Carl2291 said:
What gamers have become this generation? You should be saying you're loving what BioWare have become this generation. Going from deep games like Baldur's Gate 2 to Mass Effect 2/Dragon Age 2. Simply pathetic.
i'll never understand you carl,You are calling other people pathetic because they like "blockbuster" games, and then you are complaining that there are so many "blockbuster" type of games and say that Bioware used to be making "deep" games like Baldur's Gate , Yet you praise Uncharted to death, UNCHARTED!, the definition of a "Blockbuster" scripted games, and hate on the Elder Scrolls series the definition of a "Deep games"
i'll never understand you, you are either massively trolling or have some sort of split personality.
and i demand an explanation to this.