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Forums - Website Topics - GamrConnect 2.0 - Comments and Suggestions

Kantor said:

1) In Hot Topics, you can customise to see only the forums that you want, but I see what you mean: it's only one at a time.

2) Absolutely

3) Pffft, NeoGAF style. NeoGAF is a mess, because Sony threads, Microsoft threads and Nintendo threads are all mixed together, and then you throw sales discussion into that and it's chaotic.

4) I quite like seeing a little bit about the person when they post. It doesn't tell you their life story, just the sort of things they like to play. Badges aren't strictly necessary, admittedly, but I do like the post count, gamrRewards score and Now Playing. In fact, adding "Favourite Platform" (i.e. with the most games) to that would be great.

As for the empty space, that's because you have sigs disabled

How does that make it a mess?  The platform of a game is always listed in a thread's title, and it's not like there are too many threads to read through on a single page, even with sales threads added in, which they wouldn't be in my example. 

Plus, 95% of games are multiplatform.  It seems silly to dedicate whole boards to the 5% that aren't in addition to some other platform-specific discussion.  And you have confusion now where Sony/Microsoft/Apple related information that has absolutely nothing to do with gaming gets posted in the Sony/Microsoft/PC boards instead of off topic.  The Nintendo board thankfully remains pure, for obvious reasons.

But either way, I didn't say this would have to apply to everybody.  I simply would like, for my own convenience, some way to combine forums so that they are not as broken up as they are now, nor all tossed into one mega-forum.

And I have no real issue with a user's points and posts showing up, I suppose.  It's all the stuff below that that that gets me.

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S____M____C____C said:
Can I please get rid of the forum buddy?
It's so annoying (in my opinion).

I guess an option to disable it would be fine, but I love the forum buddy, so don't get rid of it entirely.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

Kantor said:
S____M____C____C said:
Can I please get rid of the forum buddy?
It's so annoying (in my opinion).

I guess an option to disable it would be fine, but I love the forum buddy, so don't get rid of it entirely.

I just want it to stay put lol

A one line post, for reference:

As you can see, for somebody with a reasonably-sized signature, even a one line post will bring the end of the post nearly in line with the bottom of the information box.

(Former) Lead Moderator and (Eternal) VGC Detective

2 much crap below profile picture

rest looks awesome though

 "I think people should define the word crap" - Kirby007

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Just realised I have the "Gaming Journalist" (For 100 Published Articles) and "Super Sleuth" (For 250 Articles) badges!



For now I'm really liking the gamrConnect 2.0 .

I wonder if this would be way to hard to do, but maybe: if someone says @Acevil in the forum, I get notification or something similar to a quote, that my name was said.


I can understand not having the NGP up yet, but why isn't the 3DS integrated in the site yet? On the frontpage, in the red section of the bar with all the platforms, why in the world is the 3DS not on there yet?

I have a suggestion about notifications. Can we make the Friend Request button turn red when there is a new friend request? Also in Game DB, if there are new submission, make the button turn red.


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