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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - What was your biggest issue with the Nintendo Wii?

Jizz_Beard_thePirate said:

I hated the fact that everytime I wanted to play online, I got matched with some person that had dial up internet or lived or used Macdonald's wifi... Like wtf, I could bearly got an awesome match going unless it was with friends. Also the amount of shovelware... The wii really was only successful cause of the motion controls + Nintendo games...

Oh god, that's hilarious XD

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It was the "perfect" nintendo console.. BUT

IF i should say some.. it would be that i was "forced" to pay for Mario64 for the 3 time (N64, DS)

And like other say.. that SD card channel not was ready from start..

Last.. i loved motion controll very much.. but then we got motion+.. it should have been there from start

BUT for me the wii was a master piece.. The returning of the king.. and the hole (only) reason to stay in videogame

For me it's probably the crappy resolution. So annoying..

Later into the console's life the console felt like it was 20 years old, it must've been the ancient hardware.

lack of a second analog + a few buttons. it still did great without them but could have been much better.

To the OP: why didn't you use the nunchuck for MK wii?

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Nintendo dropping support in 2011. Till 2010 it was my favourite system of the gen, unfortunately major releases stopped after that.

The lack of good fighting games, lack of a good online, and lastly: an early miserable death that left a strong bitter taste in our mouths.

The whole WII-Gamecube-mode thing...

When playing GC games on Wii you could not start a GC game using a plugged in GC controller because the Wii only accepts Wiimote input OMG!!!


when you wanted to go back to the Wii-menu to change the game etc. or to turn off the console you actually had to stand up and go to the console to turn it off..... because neither the home nor the the power button on the Wiimote were working while in GC mode .... how lame was that?  (at least it added the nostalgia feeling of playing on an actual Gamecube....)

Its as dumb as the DSLite wanting you to completely turn off the console and then manually turn it on again just because you visited the options menu even when you didnt change 1 thing because Nintendo could not be bothered to add a reset feature......

Or WiiU not having analog triggers......

It drives me crazy even today.

1. Network
2. Support
3. Power

Good Online Infrastructure could make up for the lack of support and power
Decent Support could've made up for the lack of power.
A bit more power could've increased the threshold of decent games.
Multiplats cross the board were down ported significantly to the Wii U.

Even the Wii's best games like Brawl(Melee is better), the Galaxy Series, the sports game, power wise could've been done on a struggling GameCube sans motion control.

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank

I had 2 main issues with the Wii personally:

1. Original Wii remote's motion control. The thing just kept disconnecting and disconnectin while playing Wii Play, thus pissing me off badly. The motion control's problem got fixed with the Wii mote + Adapter, though (for the most part) also, nothing will ever top...

2. Wii's Virtual Console.
Way to go at overpricing NES, SNES and N64 games Nintendo! Want to have a classic N64 title on your Wii? (download only, mind you) 10 bucks only! Like, what were they thinking at times...

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