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Forums - Sony Discussion - Can Naughty Dog change the industry twice in one generation?


Can Naughty Dog change the industry with TLoU?

Yes 197 61.18%
No 95 29.50%
See results 30 9.32%
Andrespetmonkey said:
Capulous said:
I don't see how Uncharted (2) changed anything in the industry. As for The Last of Us, I will wait until after I play it to state my opinion.

Cinematic story-telling. Off the top of my head it's influence is clear in Far cry 3 or the latest Tomb Raider. I think people exaggerate or give it too much credit (cod is just as responsible), but it's definitely had an impact.

Why would anyone give Uncharted credit for cinematic storytelling when games have done this in the past before the uncharted series.  A game that came out before the uncharted series that had the cinematic storytelling using professional actors is heavenly sword by Ninja Theory.  Actually when you look at the uncharted series you see games that have taken the best concepts from previous work and made a polished product.  The games do not bring anything new but instead they bring together successful game design into a AAA polish game.

I see the last of us doing the same thing as the uncharted series.  ND will take successful game design within the survivor series polish those concepts and bring them all together into one game.  The game will not be known for innovation but it will be known for its high production value.

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Making a good game equals 'changing' the industry now?

Warcraft changed the industry, Super mario 64 changed the industry, WiiSports changed the industry, CODMW changed the industry, Metal Gear Solid changed the industry, WOW changed the industry, Sims changed the industry, GTA 3 changed the industry, Doom changed the industry.

Uncharted had some influence this gen, but it goes no further than that.

A french reviewer that tested the game said it was comparable to fragile dreams in a lot of ways. Now I'm scared it becomes one of these games that's really weel received by reviewers and niche gamers but not played by anyone ones like ... fragile dreams

Play4Fun said:

Making a good game equals 'changing' the industry now?

Warcraft changed the industry, Super mario 64 changed the industry, WiiSports changed the industry, CODMW changed the industry, Metal Gear Solid changed the industry, WOW changed the industry, Sims changed the industry, GTA 3 changed the industry, Doom changed the industry.

Uncharted had some influence this gen, but it goes no further than that.

Well, it's probably because of uncharted that we got a good reboot of tomb raider, so it's more than a little influence

Play4Fun said:

Making a good game equals 'changing' the industry now?

Warcraft changed the industry, Super mario 64 changed the industry, WiiSports changed the industry, CODMW changed the industry, Metal Gear Solid changed the industry, WOW changed the industry, Sims changed the industry, GTA 3 changed the industry, Doom changed the industry.

Uncharted had some influence this gen, but it goes no further than that.

when a game influences many, many franchises, some that were established long before the creation of the game and influences many other games that came out before it, its changing the indusrty. when a game makes technolgical breakthourgh's that developers them selfs just dreamed about doing that effected things as level desgin and centimcat set piece's its changing the industry. when a game raises the bar for every other game out there when it comes to pretty much every aspect of the game, whether its story telling, animation, graphics, character development, facial animation, story and much more. its changing the indusrty. deal with it

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In short: No

Having a influence on the direction of other games isn't the same as changing the industry.

Otherwise Halo changed the industry, Gears changed the industry etc etc...

OK, completely ignoring any other games...

I doubt TLoU will change anything. It would be nice if it could revive the survival aspect of games. Better than a game like Zombie U, etc. Problem is, when a game becomes too hard it is not well received. So if they can find a balance between really feeling like you need to survive, yet not so hard that it becomes frustrating (retrying 10x times multiple times throughout the game) then I have high hopes that TLoU can revitalize that genre.

Naughty Dog has found ways to reinvent the wheel for generations...

PS1 Era ND reinvented the Platformer. Mario was the game to beat in the genre. They took the basic concept and literally turned it 90 degrees. 3D platformers became the new thing. ND and Sony losing access to this game was probably one of the saddest points in gaming history.

PS3 Era ND did it again with U2. Cinimatic game play is nothing new, but the lengths of which they took it, and the methods used....glorious. Story telling has definitely gone up a notch since then, and "Cinematic Set Pieces" can be seen injected into just about every game now, which is something only popularized by ND. Mass Effect's opening level really comes to mind..

So can they do it again? I think so. Not exactly sure how but they are pretty crafty. The horror/survival genre is n dire need of a reboot so TLOU is super refreshing. There is much merit to why Naughty Dog is Sony's shining jewel.




Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)

KungKras said:
ND didn't even change the industry once. To take this quote as an example:

"UC2 effected not only how games are played, but how they are made and how they are presented as well. its effect spread out in even more established franchises like Resident Evil and Tomb Raider. Whether you like UC2 or not, there is no denying that it did change the indusrty in a major way"

I just don't see it. How did it change how we play games? Are games made differently today? Sure, the Tomb Raider Reboot was heavily influenced by UC but was RE going all cinema and QTE on gamers because of UC2?

Crash Bandicoot definitely was the catalyst for the 3D platformer.

Uncharted series created the "Cinimatic Set Piece" that we are seeing pop up in every game now a days. Its not a cutscene, its not a QTE. It is a merging of both where you have full control during a hectic and climactic moment within a game(that would have normally been replaced with one of the previously stated). Mass Effect, Halo4, Tomb Raider, Enslaved, etc all have been adapting to this new thing.




Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)

Proclus said:
In short: No

Having a influence on the direction of other games isn't the same as changing the industry.

Otherwise Halo changed the industry, Gears changed the industry etc etc...

They did. Halo paved the way for twin stick shooters on consoles. Gears had a mode called hoard mode. Now that is in every single game etc etc...