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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Is Youkai Watch Going To Flop In USA?

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Will Youkai Watch Succeed In The U.S. of A?

Success! 46 38.98%
Failure :( 25 21.19%
Meh... 38 32.20%
Pokemon Z! 9 7.63%

It will probably flop compared to Japan standards of the series. But it will sell more than Monster Hunter does in the west most likely.

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Dr.Vita said:
I won't flop and it won't be the new Pokemon.

Yeah, pretty much this.

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Angelv577 said:
Is there a TV show in US?, if not then I don't think so.

The anime and merchandising will launch in the US later this year, presumably before the game comes out.

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Skullwaker said:
Angelv577 said:
Is there a TV show in US?, if not then I don't think so.

The anime and merchandising will launch in the US later this year, presumably before the game comes out.

In that case, it has a chance depending of how successful the tv show is.

it would sell but not pokemon-like numbers. just decent i believe, not sure if it would capture the kids these days with Yo-kai. I'm just interested with the series and maybe my daughter would find it interesting and play it.

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thing is, pokemon wasn't just a great concept and amazing timing with a popular anime. For its time, the game was flippin amazing. IGN rated R/B/G a 10/10, the game was fantastic. That also helped as well. I don't think yokai watch has a fantastic game, with a new concept, for it to really take off. The anime might be popular though idk how kids work.

I think it will be a success and sell at about 40% of the numbers it did in Japan.

For the sake of how much money Nintendo is willing to pull out for advertising this thing...I'll say it'll at least moderately do well.

I think it'll do fine, like MH4, but won't be a massive hit.

Bet with Teeqoz for 2 weeks of avatar and sig control that Super Mario Odyssey would ship more than 7m on its first 2 months. The game shipped 9.07m, so I won

It could, and it definitely will not sell as well as Japan

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