will government spending money when they can borrow money endlessly.


Usually when governments spend a lot of money they spend more money he he.


Why doesn't the government just print money ? If governments need 100 billion can they just make it out of thin air to buy votes?

What has the government to do with it? You don't understand, money is created by the banks for debts. The government isn't involved. And mostly the banks create money by giving out loans to each other. So bank A wants a credit over 1 billion from bank B, so bank B creates the money in the books and it is noted in the account of bank A. Afterwards bank B asks for a loan over 1 billion from bank A, so the money is created by bank A and noted in the account of bank B.

They cannot create money completely without borders, but the boundaries are very weak. The banks make winnings with the interest-rates, so they are interested in creating more financial products that they can ask interests for. That lead to the financial crisis.

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

my greatest games: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023

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sethnintendo said:

You keep loving Reagan but was the economy that great in the 80s?  I don't know as much considering I was just growing up then.  I do know the 90s were pretty decent economic times but still not best.  I know for fact Reagan started driving up debt during the 80s.  His plan was cut taxes for rich brackets mainly and increase military spending to outspend Russia in the Cold War.

"When charted in dollars, in Chart 4.01, the total accumulation of federal debt looks huge. Looking back over the last century, the debt back in 1900 doesn’t really register. But by charting accumulated debt as a percent of gross domestic product (GDP) in Chart 4.02, you get a look at government debt compared to the size of the economy at the time."

" Starting at 45 percent of GDP in 1941 federal debt zoomed, reaching almost 119 percent of GDP in 1946 after the end of the war, with state and local debt adding another 7 percent. For the next 35 years successive governments brought down the debt, but then came President Reagan. He increased the federal debt up to 50 percent of GDP to win the Cold War. President Bush increased the debt to fight a war on terror and bail out the banks. President Obama increased the debt to fund a plan to revive the economy in the aftermath of the Crash of 2008, peaking at 120.6 percent of GDP, federal, state and local in 2014. Debt is expected to decline as percent of GDP in the near future."


You keep touting Reagan like his Voodoo economics was a miracle for the US economy.  I'm just not seeing it.  You can't cut taxes along with social programs but then pump up the defense budget.  Driving up the military budget won't offset the cuts in social programs.  Basically, Republicans want to increase the size of government military wise but slash social programs that many Americans rely on.  Doesn't seem right in my book.  They also say oh there is so much fraud in welfare, food stamps, etc... Sure there is but you know what I believe the US military has way more fraud.  If you want to save some money don't increase the military budget.  Give it a full audit and get rid of all the bullshit waste projects that we have or have done with private contractors wasting untold billions.

Nowhere I'm saying it was a miracle. I don't even like Reagan, he over spent on military, favored riches, poverty increased (a little, but in an economy growing a lot) and Wall Street started to go wild, I consider him as the root of many current problems. But you are wrong about questionning the growth, or seeing it with only the debt metric, or only as a laughable voodoo. He got the economy from a -0.5 growth to a 4% GDP growth on average for 8 years, created 21 million jobs, median income increased, he did took care of Japan unfair competition, and really, new companies flourished. Before he started his economic reform, USA growth perspectives were gloomy, the competitivity was decreasing. That's why nobody really dared to undo the "voodoo", Bush Sr. included, Obama included. So I believe it's a fair example in my reply to "These old con economic policies haven't worked in the past and they won't work in the future." It worked on the economic side, and it could have been a lot better with more control of the debt, or at least investment in infrastructures and schools rather than military. Any president in the next 28 years was in charge of doing better.

About debt, he was indeed first to have high level of debt, but every president is responsible for his share of debt. And it's not specific to USA. But, and that's a point I agree on with Trump, if debt increases, at least you have to see some results, it has to be an investment. I based my numbers on wikipedia, because most debt sites have a politic agenda, but Reagan generated 2 billions $ debt, Bush Jr 6 billions, and Obama about 8. For Obama it's hard to compare, because he started with an ongoing war, very high debt level, and a major financial problem (but we can't say he did a wonderful job). But Bush, really, for 6 billions you got a failed war, a financial crisis, more problems, and that's pretty much it.

So yeah, tax cuts, infrastructure spending, get money back with better deals (China, military base, etc.), get rid of tax loopholes, review the spending, tax Chinese imports and get back the money from offshore seems like a very good plan for me.

PwerlvlAmy said:
Machiavellian said:

Its very interesting on the Obama third term.  So my wife was talking to a few Rebublican friends and they totally believe that Obama is positioning himself to server a 3rd term or more.  They say that Obama is trying to undermine Hillary and paid Trump to be the complete fool so that he can institute a executive directive to server another term.  Now I have heard some consipiracy theories before but this one is right out there.  Of couse if it happens I probably will have to go to them and eat crow but oh well.

Out of all conspiracy theories this one makes the most sense and is the most plausible really.


Hillary gets elected and before shes sworn in in jan, he has her indicted. They'll have no one to take her place since VP cant be president since kaine never would actually take the seat of VP officially,trump cant since he didnt win


or second scenario for the conspiracy theory


Terrorist attacks like NJ and NY keep happening, but nation wide, Obama has no choice but to decalre ''state of emergency/martial law'' and postpone the election in order to ''preserve peace'' as that is ''more important'' than an election. Keeping him in power for a third term

The Justice department would have to be sitting on some bomb for this to happen.  Also it would have to be way before she is sworn in as there needs to be the whole due process.

LadyJasmine said:
Mnementh said:

Well, reality check: money IS made out of thin air.

Basically the banks create money if you get a credit and the money is destroyed if you pay the credit back. The whole systems starts off by the central bank giving banks credits.

So using fiat money to finance infrastructure instead of financing grwoing debts seems not completely irrational to me.

It is irrational.


If government have been so corrupt and ineffective in managing money that was borrowed with interest.


How well will government spending money when they can borrow money endlessly.


Usually when governments spend a lot of money they spend more money he he.


Why doesn't the government just print money ? If governments need 100 billion can they just make it out of thin air to buy votes?

Currency only holds value as long as there is confidence in it. Printing money devalues that particular currency. Just see the most recent bout of quantitative easing in the UK for that. The pound slumped in the wake of the Brexit vote. Then the BoE confirmed for QE and it slumped even more.

So as nice as it would be to just have a blank cheque to print money to do all the infrastructure building, basically you would ultimately create hyperinflation.

Interest free lending on the otherhand... that would actually be pretty nice. Bond yields have been hitting negative territory, so actually, interest free would be a better rate than many of the better bonds on the market.

However you are right to point out, how well will that spending be used. The NHS is a great example of this at the moment, infact, Tim Fallon just today sung Tony Blair's praises over his "investment" in the NHS. However much of this was through PFI schemes.  So actually, Tony wasn't spending a penny on this investment. (as much as internet memes love to show how fiscally responsible New Labour was) It was being lumbered onto the NHS itself in the form of rent and servicing charges which trusts are being commited to for decades. The total amount of money repaid under these schemes, is many multiples more than the original new builds costed.

New Labour may well have condemned the NHS to privatisation with their reckless "investment". They knew they would be out of government before the chickens came home to roost, and are then able to just sit on the other side of the bench and moan about spending cuts. (yes this is simplistic, but the main point is, Labour spent a LOT more than they officially did on paper, because it was all tied up in future liabilities reliant on a perpetually growing economy and tax revenue. Thank god Gordon got rid of Boom and Bust...

RIP Dad 25/11/51 - 13/12/13. You will be missed but never forgotten.

Mnementh said:
LadyJasmine said:

It is irrational.


If government have been so corrupt and ineffective in managing money that was borrowed with interest.


How well will government spending money when they can borrow money endlessly.


Usually when governments spend a lot of money they spend more money he he.


Why doesn't the government just print money ? If governments need 100 billion can they just make it out of thin air to buy votes?

What has the government to do with it? You don't understand, money is created by the banks for debts. The government isn't involved. And mostly the banks create money by giving out loans to each other. So bank A wants a credit over 1 billion from bank B, so bank B creates the money in the books and it is noted in the account of bank A. Afterwards bank B asks for a loan over 1 billion from bank A, so the money is created by bank A and noted in the account of bank B.

They cannot create money completely without borders, but the boundaries are very weak. The banks make winnings with the interest-rates, so they are interested in creating more financial products that they can ask interests for. That lead to the financial crisis.

Government "shouldn't" have anything to do with it. But Central Banks (not the same as the banks you are referring to) have everything to do with it. Banks cannot lend money which they don't have. No, they can't just "create" money. Central banks do that. It is true though, that there is not enough currency in most banking systems for the actually cash to be completely withdrawn, as much of it is digital fantasy. However the central banks are the ones that put it into the "system".

RIP Dad 25/11/51 - 13/12/13. You will be missed but never forgotten.

Machiavellian said:
PwerlvlAmy said:

Out of all conspiracy theories this one makes the most sense and is the most plausible really.


Hillary gets elected and before shes sworn in in jan, he has her indicted. They'll have no one to take her place since VP cant be president since kaine never would actually take the seat of VP officially,trump cant since he didnt win


or second scenario for the conspiracy theory


Terrorist attacks like NJ and NY keep happening, but nation wide, Obama has no choice but to decalre ''state of emergency/martial law'' and postpone the election in order to ''preserve peace'' as that is ''more important'' than an election. Keeping him in power for a third term

The Justice department would have to be sitting on some bomb for this to happen.  Also it would have to be way before she is sworn in as there needs to be the whole due process.

They probably are, theres way too much to not indict her, so they could be waiting for the right moment(December)

NND: 0047-7271-7918 | XBL: Nights illusion | PSN: GameNChick