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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Windows 10 Forced Updates Causing Endless Crash Loops

Fuck you Windows 10. I installed you on my PC and you broke it down. I had to reinstall Windows 7 and delete all of my stuff (thank god I had a back up). I'm never touching you again, whore.

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Not taking any chances; I'm waiting until major issues like these are solved.

Oh well. I still have time to downgrade to Windows 7.

Glad I waited then. Didn't like the idea of mandatory updates so hopefully MS reverses the decision.

Either way, I'll let them iron out the bugs before I upgrade.

Knowing my luck with Windows 10, I would have gotten hit by that bug. I ended up switching back to 8.1 a couple days after the official Windows 10 launch because my display driver was crashing more and more to the point where I finally decided to just revert. I haven't had a driver crash since.


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Huh, this problem appeared sooner than I expected. I expected them to be able to keep these problems at bay for at least a few months since they thought it was a good idea to force updates. Instead it took them less than two weeks to break stuff with forced updates.

Also, this is one of the reasons I chose not to upgrade. There are many others too, but this is one.

My computers seem to work fine post update so it might be hardware specific?

Puppyroach said:
My computers seem to work fine post update so it might be hardware specific?

I think it comes down to who has bad luck. As we all know, every computer has issues sometimes, so this is probably just those that get an issue during the initial install. The big problem though is that it forces you to update, which leads to a loop.

Every computer I have access to personally have Windows 10 on them now (about 10 devices, even the numbers match!) None of them have ran into issues, all upgraded from 8.1 or various versions of 7. I'm quiet impressed.

I am happy that I waited and didn't download Windows 10!