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Forums - Sony Discussion - Naughty Dog : Uncharted would have been a different game without the PS3.

scottie said:
Graphics do not make a game, gameplay/plot/controls/everything that's actually important does

Uncharted would have been the same game on the 360, Wii, xbox, GC, PS2, DC, 64, PS1. It could even have been done on the SNES actually, it was certainly capable.

Graphics and artwork are a HUGE part of a game, im sorry if you have never experienced a game with breathtaking nostalgic visuals, that everytime you move your jaw just drops. Don't say graphics dont make a game.


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d21lewis said:
Finished Uncharted 2 last night. Great game. Very polished. Did everything right and yes, it has he best console graphics ever.

But games like Tomb Raider Underworld, Gears of War 2, Lost Planet 2, Prince of Persia, and Resident Evil 5 are in it's league in one regard or another. Uncharted 2 just did what they do individually, all at once.

Don't kid yourselves by thinking that it re-invented the wheel. Amazing graphics, effects, jumping puzzles, multi-player, no load times, and cinematics are more common than you think WITHOUT a mandatory hard drive. U2 wouldn't be that different on 360/PC.

We'll never know for sure so there's no point in argueing.



scottie said:
eggs2see said:
Yeah seriously scottie wth, your just arguing for the sake of it.

Are you telling me Call of Duty would have the same intensity on the snes? or that car racing games were as realistic on the snes?

And don't come back and say, "oh well i was only talking about uncharted 2" because you are clearly arguing that graphics arnt important at all, and that is completely false.


I've always felt that 'intensity' was a weird word to describe games. But the only 2 games I've played that I would describe as intense are F-zer GX for the gamecube and F-zero for the SNES


I never said that SNES games were  as realistic, all I said was that i do not care about realism


And no, I shant come back with that. I am not even arguing that graphics aren't of any importance, I am arguing (and i quote the very first thing I said in this thread)

"Graphics do not make a game, gameplay/plot/controls/everything that's actually important does"



Graphics CAN MAKE A GAME. If this wasn't the case then developers wouldn't put so much damn effort into it.

Yes the other things you mentioned are important but like most things in the the world the better something looks the better it's chance of success.

Let's forget what you think for a moment and look at the Facts.

ALL THE TOP SELLING EXCLUSIVE GAMES ON THE HD CONSOLES have one thing in common. Superior grahics.

All reviewers give games a graphics rating that impacts on the overall score. If it is not important why do they do this?


The humble wii. It proves that graphics "don't matter", but it is all relative.

Wii games that sell well are all of certain types. Wii Fit, Wii sports, Mario, Guitar Hero etc.,

Fun and party games.

I am still waiting for a big wii blockbuster not done by Nintendo and not matching the above.

An Uncharted2 or Halo type game, even a COD that sells 3million in less than a year.

They don't sell very well because they look shabby on the wii.

I love to play COD:WaW on the wii because of the controller but it looks sooo bad.

Wii with the biggest userbase (almost 50%) cannot outsell the HD consoles in a "realistic" multiplat game. - the very few that it actually gets. Guitar Hero??

FIFA 2010 is the perfect example. With so many wiis why do consumers get the HD versions. Graphics/power matters.

Because the wii does graphics so badly developers looking to make realistic looking games avoid it like the plague.

If you like cartoon type games then the wii is the best choice because grahics don't matter.

But for those looking for realistic looking games graphics do matter. The sales prove this.

GOTY voting is based a lot graphics. Even SMG got nominated - or won some awards. It is graphically very good for the wii.

So to sum up, graphics may not matter to you and that's all good. In the majority of the console gaming world from developers to reviewers to a lot of consumers, it does matter.




@ GameAnalyser - Ahh, I see what you mean. As I've said, the SNES has 3d games that run at a good framerate without any cut in or other problems. The only things Uncharted has the the Snes cannot match are graphics quality and sound quality. The length of the game, amount of dialogue etc is no problem, compared to many games on the SNES

leo-j graphics are important to you, not me. I have played PC versions of Cod4, Cod5, Crysis all on maximum settings, as well as MGS4 on the PS3 so no need to feel sorry for me. Graphics don't make a game

scottie said:
@ GameAnalyser - Ahh, I see what you mean. As I've said, the SNES has 3d games that run at a good framerate without any cut in or other problems. The only things Uncharted has the the Snes cannot match are graphics quality and sound quality. The length of the game, amount of dialogue etc is no problem, compared to many games on the SNES

leo-j graphics are important to you, not me. I have played PC versions of Cod4, Cod5, Crysis all on maximum settings, as well as MGS4 on the PS3 so no need to feel sorry for me. Graphics don't make a game

They don't make a game, but they help it along very nicely.


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...I actually think his POINT in that interview is that it has much more to do with the quality of the developers, than the hardware.

Isn't that right?

I don't need your console war.
It feeds the rich while it buries the poor.
You're power hungry, spinnin' stories, and bein' graphics whores.
I don't need your console war.



“We’re fortunate that we get to work on a system that has a hard drive and uses blu-ray for storage. Without these things, Uncharted 2 would have been a very different game. What we were able to do with the Cell processor allowed us to achieve a density of polygons and a fidelity to our effects that would simply not be possible without it."

While I do agree that the quality of the development is paramount to any game. I think the dev is implying here that it would be different in that they would have had to take into account limited DVD space and not every system having a HDD.

Without those consideration they were able to make the fantastic game that it is.

kowenicki said:

yes.. different... perhaps loading screens maybe...

not worse, not better... different.

We don't know if it would be better or not.

All we know is, it would be "different". That could be a good different or a bad different.

I don't see why people have been arguing in this thread though, tbh.



Explain to me the controller layout for the SNES version of Uncharted 2 using a 3d graphics engine.

Right now I am trying to figure out how I can;

Left anologue stick - Walk / Switch shoulders
Right anologue stick - Look / Aim
L2 - Aim gernade arch / throw gernade
R2 - Reload

Stop hate, let others live the life they were given. Everyone has their problems, and no one should have to feel ashamed for the way they were born. Be proud of who you are, encourage others to be proud of themselves. Learn, research, absorb everything around you. Nothing is meaningless, a purpose is placed on everything no matter how you perceive it. Discover how to love, and share that love with everything that you encounter. Help make existence a beautiful thing.

Kevyn B Grams


They took advantage of the PS3's strengths. I don't see how anyone would be offended by this. Most likely yes the game would need to be downgraded if it got ported to 360. It was specifically built around the PS3. That's not saying the 360 is weak by any means, but it's different, they aren't "twins" as we have come to believe.

Let's wait for a game like Halo reach or something then we'll be able to see what the 360 can do with a game built for 360 from the ground up.