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Forums - Gaming Discussion - gamrConnect Presents: The 500 Greatest Games

Just did the math. I've played 223 of the top 500. Not bad, but I still need to do some serious work.

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Veknoid_Outcast said:
Just did the math. I've played 223 of the top 500. Not bad, but I still need to do some serious work.

Shit, now I feel like I need to go through the whole list again and post my number

Edit: 174

I have a problem with the Sega Genesis list. Owning half of the games in your top 20 and 60+ more, there's definitely some titles missing that should be there. No Pulseman? But there's Vectorman? What happened with Earthworm Jim? Not even Earthworm Jim 2? Street Fighter II? But not SUPER Street Fighter II? Why isn't Sonic 3 & Knuckles higher than Sonic 2? Why NBA Jam, but not Tournament Edition?

I guess when you have a list as big as 500, it doesn't matter that one game is higher than another. Only thing that matters is the game was considered.

Personally, I never play Street Fighter II, after I got Super Street Fighter II on genesis. And, I hardly ever play sonic 2 after getting sonic 3 on genesis. I'd owned Sonic 2 for about 10 years before getting sonic 3. I just don't understand it. The big thing being, Sonic 2 had stages removed from the final product. Sonic 3 had those stages put into Sonic & Knuckles to make it complete.

I'd consider things like that, if it were me. But, not just that, I actually enjoy sonic 3 & knuckles more than sonic 2. It was something that got better with each sequel... Until sonic 4....

Then.. Mortal Kombat II... It's really bad on the Genesis. MK1 feels better, and UMK3 is missing animalities, so I wouldn't think it deserves a spot either. It's so much better to have the arcade versions, though.

Burning Typhoon said:
I have a problem with the Sega Genesis list. Owning half of the games in your top 20 and 60+ more, there's definitely some titles missing that should be there. No Pulseman? But there's Vectorman? What happened with Earthworm Jim? Not even Earthworm Jim 2? Street Fighter II? But not SUPER Street Fighter II? Why isn't Sonic 3 & Knuckles higher than Sonic 2? Why NBA Jam, but not Tournament Edition?

I guess when you have a list as big as 500, it doesn't matter that one game is higher than another. Only thing that matters is the game was considered.

Personally, I never play Street Fighter II, after I got Super Street Fighter II on genesis. And, I hardly ever play sonic 2 after getting sonic 3 on genesis. I'd owned Sonic 2 for about 10 years before getting sonic 3. I just don't understand it. The big thing being, Sonic 2 had stages removed from the final product. Sonic 3 had those stages put into Sonic & Knuckles to make it complete.

I'd consider things like that, if it were me. But, not just that, I actually enjoy sonic 3 & knuckles more than sonic 2. It was something that got better with each sequel... Until sonic 4....

Then.. Mortal Kombat II... It's really bad on the Genesis. MK1 feels better, and UMK3 is missing animalities, so I wouldn't think it deserves a spot either. It's so much better to have the arcade versions, though.

1. I included all versions of Street Fighter II as one.

2. No one voted for EarthWorm Jim (1 or 2) and that's a damn shame.

3. Sonic 3 & Knuckles were seperated since they were seperate game releases in 1994. But I'm totally with you in that S&K (and even moreso S3&K) is the definitive Sonic experience. (Which is why I usually have a Knuckles avatar!)

Who made this list... It is horrible that games like San Andreas or Crash Team Racing are not in the Top 10.
The Top 10 is full with Nintendo (like this whole site)...

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BraLoD said:
Oh so the list was already made and I haven't noticed it yet! I'm sorrt Smeags!
Also, F*** YEAH! "203. The Legend of Dragoon" I was able to put it in this year list for the first time! Thank you everyone who also had it on your lists XD

6 others in fact. ^_^

Smeags said:

1. I included all versions of Street Fighter II as one.

2. No one voted for EarthWorm Jim (1 or 2) and that's a damn shame.

3. Sonic 3 & Knuckles were seperated since they were seperate game releases in 1994. But I'm totally with you in that S&K (and even moreso S3&K) is the definitive Sonic experience. (Which is why I usually have a Knuckles avatar!)

Oh, there was a vote?  Well, that explains it all.  And, Breakers was a fantastic game on the neo-geo.  Too bad Breakers Revenge never showed up on the console.  It would have sold 40 million+ more units. :P

But, you know, Sonic & Knuckles alone wasn't enough to keep me from Sonic 2.  I always thought it was too short.  Even when I first beat the game at age 5, or 6, or maybe 7...  I was just left wanting more...  but, when I got Sonic 3, things changed. It felt like the complete game I'd wanted.  So, individually, maybe I'd put Sonic 2 on top, but Sonic 3 & knuckles as a complete game, completely beats out Sonic 2 in every aspect.

Great thread! Thoughts: (IMHO)

Kid Icarus Uprising should be top 100
THANK YOU for Age of Empires 2 being top 100, but It should be top 30.
Super Mario Galaxy > Mario 64 by far
SMG 2 > Uncharted 2
Dragon Quest 9 below 7? I don't agree....
Age of Mythology should be a bit higher on the list.
Battle for Middle Earth in top 200.
Include Hyrule Warriors. (or I missed that.)
All Halo's should be about 5 higher than they are.
Both Bayonetta's in top 25. Hands down.

But this is a great list anyway. :)

Ratchet and Clank: A Crack in Time jumps from 123 to 85
Ratchet and Clank: Tools of Destruction debuts at no less than 161 (EDIT: I missed it on last years list, it was 290.)
Ratchet and Clank: Up Your Arsenal jumps from 172 all the way up to96.

And three Sly Cooper games appear on the list (although still outside last years threshold)!

This makes me a happy Teeqoz

Great job, Smeags!

I'm not sure if it was mentioned somewhere, but how does the counting system work?
1 point for every game mentioned or 1 point for #50 and 50 points for #1?