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Do you workout ?

Yes, almost every day 25 28.09%
Yes, quite often 31 34.83%
Barely 18 20.22%
No, don't want to 12 13.48%
No, can't afford it 3 3.37%

An easy 10 mile run or a 20 mile cycle early in the morning helps kick off my day. I feel revitalised and energised to start my day! I am only 160 pounds and 5'10 and not built for lifting weights. Walking, running, cycling or swimming, etc may interest you if you can not lift weights!

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I just follow this app which takes me 1 hour everyday. To keep me motivated I play splatoon during it. Like for example:
-15 burpees -> 1 match of Splaton -> 30Pushups -> Splatoon

Pocky Lover Boy! 

Not at the gym or anything like that, I find that completely useless. For example, every morning I pass by a gym on my way to work, two in fact, and there are a couple of people in there walking on a treadmill. Slowly. I really don’t get this. I mean, why not just walk to work?

Anyway I do walk a lot myself, from april to oktober around once a week, averaging about 20-25 kilometers. In autumn and winter it’s not really consistant due to weather and there’s less possibilities for where to go. My speed’s a bit over 6 per hour on average, faster when the walk’s shorter obviously. The main event each year is a well known 4-day walk here in the Netherlands which is 200 kilometers long. This was a bit over a month ago. About 46,000 people participate from all over the world, including about 6,000 military. Then finally every once in a while I do a long distance walk. Last time was two years ago but coincidentally I’m doing another one this weekend. It’s 80 kilometers in max 20 hours. These longer walks are all organised by foundations or walking-clubs, there would be no way I’d be able to bring enough food and water to last this long.

Nope, no motivation to do so. I work outside though, so i get plenty of exercise at work.

I take every opportunitiy during the day to walk, travel by bycicle and trains and don't own a car anymore. On the other hand I hate unneccessary sport sessions and I have already trouble to stay on a healthy weight level, since my metabolism is too strong.
Given the fact I live in Germany, owning no car and not drinking alcohol, I might be classified an alien. At least something unhuman.

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I work out every day, since outside of the video game industry, I’m a personal trainer and Sensei.  I definitely love to exercise and recommend it for everyone.

darkknightkryta said:
SKMBlake said:

Since I didn't found a proper topic about it, I created this one .

Do you workout ? And if so, how often ? And if you don't, why not ?

I know VGChartz is mostly a gaming community, but I want to believe behind your screen there is someone else than this steretoype:

There is one:

That's not exactly the same thing

i have a 30 minute run 4 days a week starting at 7 in the morning after that a 2 to 3 km swim. walk the dog play games till 6 or 7 in the evening and go to the gym for a quick sprint and hit the weights which takes up about 1,5 to 2 hours. i just find it very addicting to workout and be in a good physical shape.

S.Peelman said:
Not at the gym or anything like that, I find that completely useless. For example, every morning I pass by a gym on my way to work, two in fact, and there are a couple of people in there walking on a treadmill. Slowly. I really don’t get this. I mean, why not just walk to work?

Anyway I do walk a lot myself, from april to oktober around once a week, averaging about 20-25 kilometers. In autumn and winter it’s not really consistant due to weather and there’s less possibilities for where to go. My speed’s a bit over 6 per hour on average, faster when the walk’s shorter obviously. The main event each year is a well known 4-day walk here in the Netherlands which is 200 kilometers long. This was a bit over a month ago. About 46,000 people participate from all over the world, including about 6,000 military. Then finally every once in a while I do a long distance walk. Last time was two years ago but coincidentally I’m doing another one this weekend. It’s 80 kilometers in max 20 hours. These longer walks are all organised by foundations or walking-clubs, there would be no way I’d be able to bring enough food and water to last this long.

First of all, how is going to the gym " completely useless" ? I'm curious as to how you reached that conclusion. Secondly, a treadmill gives options like inclined movement, alternating speeds for metabolism stimulation, the ability to have water at hand for constant self-hydration, the ability to track how much you have walked/run and other variables, the opportunity to do this in an environment where getting sweaty and gasping for air is acceptable. How can "walking to work" replace all this? I'm baffled by how certain people think in this thread. Stop finding excuses.

Mordred11 said:
S.Peelman said:
Not at the gym or anything like that, I find that completely useless. For example, every morning I pass by a gym on my way to work, two in fact, and there are a couple of people in there walking on a treadmill. Slowly. I really don’t get this. I mean, why not just walk to work?

Anyway I do walk a lot myself, from april to oktober around once a week, averaging about 20-25 kilometers. In autumn and winter it’s not really consistant due to weather and there’s less possibilities for where to go. My speed’s a bit over 6 per hour on average, faster when the walk’s shorter obviously. The main event each year is a well known 4-day walk here in the Netherlands which is 200 kilometers long. This was a bit over a month ago. About 46,000 people participate from all over the world, including about 6,000 military. Then finally every once in a while I do a long distance walk. Last time was two years ago but coincidentally I’m doing another one this weekend. It’s 80 kilometers in max 20 hours. These longer walks are all organised by foundations or walking-clubs, there would be no way I’d be able to bring enough food and water to last this long.

First of all, how is going to the gym " completely useless" ? I'm curious as to how you reached that conclusion. Secondly, a treadmill gives options like inclined movement, alternating speeds for metabolism stimulation, the ability to have water at hand for constant self-hydration, the ability to track how much you have walked/run and other variables, the opportunity to do this in an environment where getting sweaty and gasping for air is acceptable. How can "walking to work" replace all this? I'm baffled by how certain people think in this thread. Stop finding excuses.

Excuses for what?