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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Evaluation of the current Nintendo community on VGC

So where do I fit on that list?

John Lucas

Words from the Official VGChartz Idiot



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Wright said:


Rol is a 'he'. Not a 'she'. 

I hope you've learned your lesson, young man.

Owe owe, do me, do me!

NintendoPie said:
Wright said:


Rol is a 'he'. Not a 'she'. 

I hope you've learned your lesson, young man.

You speak like you aren't aware of my tendency of changing people's sex. You yourself were a subject of this tendency in previous posts

He hasn't updated with mine yet it would seem. Which is fine.

However, I'm calling right now yet another reference to Luigi's Mansion 2 will be made. If not, I shall be pleasantly surprised.


Here lies the dearly departed Nintendomination Thread.

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Will you put a judging threshold like fkusumot did on his thread?

@Twitter | Switch | Steam

You say tomato, I say tomato 

"¡Viva la Ñ!"

S.T.A.G.E. said:
Arius Dion said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
Arius Dion said:

I knew I'd get the attention of the enemies of the Mushroom Kingdom with that one : )

EDIT: It was just a joke in bad taste I suppose, DEyon and STAGE, My apologies.

I will only accept if you hand over Princess Peach. Tell Mario to back off, we wont take his abuse any longer and hes abusing my turtle friends. We had to remove his shell because some person *cough*mario*cough* jumped on his shell and his shell and his body switched places with his head hole to the asshole. Do you know what its like to walk ass backwards? I also want my staff back. Also, tell The Mushroom Kingdom we're hiring troopers to watch our area because Mario keeps jumping over our fences and keeps rummaging through our sewers. For some reason all of our gold coins are missing. I know he took it because he's fat. Yes...this is my logic.

These are my list of demands before I accept your apology.

LoL. I can accommodate all requests except for the staff..Luigi uses a shticky (shudders)



Tell you your human realm you have what they call Mc Muffins? Give me that instead of the staff and we're square.

Ha. I'd stay away from those, they're not real food. You'll get a plumbers figure, but if that's what you'll want its a done deal.

Bet between Slimbeast and Arius Dion about Wii sales 2009:

If the Wii sells less than 20 million in 2009 (as defined by VGC sales between week ending 3d Jan 2009 to week ending 4th Jan 2010) Slimebeast wins and get to control Arius Dion's sig for 1 month.

If the Wii sells more than 20 million in 2009 (as defined above) Arius Dion wins and gets to control Slimebeast's sig for 1 month.

Conegamer said:
He hasn't updated with mine yet it would seem. Which is fine.

However, I'm calling right now yet another reference to Luigi's Mansion 2 will be made. If not, I shall be pleasantly surprised.

Did you not read Rol's most recent post?

He's abandoning this thread. Most likely because of your Zombie Dog.

PDF said:
Is this the first time Rol doesn't have a Kim Possible avatar??? or has he gone none Kim before. It must be some kind of sign, I'm just not sure what.

If I remember right, Wonder Pink is voiced by the same voice actress as Kim Possible.

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

my greatest games: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024

10 years greatest game event!

bets: [peak year] [+], [1], [2], [3], [4]

All nintendo gamers seem to be eager to see if the big batch of games coming up for the Wii U will finally get it on its feet. They are also enjoying the 3DS massive success and who can blame them? The 3DS has some amazing games.

"Trick shot? The trick is NOT to get shot." - Lucian