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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Why I Returned The Xbox One

kowenicki said:
Muffin31190 said:
kowenicki said:
think-man said:
kowenicki said:
You think its a good review? So you have a ONE then as a reference point?

Speaking as someone who does have one. I'd suggest his review is terrible.

Opinions huh?

How is his review terrible? he has(had) both an X1 and a PS4 you can tell by the way he talks about games that he is unbiased. He was just annoyed he got two defective X1's and what he did play of the console he thought was underwhelming. I mean who wants their console to look like there laptops windows 8? I sure as hell don't

Its terrible because he is rather stupid.

His commentrary is full of hyperbole, inconsitency, generalisation and contradictions.

Some people may be able to overlook that to suit them.  

Examples with some proof?

lol. watch the video

Ok then, if thats what it takes for you to attack his video for having an opinion that goes against the xbox, he had 2 xbox's break on him and he was upset and i think anyone in their right mind would feel the same way, but since he goes against how you feel about the system he must be all those things you called him ... ok good talk.

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Muffin31190 said:
kowenicki said:
Muffin31190 said:
kowenicki said:

Its terrible because he is rather stupid.

His commentrary is full of hyperbole, inconsitency, generalisation and contradictions.

Some people may be able to overlook that to suit them.  

Examples with some proof?

lol. watch the video

Ok then, if thats what it takes for you to attack his video for having an opinion that goes against the xbox, he had 2 xbox's break on him and he was upset and i think anyone in their right mind would feel the same way, but since he goes against how you feel about the system he must be all those things you called him ... ok good talk.

kowenicki is just the kind of guy that he talks about at the end of the video, who cannot stand people having a different opinion on something they bought and like.

Well, he's also the kind of guy who (in a discussion about the NSA eavesdropping on common people having cybersex via internet videochat) claimed that he  "frankly couldnt give a toss that people may watch" him, and yet refused to post even a single photo of himself, even with clothes on. In other words: Just ignore what he writes, even he doesn't believe what he says.

kowenicki said:
Muffin31190 said:
kowenicki said:
Muffin31190 said:
kowenicki said:

Its terrible because he is rather stupid.

His commentrary is full of hyperbole, inconsitency, generalisation and contradictions.

Some people may be able to overlook that to suit them.  

Examples with some proof?

lol. watch the video

Ok then, if thats what it takes for you to attack his video for having an opinion that goes against the xbox, he had 2 xbox's break on him and he was upset and i think anyone in their right mind would feel the same way, but since he goes against how you feel about the system he must be all those things you called him ... ok good talk.

He now has an xbox one.

So can we add hypocrit to the list too please.

This vid is old and I am at a loss as to why this suddenty now gets a thread.

I'm at a loss as to why you would care enough to post this thread if you dont understand why this video is now just getting a thread, and also why you care enough to attack him. But hey its your opinion and I am not goin to attack you for having one even if it is the INTERNETZ.

kowenicki said:

He now has an xbox one.

So can we add hypocrit to the list too please.

This vid is old and I am at a loss as to why this suddenty now gets a thread.

During the video, when he explained why he returned his Xbox, he actually said time and again that he will probably get another Xbox One sooner or later (But you probably didn't really watch the video, so how would you know), so why exactly is he a hypocrite?

In my opinion, a hypocrite is, for example, a person who claimes that he has no problem if his very private cybersex video chat is being eavesdropped and captured, claiming that he "frankly couldnt give a toss that people may watch (him)", and yet, when put to the test, wouldn't even post a single 08/15 photo of himself, in clothes, one that he he could even choose for himself. (The millions of internet users whose very intimate video chat captures are now on NSA/GCHQ servers unfortunately didn't have that choice).

While I can respect not wanting a defective box (Even though he has another Xbox One already working fine), I can't agree with his point about the controller. I've seen the way he holds controllers and its like he's trying to suffocate them with his "Sausage fingers" as he would say. The bumpers on Xbox One are made so you don't do that exact thing. That's why he thought the controller was cramped and the bumpers didn't work. Your fingers aren't supposed to connect in the back, they're supposed to rest on the curves around the sides.

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ArnoldRimmer said:
kowenicki said:

He now has an xbox one.

So can we add hypocrit to the list too please.

This vid is old and I am at a loss as to why this suddenty now gets a thread.

During the video, when he explained why he returned his Xbox, he actually said time and again that he will probably get another Xbox One sooner or later (But you probably didn't really watch the video, so how would you know), so why exactly is he a hypocrite?

In my opinion, a hypocrite is, for example, a person who claimes that he has no problem if his very private cybersex video chat is being eavesdropped and captured, claiming that he "frankly couldnt give a toss that people may watch (him)", and yet, when put to the test, wouldn't even post a single 08/15 photo of himself, in clothes, one that he he could even choose for himself. (The millions of internet users whose very intimate video chat captures are now on NSA/GCHQ servers unfortunately didn't have that choice).

He said he wouldn't get one until Halo or they dropped Kinect.

^this is fucking ridiculous.... Not only the NSA argument is plain stupid and retarded by any means.... Like the NSA needed the kinect??? Kinect is probably the worst place to spy most people.... And even if its not why would they spy on most people??? Oh I know training for new recruits... Or as punishment for bad behavior...
seriously though how retarded is that argument is beyond me... Now that some people still believe in such stupidity makes me lose faith in humanity....

now if it was true.... Yeah I wouldn't care that the NSA could see me masturbating in front of it... Cause it would be a few people I don't know and I will never know.. And I wouldn't be aware of it on top of that....
now I have way more issues showing my face and revealing my true identity on a website like this I,e.. Where thousands of people come and go, some with really bad sense of humor, and even bad intentions... I find my identity would be way more at risk being revealed here than in the hands of the NSA any day of the week...

finally to be frankly you don't need a degree in NSA spying to find the true identity of someone now a day... It'd takes 10 minute to find mine...

Oh and btw there is absolutely 0 feed out of the Xbox one Kinect on my network when I use it, let alone when I don't... So I know for a fact of that it is complete retard conspiracy theorists BS

I like the channel. I never watched that video though...

Fix your cable. It's not that hard. Get some heat shrink and some insulated crimps


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