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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo needs new IPs now more than ever

Until Iwata is gone, I don t think we will see much different from Nintenod than we have seen the last few years-

He is costing Nintendo more than many people realize- they have lost tons of market share, mind share, credibility and have been losing money under his leadership- In order to turn the home console situation around (with the Wii u or a new console) it is going to take a HUGE upfront investment

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CleggaZ said:

Yeah it looks like what Nintendo needs to is find out what makes the likes of their core ip's (Mario,Pokemon,Zelda etc) so popular and then reinvent their dormant and new ip's with the same energy that made them great.

Pokemon and Mario are the epitomes of casual IP with mass appeal to nearly all users. -_-

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And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

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KylieDog said:
Rogerioandrade said:

New IPs rarely sell well. Wonderful 101 is a fine example.

W101 wasn't made by Nintendo, that is why it didn't sell.

Ok with that, but Nintendo funded its production anyway.

I took that just as an example of how new Ips rarely sell well.

Didn't they try that during the GameCube era? You had Pikmin, Animal Crossing, Luigi's Mansion, Eternal Darkness, Custom Robo, Cubivore, Doshin the Giant, Battalion Wars, Geist, Chibi-Robo, and Odama. That is about two notable new IP's a year for the GameCube. But the GameCube still only had about 10% marketshare, and the best-selling games still had Mario on the cover.

I don't care if Nintendo makes ten new IP's a year for the Wii U or none for the rest of the console's existence. Nor do I think it really matters. Nintendo just needs games that lure people into making a $300 purchase and/or putting down $50 or $60 for a game along with a million or so others.

Later on, I think I'm going to make a thread called something like "Games Nintendo needs to make for the Wii U that they haven't announced yet." The majority of those games will be sequels or otherwise be iterations of existing franchises.

Love and tolerate.










KylieDog said:
Pavolink said:
Fusioncode said:
vivster said:

But in all seriousness, Nintendo should create a new mascot by themselves and not waiting around until a third party publishes exclusively for them.

WOAH, FIVE examples. Actually 3, Wii Sports Resort and Sin and Punishment weren't a new IP. 

Then change Resorts for Wii Sports, Wii Play, Wii Music, Wii Party and Sin and Punishment for Nintendogs, Kid Icarus (last game was so many years ago), The Last Story, Pandora's Tower, Xenoblade, Pushmo.

There's no excuse. The pic is right.

W101 wasn't done by Nintendo, Wii Sports, Wii Play, Wii Party are just minigame collections and are as poor a 'new' IP as there could be, and the latter a reskin of Mario Party anyway, Wii Music was shit, Kid Icarus isn't a new IP, Xenoblade is a spiritual sequel, TLS and PanT were not Nintendo developed.

...but Nintendogs, sure, when was that?  9 years ago?



Guys just ignore this guy. He is playing the goalpost game. This clearly motive against nintendo. Look at his reasoning for xenoblade. A game made by a first party developer who never made xeno game on there system and is not relates to the series beside xeno. This is the defintion of goalpost. I'm sorry but this is just console warrior talk.




"Excuse me sir, I see you have a weapon. Why don't you put it down and let's settle this like gentlemen"  ~ max

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outlawauron said:
CleggaZ said:

Yeah it looks like what Nintendo needs to is find out what makes the likes of their core ip's (Mario,Pokemon,Zelda etc) so popular and then reinvent their dormant and new ip's with the same energy that made them great.

Pokemon and Mario are the epitomes of casual IP with mass appeal to nearly all users. -_-

A lot of people think so, they also think Angry Bidrs is as well.................................................................ಠ_ಠ

KylieDog said:

"Xenoblade is a spiritual sequel."

"“At E3 2009 it was announced with a temporary name, ‘Monado: Beginning of the World.’ We decided to call it XENOBLADE to honor Mr. Tetsuya Takahashi who poured his soul into making this and who has been working on the XENO series.”


Spiritual sequel my ass. Don't judge a game by it's looks, or in this case, the name. They have nothing to do with each other, and are very different games. 

You know what? What Nintendo needs to do is absolutely nothing. Just wait till Sony is Bankrupt and Xbox loses its investors.

In this day and age, with the Internet, ignorance is a choice! And they're still choosing Ignorance! - Dr. Filthy Frank

vivster said:

But in all seriousness, Nintendo should create a new mascot by themselves and not waiting around until a third party publishes exclusively for them.

W101  has a tentacle monster boss so the " Too anime" part kinda makes sense I guess.

       ---Member of the official Squeezol Fanclub---

Dr.Henry_Killinger said:
You know what? What Nintendo needs to do is absolutely nothing. Just wait till Sony is Bankrupt and Xbox loses its investors.

That appears to be their stategy-  do nothing and wait-    I don t think it will work very well though - Even if Sony went BK, the Playstation brand and performance is too valuable - another co would pick it up or t could go private-   MSFT is not going to lose its investors-  they also have insane amounts of cash and generate more every day


But it does seem  Nintendo put the Wii U out there as a wat and see option -  they never (so far) have done anything to give the console a chance to succedd, much less thrive-  it almost does seem as though they decided to sacrifice this hoome console generaton to see how things would unfold-