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Forums - Sony Discussion - Can Naughty Dog change the industry twice in one generation?


Can Naughty Dog change the industry with TLoU?

Yes 197 61.18%
No 95 29.50%
See results 30 9.32%

I find the amount of people voting yes on this poll quite scary. Are your expectations really that high? For it to change the industry?

What happens if it falls short? You're setting yourselves up for disappointment. Fact is, most games that REALLY change the industry aren't the ones that people expect will do it, that effect usually comes out of left field.

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The only factor if it will have an impact on other games or not will be sales... that's all the industry cares about.

I think TLOU has a shot to be more favourable than UC3 and MGS4 for me which is really insane for me to even suggest. We'll see though. I think it comes down to the emotions I will feel.


Naughty Dog saved Playstation 3 with U2. It was the first must-have for this platform. Now they can prove beyond a reasonable doubt that their level is not available to others.

Wow...folks just CAN NOT get past UC2 it seems geez.....give it a rest already....

anyway on topic

I am not sure if TLoU will change the industry or not but from the VERY little I have seen and read about the game. It looks to be something SPECIAL indeed. I am trying not to get TOO much information on the game but it is EASILY my most hyped title for the the year followed by Beyond Two Souls. So CHANGE not o much but ONCE AGAIN ND will RAISE the bar IMO but time will tell....come on June hurry and get here!

The absence of evidence is NOT the evidence of absence...

PSN: StlUzumaki23

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Aldro said:

I think TLOU has a shot to be more favourable than UC3 and MGS4 for me which is really insane for me to even suggest. We'll see though. I think it comes down to the emotions I will feel.


I think it was on IGN where they said that they cared for characters and the environments really worked well in the game with only playing a little demo.  If ND made it that good then man I can't wait for this game even more.

TheBlackNaruto said:
Wow...folks just CAN NOT get past UC2 it seems geez.....give it a rest already....

anyway on topic

I am not sure if TLoU will change the industry or not but from the VERY little I have seen and read about the game. It looks to be something SPECIAL indeed. I am trying not to get TOO much information on the game but it is EASILY my most hyped title for the the year followed by Beyond Two Souls. So CHANGE not o much but ONCE AGAIN ND will RAISE the bar IMO but time will tell....come on June hurry and get here!

im trying to have a full media blackout on the game as well. i just watched the first three videos they put out. The original launch trailer. the one in the car and bills safe house. and that was it. and the only gameplay was the one at E3. i never read any story details or anything. its getting really hard now as there is info flying everywhere here, im thinking the week TLoU release ill request a ban on here to avoid all the info

ND didn't even change the industry once. To take this quote as an example:

"UC2 effected not only how games are played, but how they are made and how they are presented as well. its effect spread out in even more established franchises like Resident Evil and Tomb Raider. Whether you like UC2 or not, there is no denying that it did change the indusrty in a major way"

I just don't see it. How did it change how we play games? Are games made differently today? Sure, the Tomb Raider Reboot was heavily influenced by UC but was RE going all cinema and QTE on gamers because of UC2?


Lol uncharted 2 did not change the industry it is one of my favorite games though. If the last of us has the kind of A.I. I hope it does then maybe it can change the way developers go about doing certain things.

CGI-Quality said:

KungKras said:
ND didn't even change the industry once. To take this quote as an example:

Sure, the Tomb Raider Reboot was heavily influenced by UC but was RE going all cinema and QTE on gamers because of UC2?

Can you prove that it wasn't?

So video games are excempt from the null hypothesis nowadays?