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Forums - Gaming Discussion - SPOILER FOR SMASH REVEAL (99.99% likely)

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Dulfite said:
It's just a trophy. They wouldn't ruin their reveal by revealing the character as a trophy before. And besides, Rayman has too bad of a reputation with Wii u owners to be a character. What with his delay and all. Many are still bitter about that and the fact that it wasn't exclusive. Hence the low Wii u sales.

It was exclusive in Japan! And if you don't think Japan gets unfairly weighted then just look at Lucas in Brawl, or Marth and Roy in Melee; or historically the relative lack of representation for Metroid for its franchise size.

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Sakurai is just being his usual troll self...this isn't a character reveal, and nothing in what he says implies that it is. If Rayman does happen to be in the game (still very unlikely) I would be pretty happy about that though.

GamechaserBE said:
Character trophies announced so far never have been characters that will be playable in the game;.

This^ Cant believe how many people fell right into Sakurai's Trap. He got many people on other forums i see. I think he saved this pic for just this occasion of trolling

I feel like the entire forum is trying to troll. Why in Hyrule's green fields would you get the trophy and no character? Unless Ubisoft paid to have just a trophy included, and that doesn't seem likely.

It's going to be Shulk.

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tbone51 said:
GamechaserBE said:
Character trophies announced so far never have been characters that will be playable in the game;.

This^ Cant believe how many people fell right into Sakurai's Trap. He got many people on other forums i see. I think he saved this pic for just this occasion of trolling

Have you ever seen the episode of QI where they ask the guests (and Alan) how old they were? They were afraid to answer - Sakurai could be bluffing you into bafflement.

Twilord said:
I feel like the entire forum is trying to troll. Why in Hyrule's green fields would you get the trophy and no character? Unless Ubisoft paid to have just a trophy included, and that doesn't seem likely.

Not at all. There could be another Ubisoft character or something in the game; an assist trophy maybe? 

But as an actual character it seems unlikely.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

Rayman could well be in it. But to me this confirms that he won't be revealed today.

Sakurai is a massive troll, remember.

Dulfite said:
It's just a trophy. They wouldn't ruin their reveal by revealing the character as a trophy before. And besides, Rayman has too bad of a reputation with Wii u owners to be a character. What with his delay and all. Many are still bitter about that and the fact that it wasn't exclusive. Hence the low Wii u sales.

That's why Ubi's third-party-Smash-character will be Aiden Pierce.

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I dont see Rayman here??? :P