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mantlepiecek said:
lestatdark said:
mantlepiecek said:
lestatdark said:
mantlepiecek said:
lestatdark said:
NotStan said:
I never understood the gameplay estimates, DA:O was estimated to be at about 40+ hours gameplay, I finished it completely with all the side quests in 17, ME2 was estimated to be great amount too, I did it in about 21 on normal and 24 on insane(After alot of practice). I don't rush it either, I take my time with games, unless they're FPS.

You finished DA:O with all sidequests in 17 hours....? How. Is. That. Possible? o_O

My 100% save file, on Nightmare, hit the 100 hour mark just before I fought the Arch-Demon at the end. 

Yeah it took me 85 hours on nightmare as well....I think he played it on easy.

Even on Easy, I don't think it's close to being possible, if you try to do everything at all in the game. Heck, even with a team of Wynne, Morrigan and you as a Magic user, spamming Inferno, Blizzard and Tempest and Zevran with a good elemental resist equip doing backstabs left and right, there's little chance that it's possible to breeze through every battle in the game fast enough for that mark on Easy. 

If true, that's the fastest speed run I've heard for DA:O.

At easy all those things don't really matter. At least to me they didn't. At easy you didn't have friendly damage on consoles, now I am not sure if that's true for the PC version....

Also on easy it was seriously easy to kill enemies, one shot and dead easy. It was like a hack and slash game.

Still 17 hours meant he didn't really engage in any conversation or anything. He said he did side quests.....hard to believe that. Even I didn't do all the side quests. I did 90-95% of the side quests though.

No friendly damage on Easy is like god-mode >_> (Oh look at me, i'm in the middle of an elemental clash of doom and i'm all fine and dandy xD). 

I managed to do all the side-quests (first time and second, when I had all the DLCs installed), and they were a damn good lot. Plus some of them were pretty extensive and had some rough and long battles, even for medium difficulty (Flemeth i'm looking at you). 

I...just don't see it.

lol I skipped flemeth's mission. At that point I just had a little too much origins and decided to end the game....went straight to the ending. I did see flemeth all strong and powerful though LOL. Tried to finish that mission too but then decided against it.

Edit: I think they might have patched it up later on to remove friendly damage from easy setting.

Well on Nightmare it was one of the hardest fights in the entire game, especially if you did it early enough (by going to the Circle Tower as soon as Morrigan requests the Grimoire).

It was like fighting a High Dragon on steroids in a shitty amount of terrain in which you didn't really had a good position for your weaker members, even if Flemeth didn't move from her original position.

Current PC Build

CPU - i7 8700K 3.7 GHz (4.7 GHz turbo) 6 cores OC'd to 5.2 GHz with Watercooling (Hydro Series H110i) | MB - Gigabyte Z370 HD3P ATX | Gigabyte GTX 1080ti Gaming OC BLACK 11G (1657 MHz Boost Core / 11010 MHz Memory) | RAM - Corsair DIMM 32GB DDR4, 2400 MHz | PSU - Corsair CX650M (80+ Bronze) 650W | Audio - Asus Essence STX II 7.1 | Monitor - Samsung U28E590D 4K UHD, Freesync, 1 ms, 60 Hz, 28"

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lestatdark said:

Awesome, a game that has at least 40+ hours of content and you're making a general assumption based on a minute and a half clip.

I love how gamers have become this generation

By the way, they have already said that the gameplay on ME3 is closer to ME than ME2 if you play it on RPG mode and most gameplay previews so far have pointed out to that as well. Do we have any idea in what mode was that clip played? It could have been Action Mode for all we know, which is supposed to be the so called "bro-shooter" mode, like you so eloquentily put it.

What gamers have become this generation? You should be saying you're loving what BioWare have become this generation. Going from deep games like Baldur's Gate 2 to Mass Effect 2/Dragon Age 2. Simply pathetic.

The sheer fact that they needed to add in different "modes" shows what direction they want to/are taking. They want to make a TPS, they don't want to lose the fans they already have though. "Action Mode" basically makes the game a hand-holding TPS. "Story Mode" makes the game a piss easy run through where you have to decide what to say. "RPG Mode" in your "RPG" game makes the game an actual RPG, cool. If I play it, I might even have James Vega in my team. That cool, unique, non-generic space marine character in my team. Sounds like a blast. I wonder if this character will have a mummy/daddy issue.

Don't get pissy at me for not being impressed over this "trailer" for a videogame. It's a trailer. It's supposed to get you wanting to play the game. It did the opposite. It's exactly what I disliked about what they did in Mass Effect 2. If this is what they're gonna show me to get me to buy it, I'll pass until I see it pre-owned or in the bargain bin. That is if I haven't rented it instead.

PullusPardus said:

How can you be impressed about the last of us? they haven't shown any gameplay yet you are wetting your pants from it

stop making ND want to make a Zombie clone, STOP IT

Alright. I'll bite.

How can I be impressed with The Last of Us? I'm not impressed with the game at all. I'm impressed with the actual, yaknow, trailer and the things we can expect from the game due to that trailer. An actual trailer for the game. Gameplay? I'm pretty sure that I said I needed to see gameplay.

Yep... Yep I did.

Being excited about it? Why shouldn't I be? It's a new, horror IP from a developer who have never either raped a series I loved (twice) or actually made a bad game. As for zombies? Where did you see zombies? Is there a new trailer?!

On topic, I love NeoGAF.


I'm glad we all agree that Transformers had the best trailer.

Carl2291 said:
lestatdark said:

Awesome, a game that has at least 40+ hours of content and you're making a general assumption based on a minute and a half clip.

I love how gamers have become this generation

By the way, they have already said that the gameplay on ME3 is closer to ME than ME2 if you play it on RPG mode and most gameplay previews so far have pointed out to that as well. Do we have any idea in what mode was that clip played? It could have been Action Mode for all we know, which is supposed to be the so called "bro-shooter" mode, like you so eloquentily put it.

What gamers have become this generation? You should be saying you're loving what BioWare have become this generation. Going from deep games like Baldur's Gate 2 to Mass Effect 2/Dragon Age 2. Simply pathetic.


i'll never understand you carl,You are calling other people pathetic because they like "blockbuster" games, and then you are complaining that there are so many "blockbuster" type of games and say that Bioware used to be making "deep" games like Baldur's Gate , Yet you praise Uncharted to death, UNCHARTED!, the definition of a "Blockbuster" scripted games, and hate on the Elder Scrolls series the definition of a "Deep games"

i'll never understand you, you are either massively trolling or have some sort of split personality.

and i demand an explanation to this.

Khuutra said:
I'm glad we all agree that Transformers had the best trailer.

I'd put it third.

Hitman > The Last of Us > Transformers

Hitman though needs to be muted, with Ave Maria played in the background. Diablo is a close 4th.


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PullusPardus said:

i'll never understand you carl,You are calling other people pathetic because they like "blockbuster" games, and then you are complaining that there are so many "blockbuster" type of games and say that Bioware used to be making "deep" games like Baldur's Gate , Yet you praise Uncharted to death, UNCHARTED!, the definition of a "Blockbuster" scripted games, and hate on the Elder Scrolls series the definition of a "Deep games"

i'll never understand you, you are either massively trolling or have some sort of split personality.

and i demand an explanation to this.

I'm not hating on "Blockbuster" games. The majority of my game library is "blockbuster" games. Gears of War, Uncharted, Call of Duty... All stay true to what they are known to be. Stay true to what made me love those games.

What's pissing me off is how they changed it from the original. I'm gonna repost something I said Months ago.

"They went from great, sleek 70's Sci-Fi influenced armors and stuff straight into the 00's Space Marine Dudebro influenced stuff. James Vega is a prime example of this really. Oh, and Ashley new makeover is shit too. She has a skirt. For armor. In space. Yeah, a skirt. And High heels. Also given a nose job.

Mass Effect was a rare RPG gem. It had many flaws, but it was great. It had great characters and great gameplay. It had loot, it had plenty of equipment, it had a terrific art style, it had exploration... It was simply great.

Mass Effect 2 tried to be a Gears of War/Mass Effect hybrid.

Hopefully they keep to what they said with ME3, and make it more RPG again than TPS. ME2 was a great game"

Elder Scrolls 5 is in my top 3 games this Year. I love the game. I have the 360 version and I'm 40 Hours in. I'm not hating on the game at all, I'm just seeing it from more than one point of view. PS3 owners of the game are being shit on. There's no excuse for not fixing the problems there after a whole Month. They don't deserve GotY for this. They don't deserve Developer of the Year for this. The game is essentially unplayable for a number of people. An unplayable game, doesn't matter how many people it affects, shouldn't ever get Game of the Year.


i do agree about Mass Effect 2 , i did write something about it recently, i'll try and find it.


here , i wrote this on Kotaku, and surprise, everyone agreed excepted a user from VGchartz (seriously)


"i might be in the minority, but i found ME1's combat and general gameplay to be a lot better than 2's because 2's felt like a shooter, kill hordes of enemies till the timer runs out or until NPC opens a door or fix something. 

also the combat was very shooter based, there is ammo ? what happened to the overheated guns ? , i'm sure they explained it somewhere in the game but i forgot, another thing about the mission structure was that it felt again like a shooter, go on a mission kill everything and everyone then get a score screen for how many dudes you killed , it really killed the immersion that Mass Effect 1 felt like, in ME1 i felt like everything i did felt like i am the commander , and the enemies while less, were positioned so that more emphasis on tactics are needed , there wasn't a part of the game were they did the cheap "COVER ME WHILE I SLOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWLLY OPEN THIS DOOR" shooter cliche. and then you take cover and shoot dudes Gears Of War style, but what the heck i'm i blabbing about i'm sure most will disagree anyways. 

Carl2291 said:
lestatdark said:

Awesome, a game that has at least 40+ hours of content and you're making a general assumption based on a minute and a half clip.

I love how gamers have become this generation

By the way, they have already said that the gameplay on ME3 is closer to ME than ME2 if you play it on RPG mode and most gameplay previews so far have pointed out to that as well. Do we have any idea in what mode was that clip played? It could have been Action Mode for all we know, which is supposed to be the so called "bro-shooter" mode, like you so eloquentily put it.

What gamers have become this generation? You should be saying you're loving what BioWare have become this generation. Going from deep games like Baldur's Gate 2 to Mass Effect 2/Dragon Age 2. Simply pathetic.

The sheer fact that they needed to add in different "modes" shows what direction they want to/are taking. They want to make a TPS, they don't want to lose the fans they already have though. "Action Mode" basically makes the game a hand-holding TPS. "Story Mode" makes the game a piss easy run through where you have to decide what to say. "RPG Mode" in your "RPG" game makes the game an actual RPG, cool. If I play it, I might even have James Vega in my team. That cool, unique, non-generic space marine character in my team. Sounds like a blast. I wonder if this character will have a mummy/daddy issue.

Don't get pissy at me for not being impressed over this "trailer" for a videogame. It's a trailer. It's supposed to get you wanting to play the game. It did the opposite. It's exactly what I disliked about what they did in Mass Effect 2. If this is what they're gonna show me to get me to buy it, I'll pass until I see it pre-owned or in the bargain bin. That is if I haven't rented it instead.

Go on, fuel your hypocrite speech. Did I ever defend Bioware? I'm talking about ME3 here, not the entire catalog of Bioware this gen, which is a very different approach to your current reply. Your entire defense rests on the fact that they haven't built a game similar to Baldur's Gate? BS and you know it, DA:O was as close to Baldur's Gate as any game will ever get, you know it, true BG fans know it, so bring a better argument next time.

If Bioware is doing both modes to appease to a broader spectrum of fans, then what the hell is wrong with that? Oh I forgot, they have a duty to make the game YOU want, not the game that can be played by everyone. If a game has different approaches that both RPG fans and action fans enjoy, then how in the blazes is that a negative? The only issues I see here is in your own self engorged sense of ownership. 

Funny though, like Pullus pointed out, you go all lovey-dovey on a trailer for a game that shows squat of what it will actually do. Odd though, that's a common MO for you (and for a lot of members here too, when it comes to a particular console and developer). You're just falling in the line of the "It's made by ND, so it must be good".

And before you even dare to judge me again, know that to me ME is the superior game, by far, than ME2 and I shall not even dare to mention the abhorent BS that was DA2 in relation to DA:O. DA:O is one of my favourite games of this generation as well ME. I'm glad if Bioware manages to approach ME3 to what ME, but alas, unlike typical reactions, i'll wait until the final product is here and look into the majority of the previews (not one) to formulate my own thoughts, because you know what? That's the rational and logical thing to do, something a lot of gamers this generation have forgotten.

Current PC Build

CPU - i7 8700K 3.7 GHz (4.7 GHz turbo) 6 cores OC'd to 5.2 GHz with Watercooling (Hydro Series H110i) | MB - Gigabyte Z370 HD3P ATX | Gigabyte GTX 1080ti Gaming OC BLACK 11G (1657 MHz Boost Core / 11010 MHz Memory) | RAM - Corsair DIMM 32GB DDR4, 2400 MHz | PSU - Corsair CX650M (80+ Bronze) 650W | Audio - Asus Essence STX II 7.1 | Monitor - Samsung U28E590D 4K UHD, Freesync, 1 ms, 60 Hz, 28"

"Epic Games is developing Fortnite, an expansive original world that invites players to be creative, resourceful and collaborative by day and defend their prized fortress by night ... all utilizing the latest Unreal Engine technology."

I guess the trailer & the name pretty much gave that all away. :P

Does sound cool that you have the time to collect items during day time, and defend during night time though.

lestatdark said:

Go on, fuel your hypocrite speech. Did I ever defend Bioware? I'm talking about ME3 here, not the entire catalog of Bioware this gen, which is a very different approach to your current reply. Your entire defense rests on the fact that they haven't built a game similar to Baldur's Gate? BS and you know it, DA:O was as close to Baldur's Gate as any game will ever get, you know it, true BG fans know it, so bring a better argument next time.

If Bioware is doing both modes to appease to a broader spectrum of fans, then what the hell is wrong with that? Oh I forgot, they have a duty to make the game YOU want, not the game that can be played by everyone. If a game has different approaches that both RPG fans and action fans enjoy, then how in the blazes is that a negative? The only issues I see here is in your own self engorged sense of ownership. 

Funny though, like Pullus pointed out, you go all lovey-dovey on a trailer for a game that shows squat of what it will actually do. Odd though, that's a common MO for you (and for a lot of members here too, when it comes to a particular console and developer). You're just falling in the line of the "It's made by ND, so it must be good".

And before you even dare to judge me again, know that to me ME is the superior game, by far, than ME2 and I shall not even dare to mention the abhorent BS that was DA2 in relation to DA:O. DA:O is one of my favourite games of this generation as well ME. I'm glad if Bioware manages to approach ME3 to what ME, but alas, unlike typical reactions, i'll wait until the final product is here and look into the majority of the previews (not one) to formulate my own thoughts, because you know what? That's the rational and logical thing to do, something a lot of gamers this generation have forgotten.

Dragon Age Origins was the spiritual successor to Baldur's Gate, that was still nowhere near the same class as Baldur's Gate. You don't need to tell me anything about Origins. I've praised the game here more than enough since I played it. Actually... Where did I even say Dragon Age Origins wasn't that good? Where did I even mention it? I deliberately left out Dragon Age Origins and mentioned Dragon Age 2. Dragon Age is very much in the same tier as Mass Effect. A BioWare RPG that was fucked up (for me) due to BioWare wanting to expand to another market.

It pisses me off because it's obvious what they're focusing on. It's obvious where most of the time and effort is going. When you release a trailer for your RPG, you generally have something relating to an RPG in your gameplay trailer for an RPG game. Be it picking some loot up, interacting with your group, fighting an enemy, hinting at what gameplay there will be. The Mass Effect 3 trailer showed us Shepard, telling his team to stick to cover, then running and rolling towards a Reaper like it was nothing. Dodging laser beams and rolling away from whatever else was flying towards him. A typical generic space marine shouts "Holy Shit!". He runs up to a button, presses it. Wow. Basically running down a corridor to press A to Awesome. The awesome being a cutscene. That's telling me what the core gameplay will be for Mass Effect 3. It looks hugely similar to Mass Effect 2, only it's focusing more on Shepard being awesome then the team you worked so hard to get together, actually helping.

And looooooooooool, nice of you to play the Sony lover card there Typical. Read my post back to Pullus. Read through my post history to see my "love" for Sony 1st party this generation. Killzone has been mediocre (I don't own KZ3). God of War is far away from my fave Hack n Slash (Bayonetta says Hi). I've never played inFamous (And don't intend to). I've never played any Jak game. I own Uncharted 3, yet I still haven't played it. Don't try pull the "All hail Sony! All hail Naughty Dog!" card just because I liked that trailer (For reasons I already said) for that yet disliked this.

Infact, I must be sat wanking over Square Enix, right?! After all, Hitman was my fave trailer of the VGA's. Go check my thoughts on Square Enix, if you want.

And... Judging?! lol Before you try that... Take a look at your own posts. Also funny you called me a hypocrite - "I love how gamers have become this generation" ... "Odd though, that's a common MO for you (and for a lot of members here too, when it comes to a particular console and developer). You're just falling in the line of the "It's made by ND, so it must be good"" ... Yep. I'm judging alright. Pot. Kettle. Black.

AND! You're talking about giving the game a go? Just so you know - I will. I've always planned to. Another thing I've always planned on doing is not buying the thing. It's a rental. The problem with telling people to give the game a go before bitching - BioWare are doing all they can to entice gamers into it. That's the point of a trailer. It's an advertisement. A preview. A taster of what you can expect. If these videos don't entice you into the game or show things you simply don't like, then you're not going to WANT to give the game a go.