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All this s**t with the Slim replacement should be done in the PS3'09 way of Slim releasing ..
They announce it on August 18th, and they released it 2 weeks later on 1st of september.
Price cut asside, the FAT models had exactly 2 weeks on the market where they were the only models you can pick up, and there was no such problem as who will get them, because they just price cut them too, 299$ as of august 18th (most stores even throw one or two games for free or second dualshock even). So whoever didn't want to wait, or just liked the FAT model more (like me) picked up one, in the two weeks leading to September 1st (launch of the Slim).
There weren't any problems about stock neither in Japan, nor in US.
Is it so hard to do the same replacement now Sony ?
I am sure PS2 slim release was about the same thing. PS4 Slim as well.

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