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just watched the 45min gameplay that was on n4g

as much as i like sony and want tlou to succeed my expectations nothing to very little impressed me in those 2 vids lot of walking around and even cuts made to the vid when exploration got excessive. im still hyped for the game as its my genre and there hasnt been much good released for me this year and nothing over the summer months. went as far as reading the rumored spoilers for it, games like tlou is more about the story for me and going by the rumors im liking it

i liked uncharted df and was uber hyped prior to uc2 and 3s release even leading to one of vgc most successful predictions threads uc2>2m just in 09, but was let down from the change to cinematic gameplay vs DF's focus on shooting hordes of enemies in each location and the challenge presented playing through on crushing and even on just hard difficulties

uc2 it won many awards and you can defiantly see other games being influenced by it after its release its just isnt my style of gameplay its MP in my opinion was the most under rated and for me its viewed as the cod4 of tps with its simplicity, raw gun play, basic map designs and no bs overly done killstreaks and perks

people should also not forget that it wasnt really re4 and gears that started it but actually 99s winback and 03s killswitch re4 and gears/uncharted where titles that where more popular


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