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Forums - Sony Discussion - BREAKING NEWS: PS4 devkits 1.5GB RAM!!!! [UPDATE]

I think being we didn't see a concrete console everything we've been told is subject to change.

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HipHopGodd said:
I think being we didn't see a concrete console everything we've been told is subject to change.

Just because the console design isn't final doesn't mean the specs will change.

n-skyline said:
if Sony can change it last second then expect Microsoft to do the same

16 GB, I would like to know how much more they are going to do.

KingofRome said:
HipHopGodd said:
I think being we didn't see a concrete console everything we've been told is subject to change.

Just because the console design isn't final doesn't mean the specs will change.

Anyways E3 will be the real test for both hardwares( MS & Sony)

adriane23 said:
"BUt all that ramz is uzeless? No game will ever use all that in a million years!"

The general SONY hater comment.

Are making up stuff? I saw no one complaining that the RAM will stay unused.

3DS-FC: 4511-1768-7903 (Mii-Name: Mnementh), Nintendo-Network-ID: Mnementh, Switch: SW-7706-3819-9381 (Mnementh)

my greatest games: 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023

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superchunk said:

This fits my theory that this change in RAM is exactly why we didn't see a PS4 in the box yesterday. They are busily changing all the innards to address the new RAM chips and that of course will change the entire design of the rest of the system from cooling, power, and of course physical shape/form.



Only 4GB is reserved for games and the other 4GB is for all the other shit they mentioned. O_O

nope he said it was unified.

Research shows Video games  help make you smarter, so why am I an idiot

GameAnalyser said:
n-skyline said:
if Sony can change it last second then expect Microsoft to do the same

16 GB, I would like to know how much more they are going to do.

CoD will still use a Super Nintendo Engine and even 2398723 GB RAM wouldn't make that a good game.

Its good Sony is probably working with developers for developers but still has some cards left to surprise their best developer team.
This baby will be immense and they probably flashed everyone including Microsoft.

taus90 said:
But didnt dev kits already have 8 gigs, Sony only confirmed that even retail model will ship 8 gigs. before this going by the rumor everyone one even developers knew sony was pushing for 8gb in the final design.. i m pretty sure these developers are just exaggerating to hype things up

the things is most dev kits tend to have a lot more ram than the home system it enables them to play around with large amounts of  unoptimised data and refine it .

Research shows Video games  help make you smarter, so why am I an idiot

Aldro said:
The question is if MS even cares about the power. If they do: THey are in a position where they can do it.

Anyhow: Can you imagine how games will look in mid and late in this cycle? Holy fuck


Beginning in the cycle:

Late cycle:



Beginning in the cycle:

Late Cycle:


mjk45 said:
taus90 said:
But didnt dev kits already have 8 gigs, Sony only confirmed that even retail model will ship 8 gigs. before this going by the rumor everyone one even developers knew sony was pushing for 8gb in the final design.. i m pretty sure these developers are just exaggerating to hype things up

the things is most dev kits tend to have a lot more ram than the home system it enables them to play around with large amounts of  unoptimised data and refine it .

correct me if i am wrong. But PS3 and 360 dev kits have had 512 ram, which is similar to the final retail version.