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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Why I Returned The Xbox One

d21lewis said:
Michael-5 said:
leyendax69 said:
7 times? I thought microsoft service it was really good. Even I have heard people saying they got other 360 for free. About the review, without having XB1, the failure rate seems insignificant compared to 360 (for now).

Sent it in 10 times total, only got a replacement 2x. (so the OP should have said 8 times, bad math)

1x - Replaced with a broken used console
2x - 2 hour phonecall.....with Microsoft and Bell (internet) which resulted in a new console.
3-10x - Warranty was nearly done, so they kept claiming that "it's not broken." Would freeze an hour after load up, not RRoD, but not working properly..... (gone 2-3 weeks at a time)
11x - Thank god for my Best Buy extended warranty. Got a new floor model because the Slim came out. Mine was returned as a defect.

The big controversy I feel was that even though I expected me 360 to break, and even though I paid extra for a Best Buy extended warranty. I had to send it to MS since they extended their warranty too. MS covered all freezing/RRoD related issues, which IMO was bull to reduce the failure numbers.

Worst of all, MS never replaced my system with the HDMI models which had a smaller fail rate. They even replaced my original unit for another refurbished unit which didn't even work (didn't register any game with DLC or go online). Best Buy replaced my 3rd console.


Another issue was that I bought an MS brand steering wheel when Forza 2 came out. My dog chewed the power cable, but because they just introduced Kinect, they discontinued the wheel. Was discontinued for a couple months only, and they couldn't sell me a new power cable.... Worst of all they designed the wheel to only accept MS power supplies, so a 3rd party charger with the correct voltage/amp still didn't work. Only had the wheel 2 years.... :-/

MS didn't replace my power charge, nor did they offer me a solution to get the wheel to work. They just said to try eBay and buy another whole wheel.......


Never ever had this much of a headache with a Nintendo or Sony system.... :-/ I don't like MS customer service, it's just as bad as Rogers. This is why I'm holding off on the one until the very end, and even then...if Kinect never goes, then I never buy.

Your experience and mine have been totally different.

-PS1: broke and replaced.  Didn't call Sony

-PS2: broke and replaced. Twice.  Didn't call Sony either time.

-Xbox 360 20GB:  RROD.  Called M$ and they sent me a box to ship it in almost immediately. I sold it to buy

-Xbox 360 60GB: Discs wouldn't work.  I tried to go inside and fix it myself causing an instant RRoD.  The lady told me to send it in anyway and they'd fix it.  Been working great ever since.  Customer service was nice and knowlegeable.

-Xbox 360 S:  I couldn't figure out how to transfer my games licensed from the old 60GB console to the new 250GB console.  It wasn't working online.  The lady at M$ said she'd take care of it and allowed all of my purchases to be played on BOTH consoles whether I was logged in or not.  At the time, I probably had 100 games so that was great!

-PS3 80GB:  I deleted a ton of movies I bought to make room for games.  Couldn't download the movies again later on.  The guy had no idea you couldn't download movies again.  I found out after googling it.  Even made this thread

-PS3 80GB:  Guy wasn't even sure if I'd even get my 80GB PS3 back if I sent it.  I never did.  It's under my TV broken and unusable.  He helped me deactivate it, though.  I have a Super Slim now.

Well if we're going to mention Sony issues

PS1 - First gen system, lasted 5 years before ball bearings (which spin the disk broke). Called Sony, $80 repair job, but PS2 just released, and a PS One was only $130 or something then. So I didn't fix it, just held off and bought a PS2 at launch.

PS2 - Lasted 8 years, still kinda works, but it's very picky. Only plays some games, and you need to restart it 20x times to get it to work. Technically it still works, but I just bought a used PS2 for $40 a couple years back instead. Not worth the headache to start a game up.

PS3 #1 - Bought this off a friend in 2009, was a 3 year old system at the time. Lasted 2 years, didn't call Sony to repair it, just borrowed a friends PS3 from time to time. 

PS3 #2 - Perfect. Bought at a garage sale last year, Slim model. No issues.


NES - Perfect - Bought off a friend over 10 years ago, still works fine

SNES - Perfect, given from my sister who bought it 20 years ago new.

N64 - Been playing it regularly since 1996, no problems. I did loose 1 controller to Mario Party

Gamecube/Wii/GB/GBP/GBC/GBA/GBASP/3DS - Also perfect.....

DS - dropped it a few too many times. Still works, but if I place it down too hard it makes the game freeze. Fine for gaming at home, trrible for gaming on the go.


Also I just want to mention that except for that 1 N64 controller, I've never had a Nintendo/Sony controller break on me in over 20 years of gaming. On my 360, I have 2/3 broken controllers. 1 with an A button that doesn't work, the other with a broken analog stick.

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Its pretty much impossible to break a cartrige based system I have a old Atari 2600 in a box in my garge some where I'm pretty sure it still works also.  The joysticks for the 2600 is a different story they are not very durable plus the one button it has is not very south paw friendly.

FromDK said:
endimion said:
^this is fucking ridiculous.... Not only the NSA argument is plain stupid and retarded by any means.... Like the NSA needed the kinect??? Kinect is probably the worst place to spy most people....

So you think that a device sitting in our living room, with a HD cam and mic.. A device that uses you face and voice to connect to internet, and also has the 100% right ID becourse payment.. are somphing NSA got before.. ?

AND the real power of spying "normal people" is not the data for each person.. but the combined data.. Think of filters.. filters nsa have been perfecting the last 20 years.. and run on football sice computers.. (what are people talkin about,, who will win.. what if we do this war and so on)

yeah like the living room is where you engage the most in illegal activity.... beside stoners and students nobody does anything of relevance in there living room... beside eat, shag, watch TV, shag some more and have friends over talking about BS.... come on... they'd be better off using your door som or even numeric phones and cellphones to listen than anything kinect related.... and video feed please to do what see you jack off or roll your blunt before an Halo session....????

NSA have been perfecting their skills for way more than 20 years and have absolutely no need for kinect... and actually have 0 access to it.... I monitor everything on my network when the system is off and not DLing updates it is off.... and even when there is an update going on the upload stream is nowhere close to something that includes sound and even less video... that argument is plain stupid.... it doesn't even upload anything when on....

don't you think we would have known by now.... ????

yeah a cam and mic in everybodies life accessible to the NSA might be of relevance... certainly not the kinect... this way to obvious for the malicious ones and way not enough wide spread to be of use... there are not even 5 million in the world right now.... not even in USA, then those might not even be linked to internet, not even in adult room, not even plugged in..... what a waste of resources to gain close to nothing in relevant data.... heck at that point even for marketing purposes there are way more vaiable solutions way cheaper to use legaly.....


but keep believing in crazy theories.... you are the one loosing sleep over what your gov is plotting against you.... I don't really care... I'm more focus on finding how to improve my income, diversifying my revenue sources and optimizing my taxes.... to each their own....

Michael-5 said:
d21lewis said:

Your experience and mine have been totally different.

-PS1: broke and replaced.  Didn't call Sony

-PS2: broke and replaced. Twice.  Didn't call Sony either time.

-Xbox 360 20GB:  RROD.  Called M$ and they sent me a box to ship it in almost immediately. I sold it to buy

-Xbox 360 60GB: Discs wouldn't work.  I tried to go inside and fix it myself causing an instant RRoD.  The lady told me to send it in anyway and they'd fix it.  Been working great ever since.  Customer service was nice and knowlegeable.

-Xbox 360 S:  I couldn't figure out how to transfer my games licensed from the old 60GB console to the new 250GB console.  It wasn't working online.  The lady at M$ said she'd take care of it and allowed all of my purchases to be played on BOTH consoles whether I was logged in or not.  At the time, I probably had 100 games so that was great!

-PS3 80GB:  I deleted a ton of movies I bought to make room for games.  Couldn't download the movies again later on.  The guy had no idea you couldn't download movies again.  I found out after googling it.  Even made this thread

-PS3 80GB:  Guy wasn't even sure if I'd even get my 80GB PS3 back if I sent it.  I never did.  It's under my TV broken and unusable.  He helped me deactivate it, though.  I have a Super Slim now.

Well if we're going to mention Sony issues

PS1 - First gen system, lasted 5 years before ball bearings (which spin the disk broke). Called Sony, $80 repair job, but PS2 just released, and a PS One was only $130 or something then. So I didn't fix it, just held off and bought a PS2 at launch.

PS2 - Lasted 8 years, still kinda works, but it's very picky. Only plays some games, and you need to restart it 20x times to get it to work. Technically it still works, but I just bought a used PS2 for $40 a couple years back instead. Not worth the headache to start a game up.

PS3 #1 - Bought this off a friend in 2009, was a 3 year old system at the time. Lasted 2 years, didn't call Sony to repair it, just borrowed a friends PS3 from time to time. 

PS3 #2 - Perfect. Bought at a garage sale last year, Slim model. No issues.


NES - Perfect - Bought off a friend over 10 years ago, still works fine

SNES - Perfect, given from my sister who bought it 20 years ago new.

N64 - Been playing it regularly since 1996, no problems. I did loose 1 controller to Mario Party

Gamecube/Wii/GB/GBP/GBC/GBA/GBASP/3DS - Also perfect.....

DS - dropped it a few too many times. Still works, but if I place it down too hard it makes the game freeze. Fine for gaming at home, trrible for gaming on the go.


Also I just want to mention that except for that 1 N64 controller, I've never had a Nintendo/Sony controller break on me in over 20 years of gaming. On my 360, I have 2/3 broken controllers. 1 with an A button that doesn't work, the other with a broken analog stick.

My first PS1, the little spindle thingy that holds the disc fell off.  Before that, I had to turn int sideways and then upside down to get it to play.

Second PS1 worked until the end.  Traded it for PS2.


First PS2 had the disc read error so I got anothe.

Second one worked okay but I saw online how to go inside of it and turn some wheel to make it read discs when it had the disc read error.  One day, I took it apart but got distracted.  I put the top back on the console and there were wired connected to the top and bottom or something.  The next day, I went to pick it up and forgot I didn't screw it back together.  Lifted the top and snatched a bunch of wires loose!  That one was technically my fault!

Got a third and gave it to my sis since the PS3 played PS1 and PS2 games.  I don't know what she did with it.  


So my Sony experiences aren't as bad as they sound.  And as far as customer service goes, I guess it's the luck of the draw.  I got hot sounding women that knew a lot when I called Micrsoft and some dude when I called Sony.  I guess it's easy to base our opinion of the entire customer service dept. on our experiences with one person.  Like with any profession, there's good and bad and people that need to be fired.

d21lewis said:

So my Sony experiences aren't as bad as they sound.  And as far as customer service goes, I guess it's the luck of the draw.  I got hot sounding women that knew a lot when I called Micrsoft and some dude when I called Sony.  I guess it's easy to base our opinion of the entire customer service dept. on our experiences with one person.  Like with any profession, there's good and bad and people that need to be fired.

That's true, but it wasn't the people on the phone which made my experience so bad (except maybe for the wheel). It's the fact that MS refused to fix my console multiple times when the warranty was ending, refused to fix my 2 year old steering wheel (even if I paid for a part), and even sent me a broken console to replace mine... :-/

Plus ontop of that, I feel MS consoles are just not reliable in the first place. Sony isn't perfect either, that's why I'm waiting a couple years before I buy a PS4. XB1....... I already said what I need from MS before I buy.

WiiU I plan to get later this year, Nintendo's never let me down (console-wise).

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Customer service is always a sporadic experience where the quality provided will vary wildly based on what your problem is and who you talk to. I dealt with MS twice for RROD and they were quick and courteous both times. I have never had to deal with Sony for a faulty console but I have had my card charged 3-4 times on PSN for shit I didn't buy/sign up for and their service was awful in those experiences, one of the main reasons I am holding off on PS4.

Closed the video as soon as I saw it was ReviewTechUSA, that channel is a complete joke. Just watch this video if you don't believe me:

Sigs are dumb. And so are you!

lol guys, he got it back imo, check one of his newer videos, he talked about how he decided to buy again.

JayWood2010 said:

Should we post this now?  Why I returned my PS4

You know how I know this video is BS, because when ever you sell a console to GS or EB they have to send it back to DC to be given the all clear, Same for games. They can't just re sell it on the spot 15 mins later.

Fusioncode said:
Closed the video as soon as I saw it was ReviewTechUSA, that channel is a complete joke. Just watch this video if you don't believe me:

I watched that video and now I have a headache.