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CosmicSex said:
tokilamockingbrd said:

well, I already put more perspective in that comment when I responded to someone else. 

But yes, most white people don't believe that racism is not as bad as it is cracked out to because they do not see it. I for one have not witnessed someone being racist in a long long long time. However I am in the Army (as an officer) and I might not hear what some 18 year old from Texas may be saying out of sight from officers. If someone comes forward says they have faced racial discrimination we have strict procecures to follow, I have not had this happen in 7 years. 

I have had an instance where a few black females were trying to claim institutional racism. 2 black females approached me and my platoon Seargent about 6 years ago (when I was still a butter bar) and asked why none of the black females E5s were getting promoted (which was just the 2 of them). My platoon Sergeant pulled their files showed them why... one had been pregnant for almost 5 years straight (this was back when units were constantly rotating to war) and had not taken a PT test, gone to the range, and had not met a few other specific requirements for promotion, and the other was recently promoted to E5 and was not even eligible yet. In their minds this was all about racism. In fact it was not, in the one case she had made decisions that put her a position where she had not met the requirements to be promoted and the other was not even eligible. 

If you have not experienced it then that is good enough.  And if you encountered people who thought they were being treated unfairly, you were able to show them why they had mistaken.  It is good to know that racism is punished in the armed services.  However in the real world, when you encounter it, its not like that at all. (I had made a laundry list of all the things that I expereinced but relized it was overly dramatic and no one cares anyway.) Just know that racism is real, it hurts and it gets to the point where you forgive yourself for ever allowing yourself to think you deserved it for one minute.  Then you get mad, you want changes and then they tell you nothing is wrong. It can make you feel like an immigrant in your own country... and in the end, you stop caring because you start to feel sorry for folks who are so screwed up that they can't even see other suffering.  You forgive them because you know that you are them, with just a different expereince and perspective. But you stand up for yourself and you call it when you see it.  Institutional racism would be like the study that showed how on average a black person has to be about 8x more qualified than their white counterpart applying for the same position.  Then Trump talks about unemplyment in the black community but never offers answers.  He only blames an idea, called Obama and Hillary.  He never identifies core issues.  Reallty no one does because everyone want to act like racism and generational poverty doesn't exist or aren't related.   Boring.

Could show us the list about the racism you've experienced? You could PM if you're not in the mood to post it here.