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Forums - Sony Discussion - Can Naughty Dog change the industry twice in one generation?


Can Naughty Dog change the industry with TLoU?

Yes 197 61.18%
No 95 29.50%
See results 30 9.32%
green_sky said:
Proclus said:
In short: No

Having a influence on the direction of other games isn't the same as changing the industry.

Otherwise Halo changed the industry, Gears changed the industry etc etc...

They did. Halo paved the way for twin stick shooters on consoles. Gears had a mode called hoard mode. Now that is in every single game etc etc...

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green_sky said:
Proclus said:
In short: No

Having a influence on the direction of other games isn't the same as changing the industry.

Otherwise Halo changed the industry, Gears changed the industry etc etc...

They did. Halo paved the way for twin stick shooters on consoles. Gears had a mode called hoard mode. Now that is in every single game etc etc...

bananaking21 said:
Play4Fun said:

Making a good game equals 'changing' the industry now?

Warcraft changed the industry, Super mario 64 changed the industry, WiiSports changed the industry, CODMW changed the industry, Metal Gear Solid changed the industry, WOW changed the industry, Sims changed the industry, GTA 3 changed the industry, Doom changed the industry.

Uncharted had some influence this gen, but it goes no further than that.

when a game influences many, many franchises, some that were established long before the creation of the game and influences many other games that came out before it, its changing the indusrty. when a game makes technolgical breakthourgh's that developers them selfs just dreamed about doing that effected things as level desgin and centimcat set piece's its changing the industry. when a game raises the bar for every other game out there when it comes to pretty much every aspect of the game, whether its story telling, animation, graphics, character development, facial animation, story and much more. its changing the indusrty. deal with it

Name me these many, many franchises.

Play4Fun said:
bananaking21 said:
Play4Fun said:

Making a good game equals 'changing' the industry now?

Warcraft changed the industry, Super mario 64 changed the industry, WiiSports changed the industry, CODMW changed the industry, Metal Gear Solid changed the industry, WOW changed the industry, Sims changed the industry, GTA 3 changed the industry, Doom changed the industry.

Uncharted had some influence this gen, but it goes no further than that.

when a game influences many, many franchises, some that were established long before the creation of the game and influences many other games that came out before it, its changing the indusrty. when a game makes technolgical breakthourgh's that developers them selfs just dreamed about doing that effected things as level desgin and centimcat set piece's its changing the industry. when a game raises the bar for every other game out there when it comes to pretty much every aspect of the game, whether its story telling, animation, graphics, character development, facial animation, story and much more. its changing the indusrty. deal with it

Name me these many, many franchises.

tomb raider, assassin's creed, DOA5, resident evil, splinter cell, max payne, remember me, starwars 1313

bananaking21 said:
Metroid33slayer said:

What exactly did it change? You never said.

no need to qoute the OP

if you are really asked and not just trying to play down the thread or UC2 i did once write a rather long post explaining the achievments or influences of UC2 to jaywood, im sure i can dig it up if you want. but that isnt really want the thread is about

Well say influence then and even then that is stetching it. What quantifies as changing or influencing a multi billion dollar industry? The only thing i can think of is the latest tombraider has maybe a little more shooting, other than that it hasn't changed a thing. If Uncharted never existed then the industry would still be 99.99% the same as it is now full of shooters and rip off dlc.

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I personally didn't see uncharted 2 change the industry drastically. It's still a fantastic game, and in my top 3 games of the gen, but did it really change the gen? Sure it was a wonderful game, but did it really do anything revolutionary? I don't think it really did. TLOU looks like a fun game for sure, but as far as "changing the gen" I doubt it. It's another game with setpieces and third person shooting.

bananaking21 said:
Play4Fun said:
bananaking21 said:
Play4Fun said:

Making a good game equals 'changing' the industry now?

Warcraft changed the industry, Super mario 64 changed the industry, WiiSports changed the industry, CODMW changed the industry, Metal Gear Solid changed the industry, WOW changed the industry, Sims changed the industry, GTA 3 changed the industry, Doom changed the industry.

Uncharted had some influence this gen, but it goes no further than that.

when a game influences many, many franchises, some that were established long before the creation of the game and influences many other games that came out before it, its changing the indusrty. when a game makes technolgical breakthourgh's that developers them selfs just dreamed about doing that effected things as level desgin and centimcat set piece's its changing the industry. when a game raises the bar for every other game out there when it comes to pretty much every aspect of the game, whether its story telling, animation, graphics, character development, facial animation, story and much more. its changing the indusrty. deal with it

Name me these many, many franchises.

tomb raider, assassin's creed, DOA5, resident evil, splinter cell, max payne, remember me, starwars 1313

You picked out a list of games similar to uncharted and said it influenced them, you do not know that. Anyway you could flip it around and say uncharted has copied other games. For example it has the platforming of prince of persia, the combat of splinter cell and the puzzles of tomb raider it has done nothing we haven't seen before. All 3 uncharted games are solid 9 out of 10 games it is a consisantly brilliant franchise but stop with all the changed the industry BS it just sounds ridiculous. The only franchise that really influenced the industry this gen was Call of duty and you may not like it and i don't either but it is true.

bananaking21 said:
Play4Fun said:
bananaking21 said:
Play4Fun said:

Name me these many, many franchises.

tomb raider, assassin's creed, DOA5, resident evil, splinter cell, max payne, remember me, starwars 1313

Tomb Raider and 1313 out of that list.

So like I said, it has had some influence  but it didn't "change" the industry.

It's not unusual for  games to have a successful mechanic(s) adopted by other developers. Happens alot. Doesn't mean they've changed the industry.

I'd say COD and WiiSports are the games that had that kind of impact this gen.

KHlover said:
I'll reserve my final judgement for when the game is actually released. What we've seen so far...looks absolutely amazing (GOTY contender!), but not quite like it'd be able to "change the entire industry". It seems to take the best out of several genres (3rd person shooters, adventures ->deep story, etc.), but I doubt many games after it will attempt this, since this is a HUGE, once-per-generation project.

The wild card here is its multiplayer.  Uncharted 2 surprisded me with its great MP, and according to ND TLoU has the "Best MP ever."  This might be the survival competive game we have all been waiting for...

I think they can, I am very much looking forward 2 TLOU, it will be a pleasant change from the Flood of FPS shooters of late.


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