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Forums - Sony Discussion - Can Naughty Dog change the industry twice in one generation?


Can Naughty Dog change the industry with TLoU?

Yes 197 61.18%
No 95 29.50%
See results 30 9.32%

just watched the 45min gameplay that was on n4g

as much as i like sony and want tlou to succeed my expectations nothing to very little impressed me in those 2 vids lot of walking around and even cuts made to the vid when exploration got excessive. im still hyped for the game as its my genre and there hasnt been much good released for me this year and nothing over the summer months. went as far as reading the rumored spoilers for it, games like tlou is more about the story for me and going by the rumors im liking it

i liked uncharted df and was uber hyped prior to uc2 and 3s release even leading to one of vgc most successful predictions threads uc2>2m just in 09, but was let down from the change to cinematic gameplay vs DF's focus on shooting hordes of enemies in each location and the challenge presented playing through on crushing and even on just hard difficulties

uc2 it won many awards and you can defiantly see other games being influenced by it after its release its just isnt my style of gameplay its MP in my opinion was the most under rated and for me its viewed as the cod4 of tps with its simplicity, raw gun play, basic map designs and no bs overly done killstreaks and perks

people should also not forget that it wasnt really re4 and gears that started it but actually 99s winback and 03s killswitch re4 and gears/uncharted where titles that where more popular


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PScollector said:
I think they can, I am very much looking forward 2 TLOU, it will be a pleasant change from the Flood of FPS shooters of late.

Amen. I get so frustrated with black ops 2 I keep looking for alternatives. 

bananaking21 said:

On October 13, 2009 Sony and Naughty Dog released Uncharted 2, and to say Uncharted 2 had a big splash on the indusrty would be an understatement. Uncharted 2 literally changed the indusrty, it was praised for its wonderful looks, amazing characters, stunning set piece's and so much more. it was every gamers dream.


How does "wonderful looks" be considered changing the industry? Graphics have been improving since videogames started. It's not exactly a new concept.

How exactly did it change the industry?

bananaking21 said:
Carl2291 said:
I think "Change the Industry" is taking it a tad too far.

What they might do is take a genre back to where it should be though. Survival Horror.

Resident Evil abandoned it. Dead Space abandoned it.

If The Last of Us is successful enough at retail, then we could see the return of "Survival Horror" on consoles. Especially if the game matches/outsells Resident Evil 6, which has yet to pass 5 Million units. If Sony are smart with the marketing then we could see big numbers. Expect a bundle during the holiday and potentially a PS4 version of the game somewhere down the road.

but wouldnt that be changing the indusrty? if it can populerize the survival horror genre wouldnt it have made an effect on the industry? and thus changed it?

I am really trying to figure whether this is a troll post or if this a genuine topic. But let me humour you, and pretend that I find it reasonable and genuine:

In what way has Uncharted (1, 2, 3 etc) changed the industry? Uncharted is a fantastic game, but it is hardly groundbreaking or a game-changer. Nearly everything about it has existed previously in other games, and will exist subsequently in future games. But that doesn't mean that U2 or any other Uncharted game has 'changed the industry'.

Naughty Dog changed the industry once, but that was way back in time when they made Crash Bandicoot. Alongside Croc (and later Rayman 2), they were the only 3D platformers to come outside of the Sega/Nintendo platformer craze and succeed on a new console contender. So that was big stuff, as it opened the way to all the other 'new' 3D platformers of the time (think Spyro) which caused a short-term platformer revival alongside Mario 64. 

Now Uncharted on the other hand? It is merely a perfected Tomb Raider with more set-pieces. A brilliant game for sure, but it has had negligible influence in the industry. I mean, name one Uncharted clone or 'inspired' game that has come out since then that is not... Uncharted (or Tomb Raider).


Whether you like it or not, the industry last time around was revolutionized by 1st Person Shooters, Wii and motion controls, dance games and MMORPGs. And there is no indication that The Last of Us will have any other effect on the industry rather than being a fantastic game made by a great development studio that really knows their business.

spurgeonryan said:
I think that they will. Too bad their games do not sell what they deserve. If Mario can push out 20 million, then these great games should be able to. But instead the industry is flooded with CoD.

The Uncharted games have sold 18 million combined. I think that is a sales success for a new IP don't you think?

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spurgeonryan said:
maverick40 said:
spurgeonryan said:
I think that they will. Too bad their games do not sell what they deserve. If Mario can push out 20 million, then these great games should be able to. But instead the industry is flooded with CoD.

The Uncharted games have sold 18 million combined. I think that is a sales success for a new IP don't you think?

Just one mario game can sell well past 20 million.

I think Uncharted deserves much more than that. Especially the third one.

Yeah, and Chevys outsell Ferraris. 

Seems most of the argument here is the semantics of the phrase "changed the industry", where the staunchest detractors are pointing at only the most important games as their counter-examples.

I'd agree that UC2 changed the industry. The narrative style was extremely well done and will serve as inspiration for a long time.

Here is the problem. You have someone making a bold statement stating that UC(2) changed the industry, then when people don't agree with said statement or question how it changed the industry they are suddenly derailing the thread and get reported.

Personally I don't think UC set a standard in the industry like COD has, but TLOU could do that with the survival genre. Only time will tell.

No need to start threads you know will start arguments about a game that isn't out yet.

I didn't know they changed the industry in the first place lol


as for them doing it this time for the first time? maybe who knows

    R.I.P Mr Iwata :'(

spurgeonryan said:
maverick40 said:
spurgeonryan said:
I think that they will. Too bad their games do not sell what they deserve. If Mario can push out 20 million, then these great games should be able to. But instead the industry is flooded with CoD.

The Uncharted games have sold 18 million combined. I think that is a sales success for a new IP don't you think?

Just one mario game can sell well past 20 million.

I think Uncharted deserves much more than that. Especially the third one.

The two games are not comparable in the slightest. Yes uncharted deserves more than 18 million sales but it only has 3 main games released on one console. Mario however has been at the forefront of gaming for last 20 years so of course that is going to sell more. Give uncharted time, Uncharted 2 is one of the greatest games of all time so Naughty Dog know they are on to a winner. They just need to make sure they do not milk the franchise but ultimately that is up to Sony.