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Forums - Nintendo Discussion - Does Mario need to be so kiddy?

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It's true. 42 36.52%
It's not so true. 71 61.74%

I cant tell whats worse: Graphics or Story whores. I dont understand the need for the cosmetics. I didnt even know ppl played Mario for story.

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NintendoPie said:

Did you like Super Mario Sunshine?

It had a story! Everythang got so yucky and messy in town and Mario happened to go there on his HoneyMoon with Peach, so instead of working he cleaned up town. Then we find out that the person behind it was Bowser Jr. and that Peach is his mother! That means that she did it with Bowser!


(But seriously, that was a good enough story for a Mario game and I quite liked it. It was... interesting.)

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BasilZero said:
Nintendo was never strong when it came to the storyline development of their games

Pandora's Tower, Disaster: Day of Crisis, Kid Icarus: Uprising, Fire Emblem, Metroid Prime? They are not weak in storyline-development, they didn't focused on it for Mario.

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AndrewWK said:
lets face it almost every game Nintedno makes is rather fo children rather then adults.

Really? Brain Age, Wii Fit, Fire Emblem, Pandoras Tower, Disaster: Day of Crisis - are these made for children?


AndrewWK said:
And children don´t care so much about story

Really? Adults that have not time for games with an epic story and prefer to play casual games like Angry birds or the like with no story at all? The only ones that have the time to loo for a storyline in a game are children and unemployed people.

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AndrewWK said:
lets face it almost every game Nintedno makes is rather fo children rather then adults. And children don´t care so much about story

Why are they kiddy? Because there's no blood in some of them, or a lot of them a colorful?

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Xxain said:
I cant tell whats worse: Graphics or Story whores. I dont understand the need for the cosmetics. I didnt even know ppl played Mario for story.

Whats worse are people who think that just because someone like me favors story, music and good graphics it paints me out to that guy who has something wrong with him. 


Since when did everyone else become so high and mighty and believe that their preferences are end all be all for gaming?

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Euphoria14 said:
Xxain said:
I cant tell whats worse: Graphics or Story whores. I dont understand the need for the cosmetics. I didnt even know ppl played Mario for story.

Whats worse are people who think that just because someone like me favors story, music and good graphics it paints me out to that guy who has something wrong with him. 


Since when did everyone else become so high and mighty and believe that their preferences are end all be all for gaming?

In this field. It does come off as strange. I think that if I was enlightened on the importance of them I would be more understanding. LIke NSMBW is a fun entertaining game to play. Now if story was automatically injected into it..what would change? Same with graphics..what happens?

I dunno Im 25 and I dont think mario is for kids. Its for everyone. I mean Simpsons or Sponge bob is also not only for kinds it might look like it is but its not. People should stop thinking about that anything with color or anything cute is for kids.

What is with the Gremlins? Cute yes for kids hell no the will kill you.

And IMHO Mario does not really need a story since its a platformer its some sort of a puzzler like Tetris or something but with the difference that in Mario the levels are the puzzles and you solve them by reaching the levels end.

It just needs your skill no real story. Thats also why its seperate levels with no real connection to another level. Its simply a collection of platformer levels. The story is a nice thing and its okay the way it is.

When mario turns into a real advernture game then we can demand a real story. As long as thats not the case its okay the way it is


the only thing about mario I dont like is that New Super Mario does not evolve at all i have the DS version and the Wii version became boring thats why I wont buy the 3ds version or WiiU version. Sure the 3ds version changed some stuff but for me this IP is dead and they need to convince me that im not going to buy the same game a third time. NSMB Is to much of the same and I also have enough of its music.. I want changes like SMB 1 2 and 3 every games was completely different in music design etc

wfz said:

Mario most definitely does not need to be kiddy. In fact, I would argue that the old 2D Mario games, as you stated, were completely not. These games were presented in such a way that left a lot of the storytelling up to the interpretation of the user (something Nintendo still does) AS WELL AS leaving the interpretation of much of the themes, character development, and other areas into the hands of the players. This really goes for the rest of old Nintendo as well. Everything was presented in a manner that all ages could enjoy without feeling the childish tones.

I believe part of the problem comes from the fact that as technology has advanced, developers can put more of THEIR OWN expression into the games. The more expression and themes that are thrown into a game, the less that is left up to the interpretation of the player. That's why people can enjoy and interpret the early Zelda and Mario games to their mind's happiness, but the new games have more detailed graphics, characters, and themes that are pushed in your face. Nintendo has to hit those themes just perfectly to appeal to the masses, or they have to design their games around a more interpretive way again.

I kind of felt they did that well with Majora's Mask. That game had such immense depth and so many ways to see the game depending on how deep you wanted to dive into it. I also feel like Super Mario 64 did this beautifully as well. My hardcore BAMF uncle who loved to drink, smoke, and surf loved playing SM64, and I as a 7 year old also loved playing it. It was fun and accessible in a manner that didn't push and force strong elements that felt age or demographic restrictive.


(Yes, most of this was copy/pasted from my wall post).

I also feel like something is forced nowadays. I don't feel the same freedom I had when I used to play Mario, I'm forced to swallow a kid pill everytime I play. I never have to swallow that pill when I watch Disney movies, or play great NES games.

I love this post.

JWeinCom said:
First off, what exactly is it that makes Mario kiddy? You didn't exactly define that in your post. You mention story, but story has changed very little in any Mario games.

Donkey Kong- Giant Gorilla has captured Pauline. Go save her.
Super Mario Bros.- Giant reptile has kidnapped Peach. Go save her.
Super Mario 64- Giant reptile has kidnapped Peach. Go Save her.
Super Mario Galaxy- Giant reptile has kidnapped Peach. Go save her.
NSMB Wii- Giant Reptile has captured Peach. Go save her.
Super Mario 3D Land- Giant Reptile has captured Peach. Go save her.

Of course, other Mario games have offered more story. In particular, the Mario RPG series has constantly offered very adult humor. Not adult in the sense of "I once knew a man from Nantucket", but adult in the sense of knowing in-jokes, self referential humor, and subtle jokes that would go over a child's head. Even Mario Galaxy had a somewhat somber story to it, if you spent the time in the library.

But as for the main story, it's changed very little. To be honest, the only change is in the subjective way which you described them. You say that Mario Bros "is the story of a plummer that needs to attack crabs and turtles and butterflies, with fireballs coming out of the wall to attack him." Well, Super Mario Sunshine is a story of a plumber crushing small animals underfoot, blasting enemies into walls with powerful streams of water, and RIPPING THE LIMBS OFF OF Squids who stand in his way. He does all of this in an effort to clear his name which has been besmirched by a shadowy imposter as part of a misguided quest to find his long lost mother.

You also mentioned color, but that seems unfair considering the differences in hardware. Naturally, the NES/Arcade systems of the time were limited in the amount of colors that could be easily replicated. Besides, I'm not sure what makes a color kiddy or not kiddy. Are bright primary colors only for children? Super Mario 64 has a whole level based on Rainbows and sunshine and is filled with color. I don't know what makes other games more kiddy in terms of their color palette.

As for why the mainline Mario series isn't a story with "real emotion" it's because that isn't what Nintendo wants it to be. Simple as that. Miyamoto in particular thrives on making games which are simple, accessible, and have great pick up and play value. Personally, this is what I'm looking for in a Mario game. Whether that's better or worse is subjective, but that's what Nintendo wants the mainline Mario series to be, and that's what it is. If you're looking for something different, you're probably looking to the wrong franchise.

Italics made me laugh :D

Okay, let me get more specific. Have you ever played Shadow of the Colossus?

There's a game with very little story, yet for some reason it had a GREAT untold story. There is so much you are thinking must have happened in that realm, yet little of the story is told. And like Mario, it doesn't need a story because you're going from Colossus to Colossus. However, like Sal gave in his example, in Journey (which I have yet to play), there is a great untold story, told with the dynamics of the characters, with the environmental objects and worlds you cross, told by the swaying music. It doesn't even need a story that the game conveys an emotion. (@Xxain, read that it'll answer your story whore question).

The last paragraph is one that troubles me the most and I'll tell you why. Mario is a character that represents the company as a whole. It's the icon of the company, and close enough to being the icon of the industry. Should a character with such a great reflection convey vaccuity? Or should he convey emotion? I believe emotion.

When Super Mario offers themes that are limited to children, it alienates the folks who are older who would also like to enjoy it. As such, many in this thread say it is the example of a game that is not age restrictive, but it is the exact opposite, it restricts to kids. On the flipside, nothing in Disney movies makes me, as an adult, and as a child in the past, want to shut it off. Rather, I want to stay and watch it.

That's the all-encompassing quality a Mario game should have, as the icon of Nintendo. Anything else would be selling it short, to make a pun. ;)