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scottie said:
eggs2see said:
Yeah seriously scottie wth, your just arguing for the sake of it.

Are you telling me Call of Duty would have the same intensity on the snes? or that car racing games were as realistic on the snes?

And don't come back and say, "oh well i was only talking about uncharted 2" because you are clearly arguing that graphics arnt important at all, and that is completely false.


I've always felt that 'intensity' was a weird word to describe games. But the only 2 games I've played that I would describe as intense are F-zer GX for the gamecube and F-zero for the SNES


I never said that SNES games were  as realistic, all I said was that i do not care about realism


And no, I shant come back with that. I am not even arguing that graphics aren't of any importance, I am arguing (and i quote the very first thing I said in this thread)

"Graphics do not make a game, gameplay/plot/controls/everything that's actually important does"



Graphics CAN MAKE A GAME. If this wasn't the case then developers wouldn't put so much damn effort into it.

Yes the other things you mentioned are important but like most things in the the world the better something looks the better it's chance of success.

Let's forget what you think for a moment and look at the Facts.

ALL THE TOP SELLING EXCLUSIVE GAMES ON THE HD CONSOLES have one thing in common. Superior grahics.

All reviewers give games a graphics rating that impacts on the overall score. If it is not important why do they do this?


The humble wii. It proves that graphics "don't matter", but it is all relative.

Wii games that sell well are all of certain types. Wii Fit, Wii sports, Mario, Guitar Hero etc.,

Fun and party games.

I am still waiting for a big wii blockbuster not done by Nintendo and not matching the above.

An Uncharted2 or Halo type game, even a COD that sells 3million in less than a year.

They don't sell very well because they look shabby on the wii.

I love to play COD:WaW on the wii because of the controller but it looks sooo bad.

Wii with the biggest userbase (almost 50%) cannot outsell the HD consoles in a "realistic" multiplat game. - the very few that it actually gets. Guitar Hero??

FIFA 2010 is the perfect example. With so many wiis why do consumers get the HD versions. Graphics/power matters.

Because the wii does graphics so badly developers looking to make realistic looking games avoid it like the plague.

If you like cartoon type games then the wii is the best choice because grahics don't matter.

But for those looking for realistic looking games graphics do matter. The sales prove this.

GOTY voting is based a lot graphics. Even SMG got nominated - or won some awards. It is graphically very good for the wii.

So to sum up, graphics may not matter to you and that's all good. In the majority of the console gaming world from developers to reviewers to a lot of consumers, it does matter.