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Forums - Sports Discussion - Do you workout ?


Do you workout ?

Yes, almost every day 25 28.09%
Yes, quite often 31 34.83%
Barely 18 20.22%
No, don't want to 12 13.48%
No, can't afford it 3 3.37%

Since I didn't found a proper topic about it, I created this one .

Do you workout ? And if so, how often ? And if you don't, why not ?

I know VGChartz is mostly a gaming community, but I want to believe behind your screen there is someone else than this steretoype:

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As in go to the gym, be boring and run on the spot? No.

Did use to go bouldering however. Need to take it up again as currently, I don't do any sports. I only stopped as my climbing buddy started getting into his cycling instead, boring on my own. (I like things I can do against someone, squash, badminton and even climbing as it's a sense of competition if you can make it when they can't).

Hmm, pie.

Got to a point in my life where getting older and working in desk jobs, so I started running, and then got a bit addicted to running :D

Not particularly great at it, but the change has been significant in terms of half marathons that I have done. Just got an exercise bike so I dont end up trashing my legs with just running.

Making an indie game : Dead of Day!

Madword said:
Got to a point in my life where getting older and working in desk jobs, so I started running, and then got a bit addicted to running :D

How old are you ?

SKMBlake said:
Madword said:
Got to a point in my life where getting older and working in desk jobs, so I started running, and then got a bit addicted to running :D

How old are you ?

I'm at the age that I keep forgetting... haha - I am 45.

Making an indie game : Dead of Day!

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I cycle once a week on summer. Rest of the year I try to do some basic drills at home. I did gym for some time but I quit. It's no for me, .. boring.

God bless You.

My Total Sales prediction for PS4 by the end of 2021: 110m+

When PS4 will hit 100m consoles sold: Before Christmas 2019

There were three ravens sat on a tree / They were as blacke as they might be / The one of them said to his mate, Where shall we our breakfast take?

Madword said:
SKMBlake said:

How old are you ?

I'm at the age that I keep forgetting... haha - I am 45.

That's not that old :p

For the past three years I have began taking exercise more seriously. I was always an active kid that was involved in sports, so I never had to worry about my weight, and was just naturally skinny.

Nowadays, if I don't diet or exercise, I tend to hover around 215 or 220 pounds (I'm 6'1 or 6'2), which is a bit overweight. As of right now, I'm 185 pounds, and I try to go to the gym everyday, and I go swimming a few times a week, as weather permits. I spend 40 minutes on the treadmill with a 12 pound dumbbell in each hand, walking at a brisk 3.8 mph with a 6.0 incline. I also go on a walk with my wife and daughter a few times a week.

I tend to gain weight during the winter as I spend more time inside.

Actually, two years ago I had an unfortunate injury which occurred while at the gym. I must have pushed myself too far, and I ended up hurting my stomach while doing sit-ups. I went all winter without exercise. No joke, I was shitting blood. I never went to the doctor and it took several months to heal, and several more months before I felt comfortable exercising again.

Even if I physically could, I wouldn't. Boring and serves no purpose to me.

RaptorChrist said:
For the past three years I have began taking exercise more seriously. I was always an active kid that was involved in sports, so I never had to worry about my weight, and was just naturally skinny.

Nowadays, if I don't diet or exercise, I tend to hover around 215 or 220 pounds (I'm 6'1 or 6'2), which is a bit overweight. As of right now, I'm 185 pounds, and I try to go to the gym everyday, and I go swimming a few times a week, as weather permits. I spend 40 minutes on the treadmill with a 12 pound dumbbell in each hand, walking at a brisk 3.8 mph with a 6.0 incline. I also go on a walk with my wife and daughter a few times a week.

I tend to gain weight during the winter as I spend more time inside. Actually, two years ago I had an unfortunate injury which occurred while at the gym. I must have over-did it, and I ended up hurting my stomach while doing sit-ups. No joke, I was shitting blood.

If 220 pounds is overweight, I wonder what my 227 are :p