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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Nintendo needs new IPs now more than ever

ninetailschris said:
KylieDog said:

W101 wasn't done by Nintendo, Wii Sports, Wii Play, Wii Party are just minigame collections and are as poor a 'new' IP as there could be, and the latter a reskin of Mario Party anyway, Wii Music was shit, Kid Icarus isn't a new IP, Xenoblade is a spiritual sequel, TLS and PanT were not Nintendo developed.

...but Nintendogs, sure, when was that?  9 years ago?

Guys just ignore this guy. He is playing the goalpost game. This clearly motive against nintendo. Look at his reasoning for xenoblade. A game made by a first party developer who never made xeno game on there system and is not relates to the series beside xeno. This is the defintion of goalpost. I'm sorry but this is just console warrior talk.

I like you chris, but you're so off here. You must have never seen any of Kylie's posts, because you're completely wrong about him.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

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KylieDog said:

W101 wasn't done by Nintendo, Wii Sports, Wii Play, Wii Party are just minigame collections and are as poor a 'new' IP as there could be, and the latter a reskin of Mario Party anyway, Wii Music was shit, Kid Icarus isn't a new IP, Xenoblade is a spiritual sequel, TLS and PanT were not Nintendo developed.

...but Nintendogs, sure, when was that?  9 years ago?

As I've stated before, goal-posts being moved... Not to mention personal opinions that have no bearing here.

Does Ratchet and Clank count as a Sony game here ? Because that was developed by Insomniac Games, who are not owned by them. Does Gears of War counts as a Microsoft one ? That was done by Epic. Resistance ? Also Insomniac. Folklore ? Game Republic. Lost Odyssey and Blue Dragon ? By Mistwalker and FeelPlus/Artoon. Heavenly Sword ? Ninja Theory. Heavy Rain and Beyond ? Quantic Dream. Resogun ? Housemarque. D4 ? Access Games. Killer Instinct, The Order 1886 and White Knight Chronicles ? Collaborations with Double Helix, Ready at Dawn and Level 5 respectively.

So, given that a lot of what Sony and Microsoft produce (not to mention 3rd parties) is developed by external developers, why should Nintendo be singled out here ? Why shouldn't The Wonderful 101, The Last Story and so on count here as much as all those other games I mentioned ?

outlawauron said:

It's a shame not that a single of those new IPs are mass market products.

As far as I know, we don't have any numbers for HarmoKnight, Pushmo and Crashmo. If you do, please let me know. Now, as far as the rest goes, what does "mass market" entail here ? What's the sales requirement ? And should we minimize or dismiss these IPs in this context because of not being popular enough ?

PS: I do agree that Kid Icarus should not count in this context though. It's a reboot/revival, but not a new IP per se.

seiya19 said:

outlawauron said:

It's a shame not that a single of those new IPs are mass market products.

As far as I know, we don't have any numbers for HarmoKnight, Pushmo and Crashmo. If you do, please let me know. Now, as far as the rest goes, what does "mass market" entail here ? What's the sales requirement ? And should we minimize or dismiss these IPs in this context because of not being popular enough ?

PS: I do agree that Kid Icarus should not count in this context though. It's a reboot/revival, but not a new IP per se.

There is no defined line, but I'm talking games that can do at least a million, push millions with advertising. Only reason I say that is because people recognize those games because they're not interested in them. Steel Diver (while also terrible) is something so that few people can enjoy, no one was excited about it.

I'm not dismissing smaller games (largely because I predominantly play and love niche games), but you can't expect those to satisfy the need for new IPs. It's like Sony fans saying that people weren't interested in new IPs because Hyperdimension Neptunia, Rain, Puppeteer, and Time and Eternity didn't sell well. Those games are not what people wanted. People want TitanFall, inFamous, Last of Us, Gears of War, LittleBigPlanet, etc. Those are new IPs aimed at larger audiences.

"We'll toss the dice however they fall,
And snuggle the girls be they short or tall,
Then follow young Mat whenever he calls,
To dance with Jak o' the Shadows."

Check out MyAnimeList and my Game Collection. Owner of the 5 millionth post.

outlawauron said:
ninetailschris said:
KylieDog said:

W101 wasn't done by Nintendo, Wii Sports, Wii Play, Wii Party are just minigame collections and are as poor a 'new' IP as there could be, and the latter a reskin of Mario Party anyway, Wii Music was shit, Kid Icarus isn't a new IP, Xenoblade is a spiritual sequel, TLS and PanT were not Nintendo developed.

...but Nintendogs, sure, when was that?  9 years ago?

Guys just ignore this guy. He is playing the goalpost game. This clearly motive against nintendo. Look at his reasoning for xenoblade. A game made by a first party developer who never made xeno game on there system and is not relates to the series beside xeno. This is the defintion of goalpost. I'm sorry but this is just console warrior talk.

I like you chris, but you're so off here. You must have never seen any of Kylie's posts, because you're completely wrong about him.

He is not a fanboy it seems something in the water today is all.

Me and him have agreed before on stuff.

"Excuse me sir, I see you have a weapon. Why don't you put it down and let's settle this like gentlemen"  ~ max

This is a sales and market site but rarely someone uses the actual database to support their arguments.
I know Wii U has one year headstart, but all three has about the same amount of consoles sold right now.
There are also downloads that are unacounted for.

New IPs on Xbox top 20 list: Ryse, PvsZ:GW, Titanfall. Top 4 are old IPs.
New IPs on PS4 top 20 list: Knack. Top 5 are old IPs.
New IPs on Wii U top 20 list: Nintendoland, Lego City Undercover, ZombieU, Exluding the bundled Nintendoland, top 7 are old IPs.

Conclusion: Mostly fanboys care for new IPs?

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Before creating some new IP's, how about bringing some of the old ones back? Where's my F-Zero U/ 3D?

Xbox One, PS4 and Switch (+ Many Retro Consoles)

'When the people are being beaten with a stick, they are not much happier if it is called the people's stick'- Mikhail Bakunin

Prediction: Switch will sell better than Wii U Lifetime Sales by Jan 1st 2018

This is a sales and market site but rarely someone uses the actual database to support their arguments.
I know Wii U has one year headstart, but all three has about the same amount of consoles sold right now.
There are also downloads that are unacounted for.

New IPs on Xbox top 20 list: Ryse, PvsZ:GW, Titanfall. Top 4 are old IPs.
New IPs on PS4 top 20 list: Knack. Top 5 are old IPs.
New IPs on Wii U top 20 list: Nintendoland, Lego City Undercover, ZombieU, Exluding the bundled Nintendoland, top 7 are old IPs.

Conclusion: Mostly forum dwellers care for new IPs?

outlawauron said:

There is no defined line, but I'm talking games that can do at least a million, push millions with advertising. Only reason I say that is because people recognize those games because they're not interested in them. Steel Diver (while also terrible) is something so that few people can enjoy, no one was excited about it.

I'm not dismissing smaller games (largely because I predominantly play and love niche games), but you can't expect those to satisfy the need for new IPs. It's like Sony fans saying that people weren't interested in new IPs because Hyperdimension Neptunia, Rain, Puppeteer, and Time and Eternity didn't sell well. Those games are not what people wanted. People want TitanFall, inFamous, Last of Us, Gears of War, LittleBigPlanet, etc. Those are new IPs aimed at larger audiences.

Rhythm Heaven (not a new IP from last gen, but mentioned on the post you replied to) sold over 3 million on DS and over 800k on a late Wii release. I'm pretty sure a 3DS game would be able to get to a million, probably more. And Xenoblade sales were clearly limited by being localized late in the US and distributed by Gamestop exclusively, as evidenced by how its price went through the roof afterwards. Assuming "X" has a similar reception, I can see it crossing the million mark at least, as NoA is now giving it their attention. There's certainly room for expansion there.

I understand the sales argument here of course, but it should be made clear that a new IP doesn't cease to exist or becomes irrelevant for not meeting a certain sales threshold, which is what some people seem to imply whenever this topic comes up. I'm glad to see that wasn't your intention then. Now, when it comes to popular new IPs, Nintendo did produce the Wii Series, Nintendogs, Style Saavy, Big Brain Academy, Tomodachi Collection and Brain Age last gen that are as popular or more than the examples you mentioned, with other IPs like Endless Ocean, Art Academy and Fossil Fighters being close to the million seller criteria. Could they do more ? Sure, but as I stated before, they already have a lot of popular IPs to take care of, so they don't need to create as much new ones as Sony or Microsoft. And the argument that new IPs have a better shot at attracting large audiences than old ones is flawed from the start as new IPs aren't inherently popular or even more original per se. IPs, both new and old, are as good as what you do with them.

How about using the dormant IPs instead? Well, a couple of new IPs would be cool, but as an addition to the unused ones like StarFox or F-Zero.

They need to have more IP, but they can't.

Nintendo's in a bit of a catch-22. With each generation it becomes slightly more energy intensive to make a game, so the logical thing to do is to slowly cut back on the IP they offer. It's just not possible for Nintendo to develop titles for the IP they already have in the available timeframe. Result? Less IP overall, and more conservatively designed games within the remaining IP's.

It's easy to say "make more IP" when you aren't in Nintendo. In practice this would mean stealing people working on the new Zelda or some other big IP title to work on something completely unproven. They can find a couple of chances, maybe, but by and large the big IP will win out.

Considering the pickle, Nintendo is actually doing OK. 


I would actually rather see Nintendo renovate IP than create it. Nintendo's big selling point has always been nostalgia.  Let me give you a hypothetical example just to show how this could work:


  1. Nintendo buys the defunct Parasite Eve IP from Square Enix. Considering PE had a terrible last release on top of license issues, this will be a cheap acquisition.
  2. Nintendo reinvents the IP, makes a game and sells it. Everyone is astonished because Nintendo made a Survival Horror game. Much fanfare and sales.
  3. Nintendo sells the new brand BACK to Square Enix, probably at a profit because it's now a viable title, and reminds them that the fanbase is now on their hardware. Nintendo will get licenses from future sales and a boost to their hardware.



Bam. I count three ways to make money on one project.