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Forums - Microsoft Discussion - Why I Returned The Xbox One

I love this guy, not because of this video but because he is just a kool youtuber.

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leyendax69 said:
d21lewis said:

His fatness doesn't bother me.  It's his smugness.  I always thought he was the drunk guy shown at the beginning of his videos instead of that arrogant looking fat bastard.  Didn't realize that wasn't him until way after the fact.  God, I hate him. 

Doesn't bother me neither, I'm just saying that I noticed that patron on youtube. I didn't know him until now actually. You can always remove the subscription and avoid him, though.

I can't unsubscribe.  His smooth butter voice has me hypnotized.  Only after I watch his videos do I snap out of my trance and say "What the fuck was that bullshit?".


It's 3:12am.  Going to sleep.  Probably gonna have angry ReviewtechUSA dreams, now.

d21lewis said:

I can't unsubscribe.  His smooth butter voice has me hypnotized.  Only after I watch his videos do I snap out of my trance and say "What the fuck was that bullshit?".


It's 3:12am.  Going to sleep.  Probably gonna have angry ReviewtechUSA dreams, now.

You need some help then. Sweet dreams with his smooth voice xD

kowenicki said:
You think its a good review? So you have a ONE then as a reference point?

Speaking as someone who does have one. I'd suggest his review is terrible.

Opinions huh?

How is his review terrible? he has(had) both an X1 and a PS4 you can tell by the way he talks about games that he is unbiased. He was just annoyed he got two defective X1's and what he did play of the console he thought was underwhelming. I mean who wants their console to look like there laptops windows 8? I sure as hell don't

So, his points are valid but should be expected with an unfinished system...

I have to power cycle my XB1 once every couple of weeks, since the cable input will be choppy or frozen. (hope this fixed with software updates and not a hardware issue)

I have cable tried going to internet only but I like sports, and anyways cable and internet providers in USA bend you over unless you bundle. If you get internet only and they eventually jack up the price to force you to bundle.

And yeah its pretty dumb that you have to shake the controller to get a zombie off you, I thought the motion was sensed by the controller but after zombies ate me due to this stupid feature and wondering why it wasn't working...then I was like oh shit maybe its the Kinect so I had to raise the controller over my head to get it to catch it (10% of the time)...

I agree with him that I don't really see the advantage of having a Kinect and prefer not have it. Voice commands are cool to show to old people my GF parents and they are like wow...but then reality sets in it doesn't function they way advertised to work...unfinished product...hopefully software updates will fix this who knows...

That being said I was really disappointed with my purchase at first, however, titanfall has been a game changer for me...this game will get me destiny and halo...

UI took a step back from XB360...i prefer the XB360 over the XB1 UI but XB360 went through mamy UI changes...So, the same will happen with XB1.

I can't really recommend either the PS4 or XB1 as something that needs to be bought right now...neither is worth it right now when both ps3 and xb360 provide better experiences and have a larger install base...

Titanfall is going to be on PC and xb360(port)

If xbox360 version of Titanfall is any where near the level the XB1 then there really isn't any reason to buy an XB1 unless you want to play dead rising...forza I am sure is good game but not my cup of tea.

Any ways just my two cents as an XB1 owner

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leyendax69 said:
7 times? I thought microsoft service it was really good. Even I have heard people saying they got other 360 for free. About the review, without having XB1, the failure rate seems insignificant compared to 360 (for now).

Sent it in 10 times total, only got a replacement 2x. (so the OP should have said 8 times, bad math)

1x - Replaced with a broken used console
2x - 2 hour phonecall.....with Microsoft and Bell (internet) which resulted in a new console.
3-10x - Warranty was nearly done, so they kept claiming that "it's not broken." Would freeze an hour after load up, not RRoD, but not working properly..... (gone 2-3 weeks at a time)
11x - Thank god for my Best Buy extended warranty. Got a new floor model because the Slim came out. Mine was returned as a defect.

The big controversy I feel was that even though I expected me 360 to break, and even though I paid extra for a Best Buy extended warranty. I had to send it to MS since they extended their warranty too. MS covered all freezing/RRoD related issues, which IMO was bull to reduce the failure numbers.

Worst of all, MS never replaced my system with the HDMI models which had a smaller fail rate. They even replaced my original unit for another refurbished unit which didn't even work (didn't register any game with DLC or go online). Best Buy replaced my 3rd console.


Another issue was that I bought an MS brand steering wheel when Forza 2 came out. My dog chewed the power cable, but because they just introduced Kinect, they discontinued the wheel. Was discontinued for a couple months only, and they couldn't sell me a new power cable.... Worst of all they designed the wheel to only accept MS power supplies, so a 3rd party charger with the correct voltage/amp still didn't work. Only had the wheel 2 years.... :-/

MS didn't replace my power charge, nor did they offer me a solution to get the wheel to work. They just said to try eBay and buy another whole wheel.......


Never ever had this much of a headache with a Nintendo or Sony system.... :-/ I don't like MS customer service, it's just as bad as Rogers. This is why I'm holding off on the one until the very end, and even then...if Kinect never goes, then I never buy.

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kowenicki said:
think-man said:
kowenicki said:
You think its a good review? So you have a ONE then as a reference point?

Speaking as someone who does have one. I'd suggest his review is terrible.

Opinions huh?

How is his review terrible? he has(had) both an X1 and a PS4 you can tell by the way he talks about games that he is unbiased. He was just annoyed he got two defective X1's and what he did play of the console he thought was underwhelming. I mean who wants their console to look like there laptops windows 8? I sure as hell don't

Its terrible because he is rather stupid.

His commentrary is full of hyperbole, inconsitency, generalisation and contradictions.

Some people may be able to overlook that to suit them.  

Examples with some proof?

Michael-5 said:

I guess you will never trust Microsoft again, that's a horrible story XD Lucky for me, I never bought the console, could have had the same problem and the taxes and customer service on my country must be even worse. I havent had problem with Sony or Nintendo systems either.

I love negative Xbox One news as much as the next man, but this guy is solely talking out of his ass on whatever the subject is.
There is absolutely no value to his opinion or any other sort of gas that leaves his body disguised as words.

“It appeared that there had even been demonstrations to thank Big Brother for raising the chocolate ration to twenty grams a week. And only yesterday, he reflected, it had been announced that the ration was to be reduced to twenty grams a week. Was it possible that they could swallow that, after only twenty-four hours? Yes, they swallowed it.”

- George Orwell, ‘1984’

This is very old, he actually has another Xbox One now.