PullusPardus said: i'll never understand you carl,You are calling other people pathetic because they like "blockbuster" games, and then you are complaining that there are so many "blockbuster" type of games and say that Bioware used to be making "deep" games like Baldur's Gate , Yet you praise Uncharted to death, UNCHARTED!, the definition of a "Blockbuster" scripted games, and hate on the Elder Scrolls series the definition of a "Deep games" i'll never understand you, you are either massively trolling or have some sort of split personality. and i demand an explanation to this. |
I'm not hating on "Blockbuster" games. The majority of my game library is "blockbuster" games. Gears of War, Uncharted, Call of Duty... All stay true to what they are known to be. Stay true to what made me love those games.
What's pissing me off is how they changed it from the original. I'm gonna repost something I said Months ago.
"They went from great, sleek 70's Sci-Fi influenced armors and stuff straight into the 00's Space Marine Dudebro influenced stuff. James Vega is a prime example of this really. Oh, and Ashley new makeover is shit too. She has a skirt. For armor. In space. Yeah, a skirt. And High heels. Also given a nose job.
Mass Effect was a rare RPG gem. It had many flaws, but it was great. It had great characters and great gameplay. It had loot, it had plenty of equipment, it had a terrific art style, it had exploration... It was simply great.
Mass Effect 2 tried to be a Gears of War/Mass Effect hybrid.
Hopefully they keep to what they said with ME3, and make it more RPG again than TPS. ME2 was a great game"
Elder Scrolls 5 is in my top 3 games this Year. I love the game. I have the 360 version and I'm 40 Hours in. I'm not hating on the game at all, I'm just seeing it from more than one point of view. PS3 owners of the game are being shit on. There's no excuse for not fixing the problems there after a whole Month. They don't deserve GotY for this. They don't deserve Developer of the Year for this. The game is essentially unplayable for a number of people. An unplayable game, doesn't matter how many people it affects, shouldn't ever get Game of the Year.