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Naughty Dog has found ways to reinvent the wheel for generations...

PS1 Era ND reinvented the Platformer. Mario was the game to beat in the genre. They took the basic concept and literally turned it 90 degrees. 3D platformers became the new thing. ND and Sony losing access to this game was probably one of the saddest points in gaming history.

PS3 Era ND did it again with U2. Cinimatic game play is nothing new, but the lengths of which they took it, and the methods used....glorious. Story telling has definitely gone up a notch since then, and "Cinematic Set Pieces" can be seen injected into just about every game now, which is something only popularized by ND. Mass Effect's opening level really comes to mind..

So can they do it again? I think so. Not exactly sure how but they are pretty crafty. The horror/survival genre is n dire need of a reboot so TLOU is super refreshing. There is much merit to why Naughty Dog is Sony's shining jewel.




Greatness Awaits

PSN:Forevercloud (looking for Soul Sacrifice Partners!!!)